OMG Aero said:So in order to kill the soul crushing wait for SoulSilver's UK release I decided to try and do the impossible. I would try to catch them all.
I achieved my goal a few weeks ago, but with some time to kill I decided to go one further.
I now have one of every Pokemon in the PC on my Platinum game with the only exceptions being Lugia, Ho-Oh and Celebi.
I swear to God when they do the Celebi event they better do it somewhere in the UK I can get to.
Axis said:does anyone have a wynaut or even a wobba they don't mind trading?
AddedNayishiki said:I can FC is Jaywii:3653 2713 6337.
Sixfortyfive said:Solo-ing the game is the "natural" way? I always tried playing with the guys that I just caught until I realized that it was too much work and that all the battles are 1-on-1 anyway.
Johnlenham said:My import copy showed up this morning and ive been hammering it all day :lol
What ground pokemons worth using? My teams pretty one sided..
Gyrados (sp)
fly and other hm slave.
So the light house gym leader raped me with 1 magnamite :lol
Also slowbro or slowking?
kzn said:So is there a list of pokemon you absolutely cannot breed in any way?
I'm kinda confused as to just which pokemon I'm effectively unable to get with a decent nature/IVs without a second game.
Johnlenham said:I guess Aerodactyl could be useful.. hmm now how do I get ahold of him..
drtomoe123 said:Arceus, Articuno, Azelf, Azurill
Bonsly, Budew
Celebi, Cleffa, Cresselia
Darkrai, Deoxys, Dialga, Ditto
Elekid, Entei
Giratina, Groudon
Happiny, Heatran, Ho-oh
Latias, Latios, Luigia
Magby, Mantyke, Mesprit, Mew, Mewtwo, Mime Jr., Moltres, Munchlax
Nidoqueen, Nidorina
Palkia, Pichu
Raikou, Rayquaza, Regice, Regigigas, Regirock, Registeel, Riolu
Shaymin, Smoochum, Suicune
Togepi, Tyrogue
Unown, Uxie
Won't work until I beat the first gym, will it?Wiseblade said:Dude, Poke walker.
viciouskillersquirrel said:Won't work until I beat the first gym, will it?
Aaron Strife said:I dunno about you guys, but I always try to go through the game with a full squad of six. It's more rewarding that way.
Solo-ing with a starter is weaksauce.
Thanks for that. I still have to visitisny said:Only need to have one pokemon in your box and you're good to go for a stroll.
DrForester said:Pokewalker question.
I know that if you level up in pokewalker on an evolution level, it will just evolve next time it levels in game. What about moves? If I level in pokewalker and it was supposed to learn new move, will I have option to learn move next time it levels in game?
I dunno, having a full squad early on and equally leveling them up is overkill, and makes the game far more tedious than it should be. I currently have Ampharos, Feraligatr, Togetic and Graveler all at level 36-37 (and the red Gyarados and my main-turned-slave lvl19 Pidgeotto as HM slaves and dummies for when I need to heal my mains) and can breeze through most trainers while still utilizing strategy when battling the rival or gym leaders. Training a pokemon you'll just ditch when you get something better (like Lugia or extremespeed Dratini or something from Kanto) seems pointless.Aaron Strife said:I dunno about you guys, but I always try to go through the game with a full squad of six. It's more rewarding that way.
Solo-ing with a starter is weaksauce.
It was like that in the original GS games tooObsessed said:Kanto is going by too quickly. I got 5 badges in no time at all.![]()
Choopy said:Hi all,
Poke noob here. I've been following this thread for a short while and have recently found out about the whole EV/IV training thing. I must say it DOES make the game a lot more enjoyable to play. I've read 645's stuff and although informative, I still have a few questions. I'd appreciate some feed back so I avoid doing stupid things during my quest to become a pokemon master!
1. When you max your EV's (510 to whatever stats), does your pokemon HAVE to reach level 100 to reach its full potential of it's EV's? (ie will it not receive every extra stat until it reaches 100?).
2. Is there an easy way of leveling your pokemon to 100? My method before was to grind the Elite 4, but that took FOREVER (Last pokemon game I've owned was Sapphire). I haven't played since then so a lot of this is new to me and I'm hoping there are new grind areas/training methods as well.
3. Regarding the pokewalker... I read somewhere that leveling a pokemon via the pokewalker won't register EV's. So if I'm assuming correctly... If a pokemon's EV's are maxed out and it levels via pokewalker, will it not gain the EV stats accordingly?
4. I've also read that 1 step on the pokewalker = 1 xp point on the pokemon... Seeing as that it's harder to level pokemon during the higher levels (90+), would it be smart to use the pokewalker for those levels?
I'm sorry if the answers to these questions are obvious/embedded in 645's guide... This is all so new to me and it's so much to take in... <_< Any and all help is appreciated.
Blu_LED said:Does anyone know if this game adds to your time when the DS is asleep (closed)?
It took me about ten Larvitars. I just kept tossing Safari Balls... I never even threw any mud or anything.thefil said:Just spent 30 minutes trying to catch a Larvitar in the Safari Zone. Even after two muds, Safari Ball wouldn't shake more than twice. Is there any strategy to this or is it all luck?
thefil said:Just spent 30 minutes trying to catch a Larvitar in the Safari Zone. Even after two muds, Safari Ball wouldn't shake more than twice. Is there any strategy to this or is it all luck?
Wiseblade said:Mud makes Pokemon more difficult to catch. Bait makes it easier, but more likely to run away.
Sixfortyfive said:I was crushed when I realized this. My party was seriously underleveled and I was hoping to have NPC trainers around to fix that.
Wiseblade said:Mud makes Pokemon more difficult to catch. Bait makes it easier, but more likely to run away.
thefil said:Are you sure it's not the opposite? ...have I been wrong all this time?
joetachi said:Wow i lucked out started playing today and the first pokemon i can catch is a shiny pidgey i was planing on getting another flying pokemon but i cant ignore the awesomeness that is shiny pidgeot.
i am i was gonna catch a hoothoot since where i am is about to be night but a golden pidgey came out right after the girl gives you the pokeballs.Wiseblade said: