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Pokémon Community Thread: Gotta Catch 'Em All!


I don't see why each game's legendary Pokemon has to better than the last.
I preferred it when the legendary Pokemon were just unique or really rare Pokemon like Lugia, Ho-Oh and their trios instead of OH HEY THIS POKEMON CREATED THE SEA THIS ONE RULES TIME AND THIS ONE IS GOD.

See? all the ideas got shitty starting with gen 3.


Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
If you think about it though, outside of the main three (Rayquaza, Kyogre, and Groudon), none of the 3rd Gen Legendaries were God-like...and even those three weren't shown to be notably omniscient, but rather animal-like and controlled by humans. Movie 7 basically revolved around Rayquaza not being an all-knowing sky god, but an asshole who freaks out at Deoxys invading its territory and spends the whole movie trying to kill it.

Latios and Latias don't really have any legend attached to them, outside of Movie 5 where they protected a town from monsters, and are just super-rare Pokemon basically.

The Regis are all implied to be man-made, so they're basically an ancient version of Mewtwo.

Jirachi is the most "God-like" of them, but he's basically just an embodiment of the tanabata festival and a genie.

Deoxys is an alien, and it's implied, on his home planet, he's probably just a common Pokemon.

I actually think the 3rd Generation Legendaries were rather tame, and weren't God-like at all really...none of them seem to outdo Mew, or, hell, even Ho-Oh. Gen 4 is when we started the Legendary Arms Race.


Ok, so watching the Indigo League episodes.

James, Misty, and Nurse Joy are fine, but everyone else sound so horrible.
Why in the world do people like these performances.
Ash's voice makes me wanna die.


Is this where I talk about how excited I am for the upcoming Pokemon x Nobunaga, and how cool it is that Mewtwo and Articuno are gonna be in that? Because that game looks so cool.
Ok, so watching the Indigo League episodes.

James, Misty, and Nurse Joy are fine, but everyone else sound so horrible.
Why in the world do people like these performances.
Ash's voice makes me wanna die.
But what about Brock? His voice was the best!
Is this where I talk about how excited I am for the upcoming Pokemon x Nobunaga, and how cool it is that Mewtwo and Articuno are gonna be in that? Because that game looks so cool.
I think it looks pretty cool, just wish it was for the 3DS instead. *shrug
Is this where I talk about how excited I am for the upcoming Pokemon x Nobunaga, and how cool it is that Mewtwo and Articuno are gonna be in that? Because that game looks so cool.

Well we are more main game in here but yea this is the place. I'd be interested in a Pokemon SRPG but man ds.....

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
anime pokemon lore does not really mesh with game pokemon lore. some pokemon have completely different origins, like deoxys.

That's true, but either way in the games none of the 3rd Gen Pokemon outside of the Legendary Trio are implied to be God level.



These are all great/good Pokemon/designs. Gen 4 was incredibly designed.


removed the good ones that were in the list
Gen 4 was the worst period.
Ugly characters, worst generation of new Pokémon, boring cities, worst villains in the series... seriously i can't see why people attack the great 3rd gen when you have the 4th that is... just boring and uninspired.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
How can someone not like Yanmega?

It's a giant dragonfly that destroys people's organs through flapping its wings. :(

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
No love for Gible, Shinx, Ambipom, Chatot or most importantly...Monferno?

Nah, I think the ones he left in that picture are the ones he doesn't like...

worst villains in the series.
I kind of liked Galaxy...I liked the setup they had where only Cyrus knew what the real goal was (one that was crazy and insane, like a good cult leader...although his goals were possible being in a video-game), while all the grunts were repeatedly categorized as being cult members who joined the group due to feeling like outcasts/wanting excitement. Pretty much all the grunts you talk to basically reinforce this since they're all goofy idiots with some pretty funny lines, and I think at one point a grunt literally goes "Team Galaxy's plan? Well...I don't know!".

Team Plasma kind of did this as well, since only N seemed actually interested in helping Pokemon (although the Sages do hint that Ghetsis isn't as bad as he seems), but I thought Galaxy did it better.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Team Galactic had great comic relief and the best battle theme.

They were also fairly threatening too since they used bombs and threatened to blow up an entire town, perhaps even more so than Team Rocket since they were crazy and chaotic as opposed to an organized criminal organization.

I also liked how we had named, individual admins with their own signature Pokemon and character. I remember when Mars was first revealed I was hoping we'd have an Admin for each planet, with them serving as "evil" Gym Leader-level bosses.


Gen 5 had a couple of really good ones too actually. Love the look of Reuniclus, Terrakion, and Volcarona especially but most of them are good. Favourite since Generation 1 or maybe Generation 2. Definitely above 3 and 4.
I think Plasma could have been really great if we'd battled the sages.

Even so, they are on a whole different level to the rest of the teams. Plasma was the only team which you sense had a lot of thought put into it. I liked the way they were seeded throughout the whole game, rather than arbitrarily disbanding 3/4 of the way through.

I liked the Plasma grunt in the castle who was having a crisis of confidence over having become attached to his Patrat.

Also, Ghetsis was a total dick.


How can someone not like Yanmega?

It's a giant dragonfly that destroys people's organs through flapping its wings. :(

Honestly one of my least liked pokemon. Just feels off to me, like a random monster I should be grinding for experience than anything else. Not a terrible design, it just never clicked right with me.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Team Plasma would work better if the way these games play didn't directly go against their stated goal.

"We're going to liberate Pokemon... by fighting Pokemon battles."

OMG Aero

Team Plasma would work better if the way these games play didn't directly go against their stated goal.

"We're going to liberate Pokemon... by fighting Pokemon battles."
Also it would have been better if someone acknowledged that Team Plasma might have had a point but were just going about it the wrong way.
As soon as Ghetsis's plan is revealed no-one talks about Pokemon being free any more.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I dunno, I didn't have a problem with Team Plasma using Pokemon...a necessary evil, basically, to reach their ultimate goal. I just assumed that they'd release them once their goal was accomplished. Plus they probably thought that they were using Pokemon in a legit way compared to average trainers who use them for sport.

My favorite Team Plasma moment was the ex-member you run into who states that the reason he left Team Plasma was not because they're wrong, per-say, but rather because he was tired of everyone thinking and acting the same way and viewing the world in black and white. A nice connection to the titles.

I think Plasma could have been really great if we'd battled the sages.
That's one upgrade I wanna see in Gray...and since each Sage already has a color name, as well as a TM responding to a certain stat-raising move, they already have a theme to base their signature Pokemon on.

Also, Ghetsis was a total dick.
I dunno...I like how he's fleshed out through the Sages. Basically, they mention how he did seem to have selfish goals, but how they looked up to him and still don't believe he betrayed them. And then you have the Shadow Triad at the end stay loyal to him. I find him far more interesting than N due to that, and really hope we see more of him.


Team Plasma would work better if the way these games play didn't directly go against their stated goal.

"We're going to liberate Pokemon... by fighting Pokemon battles."

that's the point, really. ghetsis didn't give a shit about pokemon, the only one who truly did was n. and n was a pawn, used by ghetsis, who wanted power.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Oh, I also think/hope Darach (the butler who was in the Battle Frontier in Platinum with Caitlin) shows up in Gray.

Back when Nintendo Dream was doing all those interviews with Masuda and them about inspirations behind the Pokemon and characters, he mentioned that Darach was "closer to Caitlin than it seems", hinting that he might appear in the 3rd version.

Beyond that, and this is something I'm kind of proud of as a "pet theory", there's actually perhaps a hint in B/W that he's been through Unova. There's a bike gang you fight on Fridays on Tubeline Bridge, which is right near the E4, who change their name to whichever Pokemon of yours beats them, proceeded by "Black". So, if you beat them with Emboar, they become the "Black Emboar".

The interesting part is that when you first battle them they are inexplicably called the "Black Empoleon", despite that Pokemon not being native to Unova. But then you remember that Darach's design and signature Pokemon is Empoleon, and you realize that, on his way to see Caitlin, he defeated them with his Empoleon forcing them to change their name.

I hope Gamefreak makes this theory into reality. :/


I never post in this thread...


So much so that people mentioned in the prior page about MonHunGAF overlap with PokeGAF even though I was one of the gaffers that teamed up with Boney a lot.



I dunno...I like how he's fleshed out through the Sages. Basically, they mention how he did seem to have selfish goals, but how they looked up to him and still don't believe he betrayed them. And then you have the Shadow Triad at the end stay loyal to him. I find him far more interesting than N due to that, and really hope we see more of him.

I was so disappointed that we never got to battle against the sages and the triad.
Also, yes... the premise of Team Plasma plan was unbelievable silly/ridiculous.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
You pokefans and your crazy spec. :p

Special seems to be implying it too, since each one of the Shadow Triad have a mask that corresponds to the face of one of the elemental monkeys and are shown to train Grass, Fire, and Water Pokemon respectively.

Sure, Special isn't official and goes off on its own a lot (see evil Gym Leaders), but it was right (or, had inside info) when it came to Silver being Giovanni's son.

I doubt it myself personally, and also quite frankly it'd be a bit dumb to have the Gym Leader trio turn out evil.


There really needs to be a game based of Pokémon Special. But I guess considering how that works, it would probably need to be an action game or something. Normal Pokémon mechanics would just make it a remake of Red.
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