True but you can always get dusts... What are the chances of getting a high cp 100% dratini? Not likely; easier to get dust, Beside, all this talk about wasting dust, how many Pokemons are you expecting to use dust on? I currently have 7 pokemons all maxed out on dust (for my current level) with the exception of my Lapras and dragonite due to shortage of candies and I'm still sitting on 150k dust. Granted each level uses 60-70k dust to dust my 7 pokemons but considering how much exp are needed to level, you are already getting that much dust in return and a whole lot more.
Just caught this gal:
What does that have to do with Go Plus, though? Why does its ability to track distance make the game worse?
Not really to do with it tracking, just the fact that it's coming out and that's what's being worked on/priority.
I just want the tracker working the way it was when this game first started. That was the most fun of the game for me. Tracking down and finding the pokemon. All this other stuff is just more money making stuff... and I know, I know make money is their end game. But just seems they're going away from stuff I was hoping would get fixed.
Game needs updates to the tracker, for trading and we need to battle friends. For me that's what I was hoping to see next. This buddy thing is lame to me and the other stuff is just adding on more to what the game doesn't need at first.
But I'm in the minority I'm sure wanting that tracker fixed. That was the whole fun and point of the game for me. Take me and my little guys out and let's go track these pokemon down.
I've already ditched Gyarados, Flareon and Victreebel. RIPAt level 26, I now have 8 Pokemon that I'm constantly trying to level up. And boy does my stardust go down down down. This can be expensive, lol.
Nah nothing like that lol -- just at a park near a train station in the suburbs (Brisbane, AU).what type of location where you at if you don't mind me asking? I have heard they are found in mountains, not many around here in the midwest.
I've already ditched Gyarados, Flareon and Victreebel. RIP
You do know that you are still able to track pokémon down, right?
Nah nothing like that lol -- just at a park near a train station in the suburbs (Brisbane, AU).
It was spitting rain just before that, not sure if that had anything to do with it.
Victreebel has Sludge Bomb so not really a hard water counter. I only powered it up because I needed more to put into gyms and apparently Razor Leaf / Sludge Bomb is a good defensive set.Ironically those are still in my list. What made you ditch them? Though, I'm not sure if I'll be leveling Flareon any more. Once I get a good Arcaine, I might focus on that instead.
I'm still doing Gyarados, as it & Dragonite are among my only in above 2000. Obviously, super easy to take down (mine does have Dragon Breath & Hydro Pump moves though)
I like my Victreebel, another top Pokemon on my team. That and Gloom. I place them in high gyms.
If people don't want to find Pokemon in their real life without resorting to cheating and GPS spoofing, I present:
I hate people driving too, but one thing at a time ;-)
Exeggcute is like a top 5 CP Pokemon and cheap to evolve.I have nothing worth evolving for high CP's sake. My highest is a 1660 Vaporeon, hell like 7 of my top 10 are all Eevee evolutions. I have no idea who to pick for my pokemon buddy for the candy because those evolutions wouldn't amount to anything big anyway. Even Magikarp, my current highest is 142 and pogotoolkit puts that Gyrados at 1434-1675 CP. I'd rather save my candy for a higher Magikarp and it's the same story for like every pokemon I have
Victreebel has Sludge Bomb so not really a hard water counter. I only powered it up because I needed more to put into gyms and apparently Razor Leaf / Sludge Bomb is a good defensive set.
Flareon I only use to counter grass and Lapras. Don't really need more than 1900 cp at this point to do that.
Gyarados is just the worst. Nobody gives a fuck either since they're terrible and everywhere. I might power it up so that I can nestle him at the top of a gym, but might as well use Vaporeon, Exeggutor and Slowbro for that purpose.
Looks like Plus counts steps/distance? Evidence mounting from people who have it early on reddit.
My Victreebel still has Acid/Solar Beam, so does well again Water for me.
I'm still waiting on a good Exeggutor. I have enough Exeggcute candy to evolve 2 now! lol. But the highest IV I found have been a 75 & a 77, both with like less then 300 CP.. Hell, I've caugfht like 5 that were above 600.. One that ran away that was nearly 900.... The wait continues, at least I'll have a lot of candy to evolve.
My new Vaporeon is 1904 CP with Aqua Tail instead of Hydro Pump sadly. I'm in no hurry to pump in candy yet, as I get eevees everywhere, so I might get another high CP high IV with Hydropump soon.
I should consider Slowbro again. My best is a 1497 CP with 10/12/12 with the move set of Water Gun/Psychic. I evolved one recently that was 1477 with 15/13/15 with move set of Confusion/Psychic. Wish that was Water Gun instead.
Confusion/Psychic or Ice Beam is Slowbro's best defensive set. Water Gun is unfortunately a terrible defending move, which works out since Slowbro is made out to be a tank. If you want an attacker, use Vaporeon. Personally, I'm never afraid to face Vaporeon since they're predictable as hell; they can only carry water moves. Slowbro is a bit more unpredictable which works in its favour. If you happen to throw somebody off guard and take a chunk of their HP (and believe me, people can be really clueless when it comes to type strengths and weaknesses), consider its job done. Every little bit helps.My Victreebel still has Acid/Solar Beam, so does well again Water for me.
I'm still waiting on a good Exeggutor. I have enough Exeggcute candy to evolve 2 now! lol. But the highest IV I found have been a 75 & a 77, both with like less then 300 CP.. Hell, I've caugfht like 5 that were above 600.. One that ran away that was nearly 900.... The wait continues, at least I'll have a lot of candy to evolve.
My new Vaporeon is 1904 CP with Aqua Tail instead of Hydro Pump sadly. I'm in no hurry to pump in candy yet, as I get eevees everywhere, so I might get another high CP high IV with Hydropump soon.
I should consider Slowbro again. My best is a 1497 CP with 10/12/12 with the move set of Water Gun/Psychic. I evolved one recently that was 1477 with 15/13/15 with move set of Confusion/Psychic. Wish that was Water Gun instead.
That's like saying DPS doesn't matter. Of course it matters. You might fancy taking down gyms, but personally I think it's a waste of time unless you're in a group. A gym with one Pokemon takes less than one minute to defeat. There's no point unless your plan is to take down 10 gyms in an hour to cash in immediately.Vaporeon still slays with aqua tail. Mine is only 1600's and it has killed every archinine I have put it against.
Seriously I know the game is set up to make you chase that 'perfect' moves and IV combo but it doesn't matter in real world battles.
Hell as soon as a catch a few more I plan to evolve my 3rd "decent" exeggcute because even a decent one is a brickhouse of gym smashing power.
Its your game so play how you want but I hate to spend real money on these games so gyms are the only way for me to get incubators and lucky eggs.
Funny though I'm considering buying the little widget and a portable battery pack for this game lol.
Honestly after everything I've heard about it so far, it sounds like it should be renamed Pokemon Minus.
I'm sure someone's already made that remark, but yeah.
That's weird. Wonder if it was always like that and they just got it wrong, or if they changed it after all the complaints.
My one from the UK Nintendo store was dispatched the other day so I should hopefully have it by the end of the week.
Come to Australia (Brisbane in particular).I still have none of Eevee's evolutions.
Why is Pokémon Go GAF so woefully uneducated compared to Pokémon Go Reddit? It's been known since early this morning that the Go Plus tracks your distance both while locked and while running in the background, yet people here are still complaining that it doesn't.
Why the need for Poke+?
Couldn't they make an app for a smart watch or make the app do the same thing whilst the phones locked, if Google maps and pedometer/fitness GPS apps work then why can't PoGo.
Looks like Plus counts steps/distance? Evidence mounting from people who have it early on reddit.
Do you understand that those watches are way more expensive than this ?Why the need for Poke+?
Couldn't they make an app for a smart watch or make the app do the same thing whilst the phones locked, if Google maps and pedometer/fitness GPS apps work then why can't PoGo.
Why is Pokémon Go GAF so woefully uneducated compared to Pokémon Go Reddit? It's been known since early this morning that the Go Plus tracks your distance both while locked and while running in the background, yet people here are still complaining that it doesn't.
Exeggcute is like a top 5 CP Pokemon and cheap to evolve.
Part of gym holding isn't just putting the strongest defenders in, it's also helping to facilitate training of the gym itself. Putting in guys who can be easily beaten by area Pokemon will help other guys to pop their own in. I took a gym with my wife and we put flareon and nidoking in, it went from level 2 to 8 overnight as everyone has a vape that can train against such types. Just food for thought.
Try to catch/evolve a decent Parasect with Solar Beam (preferably with Bug bite too), Slowbro won't stand a chance (as long as you dodge confusion and ice beam/psychic).
Hey, water pulse is still a great defensive move (especially w/ confusion).
Confusion/Psychic or Ice Beam is Slowbro's best defensive set. Water Gun is unfortunately a terrible defending move, which works out since Slowbro is made out to be a tank. If you want an attacker, use Vaporeon. Personally, I'm never afraid to face Vaporeon since they're predictable as hell; they can only carry water moves. Slowbro is a bit more unpredictable which works in its favour. If you happen to throw somebody off guard and take a chunk of their HP (and believe me, people can be really clueless when it comes to type strengths and weaknesses), consider its job done. Every little bit helps.
That's like saying DPS doesn't matter. Of course it matters. You might fancy taking down gyms, but personally I think it's a waste of time unless you're in a group. A gym with one Pokemon takes less than one minute to defeat. There's no point unless your plan is to take down 10 gyms in an hour to cash in immediately.
My strategy is joining gyms. I like to be a team player instead of the 'alpha' so to speak. I don't think this will change even when I'm lvl. 30+. It's just more beneficial for everyone involved to make gyms as powerful and diverse as possible. It also sends a signal to the other factions that you guys are working together. If they want to take it down, then it's going to take some effort.
I think this way is more fun in the long run than battling random gyms to cash in. You'll burn out eventually. For me, it's all about taking over my home town. There's something satisfying to see your block painted with yellow gyms. The stardust and coins are a bonus.
The 0.37 update made it impossible to play the game on my other phone, which I don't use anymore. It is a Galaxy S4 i-9500, I reset it back to factory settings and everything and I'm still getting the new "This device, OS or software is not compatible with Pokémon Go" message. 0.36 works just fine and my phone isn't rooted so I don't know what's going on here. It's running 4.4.2, which shouldn't be a problem either.
Side note I do wish we could see more info on defenders, how many fights, w/l ratio, hell I would be happy with the gym name they are at cause sometimes I forget.
Does it say that in the Play store, or the actual apk says this? I have Note 2, and the Store said wasn't compatible. Downloaed apk from mirror and works fine.
The 0.37 update made it impossible to play the game on my other phone, which I don't use anymore. It is a Galaxy S4 i-9500, I reset it back to factory settings and everything and I'm still getting the new "This device, OS or software is not compatible with Pokémon Go" message. 0.36 works just fine and my phone isn't rooted so I don't know what's going on here. It's running 4.4.2, which shouldn't be a problem either.