Big-ass Ramp
hella bullets that's true
My Heracross just forcefully had sexual relations with Price's pokemon.
Big Ass Ramp said:Gah, how do I get to Jasmine and Amphoros? They're in the lighthouse with a locked door blocking me from them.
Gravijah said:...Go up the stairs? :lol
Big Ass Ramp said:... I did? It leads me to a dead end, I think?
Big Ass Ramp said:Gah, how do I get to Jasmine and Amphoros? They're in the lighthouse with a locked door blocking me from them.
Harpuia said:In the...third floor I believe? There is a window in which you can jump out. I was all FFFFFFFFFF- They changed it. So I was crashing myself along the walls hoping for something to happen...and, well, I discovered the window like that. :lol
Gravijah said:There will be a door near the top, it's on the east of the map, so it's really hard to see.
Galactic Quail said:@ Harupia
I did. Still haven't found one.![]()
Jeels said:Quick guys, tell me your favorite water pokemon!
MiloticJeels said:Quick guys, tell me your favorite water pokemon!
Jeels said:Quick guys, tell me your favorite water pokemon!
Lapras, Golduck and LanturnJeels said:Quick guys, tell me your favorite water pokemon!
Have you beaten LeafGreen (including the E4 rematches)? If so, or if you at least have strong Pokemon remaining on the GBA cart, then I don't see why not.Aigis said:Should I Pal Park transfer my lv46 Venosaur from LG? I'm not sure if I'll play LG again but what are some good grass Pokemon aside from Venosaur? I'd like to keep it there, just in case.
Jeels said:Quick guys, tell me your favorite water pokemon!
Sixfortyfive said:Milotic
Empoleon is a classy guy and deserves honorable mention.
Andrex said:Empoleon/Dratini
Jeels said:Quick guys, tell me your favorite water pokemon!
I'm going to trade over all my Pokemon from Pearl as well (which I've already Pal Packed the majorty of my pokemon too)- theres not much which I have on the cart so it wouldn't be hard.Sixfortyfive said:Have you beaten LeafGreen (including the E4 rematches)? If so, or if you at least have strong Pokemon remaining on the GBA cart, then I don't see why not.
Nope. I think I'll do it anyways, I don't think I'll go back to LG because GSC is my favorite gen and there's a lot of improvements made (RUN TOGGLE!) that would make going back too hard.Sixfortyfive said:Have you beaten LeafGreen (including the E4 rematches)? If so, or if you at least have strong Pokemon remaining on the GBA cart, then I don't see why not.
Oni Link 666 said:I'm thinking about getting this tomorrow and I got some questions.
1. Can you get online with this game through a router using WPA? I have a NWFC dongle but, I'd rather not mess with it.
2. Can I bring in Pokemon from the GBA games if I play on a DSL?
Wiseblade said:1) nope, sorry.
2) yes you can. and the no daily restriction either.
You have to win a certain number of matches in a row before you earn anything. For most facilities, you need 7 wins, after which you can save and quit and come back to continue the streak later. I think it's 10 wins for the Hall but I'm not sure on that. It's been a while.Ookami-kun said:So um... how do I earn BP? I have tried to entered into Hall section and reached up to 10th fight, retired, but got no BP. I went to the Factory section, won up to 3 fights before losing, and still no BP.
Sixfortyfive said:You have to win a certain number of matches in a row before you earn anything. For most facilities, you need 7 wins, after which you can save and quit and come back to continue the streak later. I think it's 10 wins for the Hall but I'm not sure on that. It's been a while.
The Tower is middle of the road. Fairly easy until the 1st brain battle (match 21), moderately difficult until the 2nd (match 49), and pretty goddamn hard afterward unless you've built a team specifically for it. You need 100 consecutive wins in this facility to earn one of the ribbons and a trainer card upgrade (if you care about that sort of thing). The best I've ever done is about 115 wins. The Smogonites have completely broken the game if you're interested in reading up on some team strategy.Gravijah said:How hard are those places anyways? I've never really messed with them.
Dogenzaka said:Just caught Entei. What a toughie. Used up 20 Dark Balls. (caught him on my last one)
I used the Smeargle/Breloom combo. Thanks again 645. Worked perfectly.
My Entei has a Quiet nature. Is that bad?
Gravijah said:Quiet raises SP ATK but lowers SPD. Entei's highest stats are ATK and SPD so...
Say, if you kill a Pokemon in a Frontier battle, do you get a prompt to switch? Only in certain facilities?Sixfortyfive said:The Tower is middle of the road. Fairly easy until the 1st brain battle (match 21), moderately difficult until the 2nd (match 49), and pretty goddamn hard afterward unless you've built a team specifically for it. You need 100 consecutive wins in this facility to earn one of the ribbons and a trainer card upgrade (if you care about that sort of thing). The best I've ever done is about 115 wins. The Smogonites have completely broken the game if you're interested in reading up on some team strategy.
The Castle and Arcade are relatively easy. You can earn and spend points in the former to make things easier on yourself (getting a sneak peak at the opponent's lineup/stats, buying hold items, etc), and it's not too difficult to manipulate the board effects in the latter, at least for the streaks leading up to the 2nd frontier brain battle.
The Hall is easy if you put in the work for it. It's nothing but 1-on-1 Pokemon battles, and you have to use one Pokemon to defeat 10 Pokemon of every elemental type to clear it. This obviously means that you're going to have to deal with some really bad matchups, but you don't have to use the same exact Pokemon in every 10-match streak. If you're really crazy about it, you can create 17 different Pokemon of the same species, each of them built specifically for handling one enemy type. Or you can just do what all the cool kids did and just build a Salamence/Garchomp for handling any situation.
The Factory is difficult. You have to pick from a set of pre-trained Pokemon to use, and you can exchange these Pokemon for those you defeat after every match. It's probably the most "useful" facility in that you can experiment with a large variety of already trained Pokemon without putting in any effort to train them yourself, but as far as building a winning streak goes, you're shit out of luck here. Pray that you get an overpowered legendary so that you can steamroll everyone.
Isn't the nature determined after you catch it? What's the difference from any other legendary?Dogenzaka said:So it's shit? Great. :lol
There's no way to manipulate that though, is there? It's a roaming legendary.
Defeat it instead of catch it, respawn it, try again. It's the only way to get new stats for them. All of their stats are random and none of them can be influenced at all outside of RNG abuse. It's a lot of work, more than most sane people would be willing to put up with.Dogenzaka said:So it's shit? Great. :lol
There's no way to manipulate that though, is there? It's a roaming legendary.
No free switches, no item bag use. The Frontier uses link battle rules.upandaway said:Say, if you kill a Pokemon in a Frontier battle, do you get a prompt to switch? Only in certain facilities?
I'm asking because I still have my Metagross and Aerodactyl I bred a while back for the tower but they're both choice sweepers, and they'll be much harder to use if I can't switch.
Bummer. I'll have to think up something else.Sixfortyfive said:No free switches, no item bag use. The Frontier uses link battle rules.
Sixfortyfive said:Defeat it instead of catch it, respawn it, try again. It's the only way to get new stats for them. All of their stats are random and none of them can be influenced at all outside of RNG abuse. It's a lot of work, more than most sane people would be willing to put up with.
Probably not.Gravijah said:Do sane people actually RNG?