kzn said:god I lost to Lance on his final dragonite, and ever since then I've been getting RNG'd to crap before even reaching Clair >.>
Typhlosion 45
Gengar 44
Lugia 47
Wobbuffet 43
Gyrados 42
Scizor 46
Does your Gyrados know Ice Fang? It should be able to take out Aerodactyl and Charizard by itself, with Ice Fang you might get some good hits on the Dragonites before one of them kills you with Thunder.kzn said:god I lost to Lance on his final dragonite, and ever since then I've been getting RNG'd to crap before even reaching Clair >.>
Typhlosion 45
Gengar 44
Lugia 47
Wobbuffet 43
Gyrados 42
Scizor 46
Jeels said:Quick guys, tell me your favorite water pokemon!
Does Gyarados have Dragon Dance? With Dragon Dance + Water Fall or Aqua Tail + 2 attacks (Ice Fang / Earthquake?) you should be wrecking everything. At least that was the case in Diamond/Pearl.kzn said:god I lost to Lance on his final dragonite, and ever since then I've been getting RNG'd to crap before even reaching Clair >.>
Typhlosion 45
Gengar 44
Lugia 47
Wobbuffet 43
Gyrados 42
Scizor 46
Does your Typhlosion have Lava Plume? Burn that level 50 Dragonite ASAP, it's a downhill battle from there. The only other pokemon that gave me trouble was the Aerodactyl.kzn said:god I lost to Lance on his final dragonite, and ever since then I've been getting RNG'd to crap before even reaching Clair >.>
Typhlosion 45
Gengar 44
Lugia 47
Wobbuffet 43
Gyrados 42
Scizor 46
4 more days for Australia as well, I can't wait any longer lol, I've gone poke-a-crazy.Johnlenham said:Why wont the bastard game hurry up an come out in the UKWhy do they not do USA/UK release at the same time! so annoying.
Well each tower is different. But with the Battle tower for example: 3BP after 7 fights. The 21st match will be against Frontier Brain and will yield 20 BP if succeeding, from then on it's 4 BP every 7 fights.Ookami-kun said:So how much BP is earned on specific amount of matches?
Metroid Killer said:1. The biggest and best adventure. 16 badges to collect, two regions in one game. Things to do everythwere!
2. The peak of 4th gen. The games have been tuned into being the best games of this gen. Small improvements everywhere, all the extra content from Platinum is here, new stuff such as Pokeathlon. Pokewalker breaks the 4th wall, as you can take your favorite pokemon with you and catch pokemon in real life(sorta).
3. In conclusion it's really the best from the old pokemon together with the best of the new pokemon.
Metroid Killer said:2. The peak of 4th gen. The games have been tuned into being the best games of this gen. Small improvements everywhere, all the extra content from Platinum is here, new stuff such as Pokeathlon. Pokewalker breaks the 4th wall, as you can take your favorite pokemon with you and catch pokemon in real life(sorta).
Actually I'm just playing casually hardcore (in contrast to competetive hardcore :lol fucking gaming terms). This is my first pokemon game since Red, and I'm just trying to get as much out of the main game as possible, going about it pretty relaxed. When I first got the game in january there were so many things I didn't know about such as Natures, EV, IV, egg moves, etc., but it's pretty easy to understand though. I don't go out of my way to get THE PERFECT stats for my pokemon, as I just want to enjoy the main game.Moobabe said:Sounds awesome. Can anyone post a link describing the complexities that you're all talking about? I mean, I know how to play pokemon, but you guys seem on another level. I just catch the ones that look cool![]()
Wiseblade said:Screw Hogwarts! Real life Empoleon in my pocket is the stuff dreams are made of.
Wiseblade said:Screw Hogwarts! Real life Empoleon in my pocket is the stuff dreams are made of.
Metroid Killer said:
Gravijah said:Was I the only kid who pronounced Farfetch'd as "Farfetch D"?
Two of them can stall the battle.Moobabe said:Wow. Why is Wobbuffet a banned pokemon?
This is basically it for me. It's like they decided to throw in everything amazing from every one of the Pokemon games for some reason. Plus they added a ton of new things. The Pokewalker, the ability to have Pokemon follow you, and a couple of choice secrets. If you've played the originals, including Gen 1, you'll see new things everywhere, too.Metroid Killer said:3. In conclusion it's really the best from the old pokemon together with the best of the new pokemon.
No, you weren't! :lol I was legitimately shocked when I heard "far-fetched" in the anime as a kid. It was a facepalm moment for me.Gravijah said:Was I the only kid who pronounced Farfetch'd as "Farfetch D"?
Inferno313 said:I might've if I hadn't seen the anime first. :lol
Metroid Killer said:I didn't and english isn't even my main language
Two of them can stall the battle.
I don't think that could be considered breaking the fourth wall. It is more about what Flower, Sun and Rain does.Metroid Killer said:1. The biggest and best adventure. 16 badges to collect, two regions in one game. Things to do everythwere!
2. The peak of 4th gen. The games have been tuned into being the best games of this gen. Small improvements everywhere, all the extra content from Platinum is here, new stuff such as Pokeathlon. Pokewalker breaks the 4th wall, as you can take your favorite pokemon with you and catch pokemon in real life(sorta).
3. In conclusion it's really the best from the old pokemon together with the best of the new pokemon.
Metroid Killer said:^Yeah you are right I used the wrong term.. I can't even think of what term to use, but anyway, the pokewalker is awesome!
So is Ice Beam a waste over Ice Fang on a Lonely Glalie? Anyone?
Attack is 113, Special is 93...Wiseblade said:I dunno, what are its Atk and S.Atk? If attack has a large lead then don't bother with Ice Beam.
Wiseblade said:I dunno, what are its Atk and S.Atk? If attack has a large lead then don't bother with Ice Beam.
beje said:How do I restore power on the Power Plant? (japanese game, I don't have a clue)
silverbullet1080 said:If you guys have windows 7 and a wifi card, you can download this and turn your laptop/computer into a hotspot.
I'm sure this is no longer relevant, but...kzn said:The issue with Gyrados is that one Dragonite has Thunder, and Aerodactyl has Thunder Bite (or something like that), both of which OHKO'd me. None of my Water/Ice/Dragon moves were on a pokemon that wasn't at least 2x weak to Electric, let alone 4x.
I basically had to fight the last 2 pokemon by using the rest of my team to set up Wobbuffet's counters.
Metroid Killer said:The Power Plant's chief or something says that they got a machine part stolen. Go to Cerulean and on the Nugget Bridge(I think) you'll battle a team rocket member. After beating him he'll run off to the gym where he'll drop the stolen machine part. You can then find it in the pool.(japanese game, high five!)
beje said:I battled him but then, I went further there and triggered the Misty scene that makes she return to the gym, so I think I broke the game because I checked every single square in the pool and there's nothing.
beje said:I battled him but then, I went further there and triggered the Misty scene that makes she return to the gym, so I think I broke the game because I checked every single square in the pool and there's nothing.