Literally everyone of those pokemon you mentionened with the exception of paras ist SUPER RARE here. Really.
The commons here are Pidgey, Rattata, Weedle, Spearow, Paras, Eevee and Krabby. So pretty standard.
I have seen <10 of each wild Sandshrew, Growlithe and Ekans in my life
Same here (Germany)
I'll be able to get to 142 caught by the time we get new mons.
So close.
Waaat!? Damn I don't catch sandshrews anymore since I'm beyond sick of see them popping out all the time, they spawn more than pidgey and rattatas together in here! What are the most common Pokémon in your area? Here we're drowning with Sandshrews, Geodudes, Growlithes, Ekans, Exeggcutes and Paras... I still keep catching Growlithes and exeggcutes since they're useful for gyms, the other ones I simply ignore them.
Ekans is common where I live, I've caught 51. Exeggcutes are common too. Growlithe, Sandshrew and Geodude have been appearing more lately, but still rare.Literally everyone of those pokemon you mentionened with the exception of paras ist SUPER RARE here. Really.
The commons here are Pidgey, Rattata, Weedle, Spearow, Paras, Eevee and Krabby. So pretty standard.
I have seen <10 of each wild Sandshrew, Growlithe and Ekans in my life
but theres 143 now :O
Ha, I know. That was the reason for the 'so close' part.
That Chansey will remain elusive.
I even have 144 seen because someone put a Taurus in a gym.
About the same here (+ more water types like Poliwag & Magikarp), so I'd guess the distribution is similar in Germany and Belgium.
I've caught a couple of Ekans, but I never would've been able to get Arbok without eggs. Sandshrew and Growlithe are so rare that you pretty much have to track down a nest somewhere. Don't think I've ever caught a wild Sandshrew, only got Sandslash through eggs.
Same with Doduo. Never spawns anywhere, got Dodrio through eggs + walking.
ZHB/BS gets a 'B' on offense and an 'A' on defense. That's not so bad for Snorlax.
Glad that Sightings is now showing along with Nearby. My first Vaporeon 97% got Water Pulse, lame.
Do more people have the issue where the app vibrates now and then while no Pokémon shows up? Mine started doing that since the latest update. I'm on Android.
I believe what is happening is that your getting a vibration whenever a Pokemon is just out of range. So, it's hinting at you that there is a Pokemon just out of reach.
yeah, i got this several times today too (iOS)Do more people have the issue where the app vibrates now and then while no Pokémon shows up? Mine started doing that since the latest update. I'm on Android.
Do more people have the issue where the app vibrates now and then while no Pokémon shows up? Mine started doing that since the latest update. I'm on Android.
I don't get some of the decisions they make with this damn thing. I accidentally spun a stop while the picture was still white and now I'm locked out of using it at all. What could possibly be the reason they'd want to punish people for something so innocuous?
It's more likely you did get the items. I've had this happen before and while it's in the "White Loading" stage, I've actually gotten items without it telling me. Of course without notification or log of it, kinda hard to tell, but it still does for me. Me getting a new egg when I had an open spot was a clue.
Not always. I've noticed it doesn't always log correctly.Often in cases like this, it is logged in the journal.
They fixed this bug.Not always. I've noticed it doesn't always log correctly.
I've had like gotten 8 items before and only logged 3.
My beautiful perfects. What perfect mons do you guys have?
Lol. That's the best Vape you could have gotten for gyms. LolGlad that Sightings is now showing along with Nearby. My first Vaporeon 97% got Water Pulse, lame.
It's more likely you did get the items. I've had this happen before and while it's in the "White Loading" stage, I've actually gotten items without it telling me. Of course without notification or log of it, kinda hard to tell, but it still does for me. Me getting a new egg when I had an open spot was a clue.
It's 1000cp though,I used my best Eevee for it too, it'll probably be booted out within 5 minutes.Lol. That's the best Vape you could have gotten for gyms. Lol
Time to level it up.It's 1000cp though,I used my best Eevee for it too, it'll probably be booted out within 5 minutes.
Although my next best Eevee evolved to Flareon 1800cp with Ember and Heat Wave.
Congrats!Someone reported a Dragonite five kilometers away from where I was, and it was raining like there's no tomorrow. I don't know why, but I decided to bike over there anyway. Maybe it wouldn't turn out to be so bad.
Between 45 and 62 apparentlyNice! How's it's IVs?
Have they made any adjustments to gym training since the huge nerf? I kind of want some more coins but that really soured my gym experience.
I haven't even fought with my dragonite yet![]()
It went back to how it originally was before the nerf...
So if you have a team of Pokemon with less than half the CP, you get 1000 prestige per defeat.
Is that 1000 per pokemon defeated or the entire lineup?