Dabookerman said:Oh and, FUCK OFF YOUNGSTER JOEY. I don't give a shit about your shitty Rattata. Only ONLY bad thing about the game is you can't delete numbers.
Dabookerman said:Oh and, FUCK OFF YOUNGSTER JOEY. I don't give a shit about your shitty Rattata. Only ONLY bad thing about the game is you can't delete numbers.
NinjaBoyLao said:
OMG Aero said:Have a look at this
When you send a Pokemon to a course, one Pokemon is picked from each of groups. In your case, you got Onix instead of Magby so it was impossible to get Magby with that Pokemon.
Dabookerman said:Right been a bit busy lately, but I managed to get to Azalea Town.
My team is the following thus far:
Totodile - L 17
Chikorita - L 14
Pidgey - L 14
Ghastly - L 12
Geodude - L 8
Btw. Ghastly is a superb Pokemon to have for catching Pokemon. Especially the wild Legendaries. Mean Look + Hypnosis = $$$
It's nice to be playing this in English. Ah the memories. Although why is Teacher Earl talking like Yoda..
Oh and, FUCK OFF YOUNGSTER JOEY. I don't give a shit about your shitty Rattata. Only ONLY bad thing about the game is you can't delete numbers.
mjc said:Is there a decent place to train/level up once you get to Clair? I've been able to take out two of her pokemon but I'm not quite strong enough. I don't want to grind lower level wild fights for five hours![]()
mjc said:Is there a decent place to train/level up once you get to Clair? I've been able to take out two of her pokemon but I'm not quite strong enough. I don't want to grind lower level wild fights for five hours![]()
MidnightScott said:Did you trade the Red Scale (from the Shiny Gyarados) with Mr. Pokémon to get a Exp. Share? :S
Dogenzaka said:So if the Raikou I caught has a nature I don't like, do I re-start, faint the creature, and then have it respawn at some point? When does it respawn?
mjc said:Oh no, I don't think I did. I'll have to get on that.
Andrex said:No, the roaming legendaries have a set nature when you start the game.
To be more precise, they respawn (and their nature/IVs are reset) if you beat the Elite Four again.Dogenzaka said:I thought Sixfortyfive said they respawn...
Wichu said:Gah, can't beat Bugsy's Scyther
Current team:
Hasty Magby lv15
Jolly Slowpoke lv16
Timid Bayleef lv21 (shiny)
Magby always gets 2HKOed by Quick Attack, and only does about 1/3 with Ember. Slowpoke gets OHKOed by U-Turn, and Bayleef can't really do much to it with Tackle or Razor Leaf. I think I might have to do some grinding![]()
Kazenone said:This might have been mentioned already, but I just noticed that in the Stats summary of a Pokémon, you can see which stat is affected by its Nature. My Onix has a Hasty Nature (Spd+, Def-), and on the stat screen I can see that Defence has a blue drop shadow, and Speed has a red drop shadow. Very neat and very useful! Now I don't have to print out another Nature table like I do each time a new Pokémon game comes out. :lol
Obsessed said:Ok I missed the Super Rod... where do i get it?
EzLink said:So whats the deal with Hidden Power? I've never messed with IVs in general, but it seems like it would be fucking impossible to get the right Hidden Power type that would also be powerful. Hidden power electric on the charizard I want to train would be nice, but I'm not prepared to spend twenty hours trying to get one fucking move right
Is there some trick to this or is it really as difficult as it seems?
HappyBivouac said:Not seeing this at all. Where are you seeing this specifically? All the drop shadows are gray for me..
There's always RNG manipulation; you can get a Pokémon with pretty much whatever IVs/nature/Hidden Power you want in around an hour without any external devices (i.e. it's not hacking). However, it takes a while to learn.HiddenWings said:On simulators getting a proper hidden power type/power is relatively easy. In game, you can pretty much forget it. I'm sure it's possible, since you can breed anything if you want to put enough time in, but it's probably not worth it.
I want to learn about RNG. Where do I start?Wichu said:There's always RNG manipulation; you can get a Pokémon with pretty much whatever IVs/nature/Hidden Power you want in around an hour without any external devices (i.e. it's not hacking). However, it takes a while to learn.
HappyBivouac said:Not seeing this at all. Where are you seeing this specifically? All the drop shadows are gray for me..
Ushojax said:Then your Pokemon has a nature that doesn't increase/decrease any stats. It can be hard to spot the colour change, though it's clear if you scroll through your squad and look closely.
Try Smogon; it's generally a good source for info on competitive play and advanced mechanics. It's pretty tough to get the hang of, but if you're planning to go competitive (and don't want to hack), or just want to get a few shinies, then it's worth it.Echoes said:I want to learn about RNG. Where do I start?
What? Should I not accept peoples phone numbers? Nothing good comes out of it?Pikachao said:So glad I read about the phone number thing before I accepted anyones'
TheSeks said:
Some of the boards are impossible to win by logic, actually most of the boards seem to be about luck. I have been using this Voltorb Flip Helper. It does really well up until level 4 for me, but I haven't passed that level using this helper. Still, I have about 2,000 coins out of playing levels 1-3 a bunch of times.Colkate said:Oh god, Voltorb Flip, I want to gouge my eyes out. I was happy about finally being able to get Thunderbolt for my Gengar, but after about 30mins of playing it I have like 200 coins, don't think I'll have 10,000 anytime soon.
slaughterking said:What? Should I not accept peoples phone numbers? Nothing good comes out of it?
:lol Gonna follow him. Maybe he'll give me berries.NinjaBoyLao said:
In the city with Sprout Tower, don't remember the name of it, there's a guy who will trade an you an Onix for a Drowsee. There is a patch of grass just south (?) of the city that has Drowzees. Easy-peasy.Wichu said:Gah, can't beat Bugsy's Scyther
Current team:
Hasty Magby lv15
Jolly Slowpoke lv16
Timid Bayleef lv21 (shiny)
Magby always gets 2HKOed by Quick Attack, and only does about 1/3 with Ember. Slowpoke gets OHKOed by U-Turn, and Bayleef can't really do much to it with Tackle or Razor Leaf. I think I might have to do some grinding
EDIT: Oh, and I've only been called by Joey once so far. How often does he normally call?
Probably could have been a hatched Bulbasaur Egg with egg moves from Fire Red/Leaf Green. And no, they shouldn't have more moves than usual.Easystride said:Do the starter Pokemon you you choose after beating all 16 gyms come with more moves than usual? I got a level 5 Bulbasaur off the GTS that has Solarbeam already, and it originated in "Kanto." Think it is hacked?
Teknoman said:What time does Secret Word come on? I keep getting drama series on the Variety Channel.