timnich said:Anyone else able to help me? I wasnt able to connect with Axis for some reason.
I can do it. FC 2064 1330 8961
Just PM me yours.
timnich said:Anyone else able to help me? I wasnt able to connect with Axis for some reason.
Dogenzaka said:I hate that they reused music, though (Blackthorn and something else...Olivine and Violet City...) was it that way in the original GSC? Every town in DPP has a different song, I believe.
Axis said:Can anyone help me transfer a few of the event pokemon over to silver?
PM if so
Axis said:still looking for help
Axis said:still looking for help
Yeah it was like that in the original games too. I was hoping they'd do it like Eckruteak and Cianwood (same melody with differences in instrumentation at least) but oh well.Dogenzaka said:I hate that they reused music, though (Blackthorn and something else...Olivine and Violet City...) was it that way in the original GSC? Every town in DPP has a different song, I believe.
?isny said:I think everyone has been taken care of for trades? Anyone else before I hop off?
Kyzer said:Anyone got a spare Cyndaquil egg?
kzn said:Anyone have a Mudkip I could get?
And/or suggestions for a good offensive ground/rock type with which to replace Typhlosion who is worthless?
Echoes said:I need help. I just got a Sassy Togepi from a friend with Serene Grace. Can somebody guide me through the EV training? I should be raising his Speed since it's decreasing, right? Whom should I fight for that?
Man, this is really confusing me. I would appreciate any help for raising this monster.
Axis said:tyranitar?
That's great, thanks a lot man. What do you recommend? How many EV for each? I'm clueless. I also don't have any of those items that double the EV so that's gonna be one long training.NinjaBoyLao said:I mainly EV Togekiss defensively, Max HP and then Max either Def or Sp.Def depending on who you want to wall more. Or you can just put Equal EV on both defense. There's no point increasing her speed because Thunderwave will solve her speed issues. Then choose Thunderwave/AirSlash/Aura Sphere for her moves. The last move is either Wish or Roost. Pick wish if you want to have a bit of support for your team or Roost if you want an all out annoyer that doesn't want to die.
And I haven't looked out for HGSS's EV hotspots, so I'll just post what I recall.
For HP EV; Wooper(1EV) and Quagsire(2EV) on a certain water patch in Ruins of alphs.
For defense -any area with Geodudes and that area with nothing but Tangela just below Pallet Town.
Forr Special Defense - Any water with Tentacool and Tentacruel(mantine also gives it if you are playing HG)
kzn said:Fairly certain I cant get him before doing all of Kanto and I want one for Vermillion.
kzn said:Fairly certain I cant get him before doing all of Kanto and I want one for Vermillion.
Echoes said:That's great, thanks a lot man. What do you recommend? How many EV for each? I'm clueless. I also don't have any of those items that double the EV so that's gonna be one long training.
I only want to EV train this Pokemon now. After the main quest I will start learning everything. But for now, I just want my Togekiss to be ready.
Echoes said:Perfect! Thanks. Now, one last Q: I battled a Grimer by mistake, and then saved my game. She didnt kill it but I don't think that changes anything. What did she gain, and what should I do? -.-
Echoes said:That's pretty much covers everything I need. Thanks a lot man, really appreciate it.
I missed on Extremespeed Dratini but my friend has a female one. How do I breed it correctly so that I get the move? With a male Dratini or a Ditto?
Oh.isny said:You need a male with extreme speed to breed. I'm sure someone here can breed one for you.
kzn said:Christ Larvitar is an elusive bastard.
Echoes said:I would really love an Extremespeed Dratinianybody willing to help?
Sixfortyfive said:Sabrina just stomped me harder than anyone else so far. Espeon used Calm Mind and just tore through everyone on my team, all of them ~12 levels lower than it. 6-0, GGPO.
RBY champion theme sucks. It's just all over the place and a total mess. One of my least favorite tracks in that game and probably my least favorite champ theme.
I am apparently the only person who feels this way.
Ok here we go:kzn said:Oh, thanks.
Now I need someone to explain how the Safari Zone works :d
Axis said:i can breed you one...with an everstone i may be able to get jolly nature pretty quickly if you want that
kzn said:I got a couple but having a decent nature would be awesome. Jolly or Adamant would be great.
FC is 3395-5770-0855
You may not have the EV equipment, but there's also the Pokerus, the virus that will spread among pokemon and double the EV points they take in. I can give you a pokemon with Pokerus and then you can spread it among your pokemon yourself.Echoes said:That's pretty much covers everything I need. Thanks a lot man, really appreciate it.
You need a shiny stone, and you can only get it at the Pokeathlon after beating the Elite 4. I have several though if you need one, just pm me.Stencil said:Can someone tell me what stone makes the second for of Togepi evolve into the last form? Serebii shows some stone but it doesn't say what it is. God I feel so dumb I used to know all this like the back of my hand... Oh, also, where can I get this stone?
Stencil said:Can someone tell me what stone makes the second for of Togepi evolve into the last form? Serebii shows some stone but it doesn't say what it is. God I feel so dumb I used to know all this like the back of my hand... Oh, also, where can I get this stone?
kzn said:I got a couple but having a decent nature would be awesome. Jolly or Adamant would be great.
FC is 3395-5770-0855
viciouskillersquirrel said:I FINALLY GOT MY COPY!!!
If only I didn't have to do my grocery shopping tonight ;_;
Read post #5437 ^I just wrote a big ass post explaining all the details of the safari zone :lolBig Ass Ramp said:So, I just made it to the safari zone. What are "blocks"? Like, for instance, to catch houndour, I must place 4 rocky blocks in a certain area, according to serebii. What are those?