I'd rather have the original Red and Green version. Those sprites were deliciously disgusting.
not to mention RBYG > GSC
I can't really play black and white games(nopokepunsallowed) anymore personally.
I'd rather have the original Red and Green version. Those sprites were deliciously disgusting.
not to mention RBYG > GSC
I'm fairly certain you don't add in innovations out of obligation—rather, you make games out of obligation, which is what has trapped Game Freak ever since they released the original and it caught on. But, while I do think that the advantages of GSC bring it above RBG for the most part, I can see what you're getting at. Johto itself feels spare and rushed due to the limited amount of time and resources GF had to make the game (and the same goes for the abandoned Kanto). And the story design and overall structure of RBG feels a lot more profoundly-coordinated than anything I saw in GSC (Blue's loss of innocence being a key element in that, also cooperating with a clearly-defined audiovisual focus).I thought RBYG was a more balanced experience overall than GSC. GSC had a lot of forward thinking ideas such as the Pokegear, Apricorns, Time of Day events and breeding. Some of them weren't implemented very well and felt they put it in out of obligation. These ideas are refined and are actually well thought out in later generations rather than feeling like they were shoehorned in half-heartedly. For example, Time of Day events such as the Bug-Catching contest and the Week Siblings seemed just like the developers trying to pad the game out for more game time. Apricorns seemed pretty useless, as its only function was for creating circumstantial Pokeballs. I far prefer the berry system's implementation of being used as items as well as being Pokeblocks. I felt GSC did Pokegear and breeding very well though. RBYG didn't have as many innovations persay, but I didn't feel like any part of it was underdeveloped or cheap.
In terms of story events, I regard GSC as being quite well structured, although some of it is out of RBYG's book. For example, when you beat the last gym, you return to the home town before heading of to E4 felt like a moment of great game design in GSC but RBYG did the exact same thing. The whole return to Kanto in GSC was fun (although the gyms were way too underleveled) but some of it just felt lazy and uninspiring. For example, Cinnabar City becoming just a rock and a half felt like the developer's gave up. Viridian Forest, the closed Safari Zone and Celadon City are victims of this as well.
Ultimately, this is just my opinion and I just don't like it when people try to justify GSC as being heaps better than RBG, just because of nostalgia and returning to Kanto again. Some of it may sound like bitching about minor points or anything that doesn't agree with me but this is just what I think when I compare Gen 1 to Gen 2. I enjoy Gen 2 a lot but just not as much as Gen 1.
This potential early release means I'll have to speed up my Pokemon series playthrough. >.<
Finish Emerald -> Transfer FireRed Pokemon to Emerald -> Win all Gold Symbols in Emerald's BF -> Finish Platinum -> Transfer Emerald/FireRed/Platinum Pokemon to HeartGold -> Win all Gold Symbols in HG's Battle Frontier -> Transfer all Emerald/FireRed/Plat/HG Pokemon to White -> ??? -> PROFIT
emerald battle frontier has waaaay too much hax to get silver symbols.....heck even gold symbols
I thought RBYG was a more balanced experience overall than GSC. GSC had a lot of forward thinking ideas such as the Pokegear, Apricorns, Time of Day events and breeding. Some of them weren't implemented very well and felt they put it in out of obligation. These ideas are refined and are actually well thought out in later generations rather than feeling like they were shoehorned in half-heartedly. For example, Time of Day events such as the Bug-Catching contest and the Week Siblings seemed just like the developers trying to pad the game out for more game time. Apricorns seemed pretty useless, as its only function was for creating circumstantial Pokeballs. I far prefer the berry system's implementation of being used as items as well as being Pokeblocks. I felt GSC did Pokegear and breeding very well though. RBYG didn't have as many innovations persay, but I didn't feel like any part of it was underdeveloped or cheap.
In terms of story events, I regard GSC as being quite well structured, although some of it is out of RBYG's book. For example, when you beat the last gym, you return to the home town before heading of to E4 felt like a moment of great game design in GSC but RBYG did the exact same thing. The whole return to Kanto in GSC was fun (although the gyms were way too underleveled) but some of it just felt lazy and uninspiring. For example, Cinnabar City becoming just a rock and a half felt like the developer's gave up. Viridian Forest, the closed Safari Zone and Celadon City are victims of this as well.
Ultimately, this is just my opinion and I just don't like it when people try to justify GSC as being heaps better than RBG, just because of nostalgia and returning to Kanto again. Some of it may sound like bitching about minor points or anything that doesn't agree with me but this is just what I think when I compare Gen 1 to Gen 2. I enjoy Gen 2 a lot but just not as much as Gen 1.
I can't really play black and white games(nopokepunsallowed) anymore personally.
I'm fairly certain you don't add in innovations out of obligationrather, you make games out of obligation, which is what has trapped Game Freak ever since they released the original and it caught on. But, while I do think that the advantages of GSC bring it above RBG for the most part, I can see what you're getting at. Johto itself feels spare and rushed due to the limited amount of time and resources GF had to make the game (and the same goes for the abandoned Kanto). And the story design and overall structure of RBG feels a lot more profoundly-coordinated than anything I saw in GSC (Blue's loss of innocence being a key element in that, also cooperating with a clearly-defined audiovisual focus).
Nevertheless, HG/SS was the superior remake.
The things that annoyed me most was that they nerfed my two favourite Pokemon - Venusaur and Gyarados. Still, I like GSC a lot.
This potential early release means I'll have to speed up my Pokemon series playthrough. >.<
Finish Emerald -> Transfer FireRed Pokemon to Emerald -> Win all Gold Symbols in Emerald's BF -> Finish Platinum -> Transfer Emerald/FireRed/Platinum Pokemon to HeartGold -> Win all Gold Symbols in HG's Battle Frontier -> Transfer all Emerald/FireRed/Plat/HG Pokemon to White -> ??? -> PROFIT
Just finished reviewing the original Pokemon soundtrack. It's hard to think of things to talk about for a score as simplistic as the original's, but there are some interesting things I put in the review referring to how well the soundtrack complements the plot structure and the game design.
My theory about Junichi Masuda goes like this: great at diversifying and offering a variety of interesting contexts, but never a truly great standalone composer and arranger, at least on the level of Go Ichinose, who does everything Junichi does but better. Junichi's battle themes, of course, keep gtting better and better, and that's never going to change. Go is also always improving, but he did considerably less work on B/W than the new guy, Shota Kageyama (who, might I add, is a lot like Junichi in every way, though even less remarkable since he does a little bit of everything, without as much polish and interesting ideas in his pieces).
Wow. I'm big on this, aren't I?
is there a good resource for who composes each track?
I just realized I missed a lot of Dream World promotions [including my Espeon]
There is no chance for some of them to be available again, right?
Just played few random WiFi matches.
Fuck rain dance teams.
Gyrados. Blissey. Tyranitar. Ferroseed. Us Rain Dance users hate all of them.
Gyrados. Blissey. Tyranitar. Ferroseed. Us Rain Dance users hate all of them.
I missed my Leafeon but only because that site was so stupid...
I played the game, it said I got it, but then I never got it.
Man I should really learn to Pokémon and make a team.
But then I get frustrated and start hacking them and then I get mad and stop.
Gen 4 i ev'd and breed and I actually kinda liked it , but never got interested in the whole ivs stuff. I never picked it up again due to crossgenerational egg moves, the 3ds coming out like 2 weeks after and various other reasons.
It's one of the reasons I always pack some form of electricity.Empoleon beats most Rain Dance abusers one-on-one too.
Always expect the worst. Every version of Rain Dance I have ever made has preperations for Blissey, Tyranitar, and Gyarados at least. I stopped playing competitively around the time Ferrothorn became huge in the beginning of 5th Gen, so I don't currently have a strategy for it (not that I need to think of one since I don't really play anymore).I should probably get around raising some of these guys. I already have a Tyranitar but didn't bring it cause I kept believing I will face a non Rain Dance team.
Agreed on the egg moves. On a related note, Pal Park when first introduced was a good idea, but now it just seems like a hassle. I like the fact that there's a way to bring your pokemon to the newer games, and I personally can't think of a better way to do it, but with the amount of pokemon and the time it takes to transfer, I can't see myself completing a National Dex in Gen V or beyond.
Unless of course newer games have all the pokemon in them. (or at least most)
Can't blame me for trying. ;-;
Why don't they just allow you to...I dunno, transfer all your Pokemons to your heart desires without any bull mini games once you beat the game? Just let me transfer six Pokemons per transfer and keep doing that without any time limits or other restriction besides just six Pokemons per transfer.
i never transfer pokemon. how can you disrespect your new starter by replacing him with the previous model?
But you can't transfar until you beat the game.
i never transfer pokemon. how can you disrespect your new starter by replacing him with the previous model?
Your starters are there for the main quest. A true bonding experience between you and your very first Pokémon as you brave the long journey to becoming a Pokémon Champion together.i never transfer pokemon. how can you disrespect your new starter by replacing him with the previous model?
They need a new PKMN Box! Strange they only made that one.
Just remember you'll never be able to transfer your Knot-Eared Pichu pal ;_;
You're good to go with either 2 of these 3.Alright—time to get advice. I'm finally getting around to doing a full run of B/W, and I'm trying to plan out my team. By the E4, I plan on having:
Haven't played in a while, but this should cover some type weaknesses and, in addition, I won't have to struggle for most of the later part of the game with a lack of good coverage (because I'd rather not wait until Twist Mountain to get started on a Volcarona).
Scrafty for his suspiciously fitting coverage against the E4 types
Are we allowed to discuss ROM hacks here?
Are we allowed to discuss ROM hacks here?
As aforementioned, the hack allows you to catch all 649 Pokémon in some way or another. This is unaffected by the version chosen to play; encounters are the same in both.
Every single trainer in the game has had their Pokémon edited, fitting a new level curve and increasing the difficulty overall. While not mind crushingly tough, they're sure to provide more of a challenge than the original games were able to. The level curve takes full advantage of the new experience system in Black and White.
A vast number of Pokémon have had certain statistics about them edited. This can be a number of things, including experience rate, typing, base stats and abilities. A lot of Pokémon have been given their Dream World abilities as an option, where applicable and/or useful.
Pokémon have also had additions to their moveset, including additions or alterations to their level up movesets as well as TM and HM compatibility. Level up movesets in particular have been edited for 600+ Pokémon.
There has also been editing of many evolutions, generally involving those Pokémon who generally had to be traded to be evolved. Blaze Black and Volt White are entirely self-contained; no outside contact is required for anything.
Items found in the field have been changed considerably, to include TMs, evolution items and fossils previously only found post-League. The items have been adjusted in such a way that makes it convenient for the game's progress. Where applicable, text has also been changed to reflect these changes. Multiples of certain items, such as the evolution stones, the Lucky Egg and the EXP Share are also given out, all in the name of convenience.
It isn't just trainers and wild Pokémon who have had their levels changed; event Pokémon such as Reshiram and Zekrom have also had their levels changed, ensuring that they don't become useless due to the sharp increase in levels.
All five in-game trades have also been edited, giving you new possibilities for your team.
A small number of attacks have also been changed to make them more useful, generally in terms of power (and rarely, type).
A number of documents are included with the download that allow you to see any and all changes made. Wondering what's new? Where to find something? Consult the guides!