If you are talking stat and move wise, Starmie is better.PounchEnvy said:Okay so GAF I need some help. What's better Octillery or Starmie?
Octillery is still cooler though.
If you are talking stat and move wise, Starmie is better.PounchEnvy said:Okay so GAF I need some help. What's better Octillery or Starmie?
thefil said:So I went to hunt a Ditto to replace the one I traded away. Who should show up but Raikou. Thinking there was no way I was equipped to catch him, I threw one Dusk Ball in a laughable attempt.
I now have a Raikou.
thefil said:So I went to hunt a Ditto to replace the one I traded away. Who should show up but Raikou. Thinking there was no way I was equipped to catch him, I threw one Dusk Ball in a laughable attempt.
I now have a Raikou.
EvilMario said:Nice job, Aero. I did that at one point from the first 151, but I started to realise that I had to have at least 8 boxes for my EV trained, IV bred Pokemon (4 for teams, 4 for 'reserves' and breeding stuff like dittos and synchronizers).. so.. I wouldn't really have the space. :lol
Oh man I have been wishing so much for one of these (Although I was hoping more for a Bulbapedia one or even a iPhone friendly version of their site).Odious Tea said:I asked about a portable Pokedex a few days ago, and it seems that somebody was listening.
Only thing that's missing is type effectiveness.
PounchEnvy said:Okay so GAF I need some help. What's better Octillery or Starmie?
Kad5 said:What are some good fire types you can get in Johto? Right now im in ecruteak. Also, im thinking of getting a slowking but I already have a crocanaw as a water type...should i just use hypno as a makeshift psychic type instead?
Jeels said:Vulpix or Arcanine depending on your game of choice. Magby is available on the Pokewalker, but you can catch its evolution in that burned tower in Ecruteak. I know I'm forgetting one too...
Kad5 said:Ok well what about my slowpoke dilemma...is it a bad idea to have a phychic/water and a water type in the same team?
Kyzer said:Anyone try using the radio during the whole debacle? Idk if this was in the old games, but it fixes a lot of atmosphere issues i used to have. lol
It's perfectly usable. Lacks location rates and type effectiveness, though. Could also use some usability tweaking. Hopefully updates will amend those issues.OMG Aero said:Oh man I have been wishing so much for one of these (Although I was hoping more for a Bulbapedia one or even a iPhone friendly version of their site).
Anyone fancy taking the plunge and seeing what the app is like?
Conscious choice on his part maybe?cvxfreak said:Something I never quite understood:
Why did Blue get demoted to Viridian Gym Leader, while Bruno, Koga and Lance, who were both defeated by Blue, moved up in ranking? Even Koga was always a strange choice for moving up, since Sabrina would totally toast him and then some.
If Pokemon had cutscenes, I'd skip that shit faster than it could load.Andrex said:If Pokemon had cutscenes, we would know...![]()
Ditto on the ditto's. I have all the power items from platinum, but I need some ditto's for natures.Gravijah said:Shit... anyone got any power items to spare? And maybe some good IVed Dittos? I know I'm gonna need 'em at somepoint...
cdyhybrid said:Any reason not to evolve my Staryu? It's level 11 right now, and it already knows two of the moves I plan to have in its final moveset (Ice Beam, Surf). The other two are Thunderbolt and Psychic, which it can't learn by level-up anyway.
Crazymoogle said:The only reason to not evo Staryu is due to when you earn moves, so if you're looking elsewhere for those two, you're clear to go to Starmie.
EzLink said:It is also classified as a "Fairy Pokemon", even though I was pretty sure it was supposed to be like a dog
thought i'd share cause it made me :lol
Crazymoogle said:Yeah, apparently it's meant to be a fairy pokemon with the gruff face to offset its demeanor, kind of like how Feebas turns into Milotic. The irony is that Snubbull just heads fully into dog form as Granbull instead. :lol
Chock it up as one of those bizarre failures like Cubone not being directly connected to Kangaskhan despite the visual evidence (and the whole "there's no male Kangaskhan" thing.)
Odious Tea said:If Pokemon had cutscenes, I'd skip that shit faster than it could load.
cvxfreak said:Something I never quite understood:
Why did Blue get demoted to Viridian Gym Leader, while Bruno, Koga and Lance, who were both defeated by Blue, moved up in ranking? Even Koga was always a strange choice for moving up, since Sabrina would totally toast him and then some.
Gravijah said:BTW, beat the E4 earlier today. Took downwith 9 HP remaining and no other Pokemon left. Very very crazy! :lol FightingLanceLt. Surge now. Boy the Kanto gyms are high level, but this one is easy.
Axis said:i had so much trouble with lt surge's raichu...
double team
double team
double team
double team
double team
of course my average level was like 35 lol...not a good idea anyway
Gravijah said:Flygon+EQ=GG
Axis said:had nothing but stone edge pupitar to combat it...where the hell do you get flygon?
Gravijah said:I cheated, I brought him in from Emerald->Pearl->SS as a Trapinch.
Axis said:lol well fuck...looks like i've been going about this the wrong way
Gravijah said:Ehh, he was the only Pokemon that I really liked to finish my team. Had to be able to learn Fly, and I needed something for the Dragon Pokemon in the E4. Didn't want to mess with a Dragonite or anything.
joetachi said:Wow i lucked out started playing today and the first pokemon i can catch is a shiny pidgey i was planing on getting another flying pokemon but i cant ignore the awesomeness that is shiny pidgeot.
Why do you face the champion again in rematches with the Elite Four, despite you yourself now being the champion?cvxfreak said:Something I never quite understood:
Why did Blue get demoted to Viridian Gym Leader, while Bruno, Koga and Lance, who were both defeated by Blue, moved up in ranking? Even Koga was always a strange choice for moving up, since Sabrina would totally toast him and then some.![]()
grandjedi6 said:Why do you face the champion again in rematches with the Elite Four, despite you yourself now being the champion?
None of it has ever made sense and game freak doesn't particularly care.