Jeels said:my question is, when is the best time to evolve scyther?
Nayishiki said:I have one FC is 3653 2713 6337.
Kurtofan said:FINALLY
The games just came out today in France and I've been playing HG for 2 hours now
So great,already caught a few pokemon hehe.
Hex said:Much appreciated.
(After that I can go back to beating my head against the Global center wall)
Much thanks!Nayishiki said:Ok I'm online to give you the Dusk Stone.
I don't knowMorokh said:Same here![]()
I'm just wondering, I saw a 'Wii message' Option in the menu, what is it for ?
Salaadin said:Its not letting me go on to Victory Road until I do this Ho-oh stuff. Ive gotten as far as letting the girls summon him down and then flying back to new bark but Lyra still says "where do you think your going" to me. Is it really forcing me to fight a pokemon that i have little chance of catching? I dont want to kill it![]()
Nayishiki said:I have one FC is 3653 2713 6337.
I got one but it's Timid Nature.
Hex said:Much thanks!
Choopy said:Thanks, I'd appreciate it.
It's okay, I can just breed it to get the nature I want.
FC is 5371 2685 7136.
Are you around right now? If not we can do it some other time because I'm going out soon.
Nayishiki said:No problem!
Yeah I can go online now.
Zilch said:I think I mentioned this earlier in the thread, but I found her Miltank quite easy to bring down because I traded a female Drowzee for a female Machop to the kid in the Department Store.
Yeah, letting yourself die without resetting the game to a save is a weird feeling (for me, at least), but I've get to level up before I can get through them.ivysaur12 said:Got to the Elite 4, died at Koga with two of his Pokes still left. Guess I'm gonna need to get more revives/hyper potions and train a bit more. Though I find the best way to train with the elite 4 is to keep challenging them and lose while gaining some exp.
Salaadin said:Ok caught Ho-oh. Now I need a pokemon with Waterfall and I just see that my Kingler cant learn it so I need to bring a slave thru victory road with me. Why can Mew the psychic cat learn it but my freaking crab cant? This game baffles me sometimes :lol
Odious Tea said:There's a Voltorb Flip solver somewhere. Wish I had it before I wasted a few hours on it. Luckily, I had nothing else to do.
Salaadin said:Ok caught Ho-oh. Now I need a pokemon with Waterfall and I just see that my Kingler cant learn it so I need to bring a slave thru victory road with me. Why can Mew the psychic cat learn it but my freaking crab cant? This game baffles me sometimes :lol
Rock Smash the rocks in the ruins and you have the chance to encounter a pokemon or get an item.Echoes said:Where do you get fossils exactly? In the area (that needs surf) with 4 or 5 rocks, in the Ruins of Alph?
And yeah I think Pewter City is the only place to revive them.
Echoes said:
Echoes said:Where do you get fossils exactly? In the area (that needs surf) with 4 or 5 rocks, in the Ruins of Alph?
And yeah I think Pewter City is the only place to revive them.
Currently at work for the next 4 hours. I get off at the same time all weekend, so theere is some time ill be able to get on briefly. Tonight I'm going out with friends though...Echoes said:Where do you get fossils exactly? In the area (that needs surf) with 4 or 5 rocks, in the Ruins of Alph?
And yeah I think Pewter City is the only place to revive them.
Edit: Unicorn, I won't be available at TuesdayI assume you can't now, eh?
upandaway said:How the hell am I supposed to get Hitmontop? God damn.
I'll be sleeping now. Well, we can figure it out later so don't worryUnicorn said:Currently at work for the next 4 hours. I get off at the same time all weekend, so theere is some time ill be able to get on briefly. Tonight I'm going out with friends though...
Ignore anything about advance play and just go with the flow as it's your first time.sazzy said:So, this is my first Pokemon game. Got HeartGold. Started with the fire Pokemon, its already evolved into some lava-thing and got my first badge today.
I'm only like 1.5 hours in. What should I know before spending more time with this?
depward said:First Pokemon game here and I got the whole "use a skill thing on a Pokemon to light up the cave" and I still haven't yet because I'm crazy that I'll use it on a Pokemon that sucks. What do I do?![]()
sazzy said:So, this is my first Pokemon game. Got HeartGold. Started with the fire Pokemon, its already evolved into some lava-thing and got my first badge today.
I'm only like 1.5 hours in. What should I know before spending more time with this?
You dont really need Flash for anything else besides the cave.
First Pokemon game here and I got the whole "use a skill thing on a Pokemon to light up the cave" and I still haven't yet because I'm crazy that I'll use it on a Pokemon that sucks. What do I do?![]()
depward said:First Pokemon game here and I got the whole "use a skill thing on a Pokemon to light up the cave" and I still haven't yet because I'm crazy that I'll use it on a Pokemon that sucks. What do I do?![]()
Wow, you know, I'm curious as to what made you buy this, and why did you ignore the series until now?depward said:First Pokemon game here
Don't bother with Flash for the moment: there's not much you can explore in the cave yet.depward said:First Pokemon game here and I got the whole "use a skill thing on a Pokemon to light up the cave" and I still haven't yet because I'm crazy that I'll use it on a Pokemon that sucks. What do I do?![]()