Big-ass Ramp
hella bullets that's true
Metroid Killer said:Read post #5437 ^I just wrote a big ass post explaining all the details of the safari zone :lol
Oh, ok, lol. I should have scrolled up a little, I guess. thanks
Metroid Killer said:Read post #5437 ^I just wrote a big ass post explaining all the details of the safari zone :lol
I would love one, please.Metroid Killer said:You may not have the EV equipment, but there's also the Pokerus, the virus that will spread among pokemon and double the EV points they take in. I can give you a pokemon with Pokerus and then you can spread it among your pokemon yourself.
I would love one, too.Axis said:no problem i still have a few larvitars left if anyone wants them
I'm in Europe so that'll be perfect for me (it'll be around 7-8 in the evening for me). Anything else that you need/want, I got lots of items and pokemon as well. Japanese pokemon that will get 1.7 in experience!Echoes said:I would love one, please.
I would love one, too.
Thing is, I'm at work (GMT+3, 12 PM in my area), and I will finish after 7 hours. Is that good for you guys? Or wanna make it tomorrow at this time?
Echoes said:I would love one, please.
I would love one, too.
Thing is, I'm at work (GMT+3, 12 PM in my area), and I will finish after 7 hours. Is that good for you guys? Or wanna make it tomorrow at this time?
Ookami-kun said:You know, I must admit, this game now punishes people who "overlevel" a single mon. XD
Should I save my Master Ball to Mewtwo, or Ho-oh, or any of the fleeing mons?
What do you mean? As in mainly just having one main pokemon being levels above the other in your team, rendering them useless because they are so low level?Ookami-kun said:You know, I must admit, this game now punishes people who "overlevel" a single mon. XD
Should I save my Master Ball to Mewtwo, or Ho-oh, or any of the fleeing mons?
Mewtwo is the same level and has the same catch rate (shit fucking bonkers).Balb said:If you have Heart Gold then I'd save the master ball for Lugia. It's the hardest Pokemon to catch in the game by far.
Fugu said:Mewtwo is the same level and has the same catch rate (shit fucking bonkers).
Hm. I would love an Electivire to accompany my Togekiss. Of course, I'm not that rude. I just want a fine Electabuzz (or Elekid to evolve him later to Buzz? Whichever you think is better). Don't wanna trouble you with the required item for his evolution; I will look out for it later. I know GAF is generous and someone can give me Electivire with no sweat, but I wanna feel the sense of accomplishment upon EV-training him and all. All I ask for is an Electabuzz with a good nature (as you know, I'm clueless about good natures -_-). If you want; surprise me and attach two items (your choice) to the PKRS and Electabuzz. I don't have anything in mind. I wish I can repay all of this :-\ I really feel bad for just "taking" and not giving anything to anyone in this thread.Metroid Killer said:I'm in Europe so that'll be perfect for me (it'll be around 7-8 in the evening for me). Anything else that you need/want, I got lots of items and pokemon as well. Japanese pokemon that will get 1.7 in experience!
As I said above, I know none about natures, so give me whatever you think is good.Axis said:sure, just PM me and if i'm on i'll respond pretty fast.
if you're looking for a specific nature then let me know as well
Actually a Fire pokemon will have some troubles as well since many of the Ice critters have Water as their second type. Electric is where it's at!(or a fighting pokemon)Gamer @ Heart said:Fuck. I dont know how i survived this long without a Fire Pokemon but i am incredibly screwed at this ice gym. I cant rely on a single move to get me out of it lik ei did with rock smash in the metal gym : (
Metroid Killer said:Yay I now have the perfect(maybe?) Pokemon Catcher, mainly to be used to hunt those Legendaries:
lvl 43
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Effect Spore
False Swipe
Swords Dance
Jynx has been purple since the English release of the original Gold and Silver because people said it was racist.Gamer @ Heart said:Jynx is purple now? Le sigh.
What? Serious *googles* oh god the design just looks awlful now. Rasist or not the black design was better.OMG Aero said:Jynx has been purple since the English release of the original Gold and Silver because people said it was racist.
OMG Aero said:Jynx has been purple since the English release of the original Gold and Silver because people said it was racist.
CoolS said:That's stupid as hell anyway -.-
ravien56 said:So how far into this game until the poke walker can be used?
Metroid Killer said:I got some technical questions regarding the DS since I'm pretty new to this piece of hardware(got a DSi last xmas).
When you close the lid and the DS goes into sleep mode, will the game's playtime still keep tiking?
What is a good way to clean the screens(especially the touch screen), they've gotten really dirty already, and I'm pretty careful around the DS as well. It also seems like there are a lot of tiny scratches which you wont notice when the light is turned all the way up, but I would have thought it wouldn't get scratched so easily from just using the stylus?
Metroid Killer said:When you close the lid and the DS goes into sleep mode, will the game's playtime still keep tiking?
Hey so maybe im doing something wrong but I just deposited 2 pokemon and still I need to get to a specific point in the game?Gravijah said:Why is it stupid? It looked very similar to certain racist caricatures of black people.
Whenever you put a Pokemon into your PC, it'll become available on the main menu.
ravien56 said:Hey so maybe im doing something wrong but I just deposited 2 pokemon and still I need to get to a specific point in the game?
I use a normal LCD cleaning kit but with a softer, thinner cloth than for normal LCD screens.Metroid Killer said:What is a good way to clean the screens(especially the touch screen), they've gotten really dirty already, and I'm pretty careful around the DS as well. It also seems like there are a lot of tiny scratches which you wont notice when the light is turned all the way up, but I would have thought it wouldn't get scratched so easily from just using the stylus?
No flying type?Kletian said:God, the Fighting Gyms wont stop kicking my ass, Miltank has nothing on this fucking Polywrath. I suppose it doesnt help that I don't have a psychic type, but I didnt want to rely on an Alakhazam this time around like I've done on every other Pokemon I've played.
Feraligator lvl 30
Magmar lvl 30
Kangaskhan lvl 27
Dratini lvl 24
HM whore
Empty spot that I can't figure out what I want to level. I want to start something but damn grinding a new pokemon to 30 without an XP share...
upandaway said:No flying type?
You know, you're gonna need fly(hope this is not a spoiler because there's a lady right outside the gym telling you this), so might as well get a flying type to help you with the gym.right after the gym anyway
Kletian said:Yeah I figured at this point I'm just gonna have to suck it up and level something, might as well be my Pidgey.
Also, in a moment of being completely stupid, I gave surf to my Feraligator, A winner is me.
Whoa. Wait, wait, wait. Mewtwo is catchable in HG/SS? Are the Gen1 starters available in game, too?Ookami-kun said:You know, I must admit, this game now punishes people who "overlevel" a single mon. XD
Should I save my Master Ball to Mewtwo, or Ho-oh, or any of the fleeing mons?
Jet Grind Radio! said:Whoa. Wait, wait, wait. Mewtwo is catchable in HG/SS? Are the Gen1 starters available in game, too?
Jet Grind Radio! said:Whoa. Wait, wait, wait. Mewtwo is catchable in HG/SS? Are the Gen1 starters available in game, too?
That's right, but not having D/P/Pt really makes it hard to get a lot of legendaries. There's no way for me to get all the Regis, Lake Guardians, Manaphy and Phione, Heatran, Cresselia just to name a few.beje said:Aside from the bunch of version exclusives (usually normal pokémon) and a handful of event-based legendarys, you can get pretty much everything in these games, starters and legendarys from other editions included.
Jet Grind Radio! said::O
as long as they have Gen 1/2 Pokémon, I'm gonna buy it.
ravien56 said:So I got the poke walker up and running and I just got a few questions. How are you guys using this thing? Reading a FAQ, it says that the pokemon stored can only level up once then you gotta transfer and then re-transfer? Also, it said that if a pokemon levels up and when he levels up, water gun is learned, you're pretty much fucked and you'll miss this ability?
Well it's defintely gonna be tough for you, especially against the champion. Even Lugia may not be able to save you.Gravijah said:uncomfortable team
Metroid Killer said:Well it's defintely gonna be tough for you, especially against the champion. Even Lugia may not be able to save you.