So i traded a bellsprout for the onyx in Violet city and I must be missing something but why does he always get 'boosted xp' when I use him?
Happens with all pokemon you get in a trade (either ingame trade or over internet/wifi)MikeDub said:So i traded a bellsprout for the onyx in Violet city and I must be missing something but why does he always get 'boosted xp' when I use him?
Wichu said:Voltorb Flip is really addictive... I can't believe I have over 10000 coins already
The highest level I've been on is 7; the one thing I hate about it is the seemingly random level-downs. Does anyone know how they work (i.e. why sometimes you drop 1 level, and sometimes 3 or 4)?
EDIT: Just now, I dropped from level 6 to 5, then right after, 5 to 1![]()
MikeDub said:So i traded a bellsprout for the onyx in Violet city and I must be missing something but why does he always get 'boosted xp' when I use him?
\womp said:I've never been a huge Pokemon game fan. I'm 36 and it wasn't on my radar 12 years ago when it came out when my little brother was freaking out over it...He was 8 at the time. I've always loved Pokemon Pinball and the original Mystery Dungeon game is fun - I'm more into the designs of the characters, after all it's Nintendo and they are the masters of that.
So after dabbling in Pokemon Pearl for a bit and getting tired of it's slow ass battling which even I knew was an issue with it, I decided to snag Soul Silver because being a handheld electronics whore the Pokewalker fascinated me. The game is a lot of fun, I've walked over 50k steps since it's release, and I just beat Falkner, got the egg, and am heading to Azlea Town.
I'm trying to put together a decent team but I think I'm faltering a bit here...
I chose Totodile as a starter but he isn't really blowing me away so far and even Psyduck seems to have better moves at the moment so I swapped him out for the egg placement. I'm regretting not choosing Cyndaquil. Onix is probably a weakspot but Magby and Elekid are lv14 and 15 a piece and kicking ass, I'm liking them a lot. I don't want to play competitively and just want to have fun trying to 'collect 'em all', completing the adventure and trading.
Any suggestions for a good starting team? Thanks.![]()
If you're gonna use Bellsprout, make sure to give it a good chunk of awesome moves, since it learns almost nothing good by itself. And make sure to evolve Onix sometime, anyone can help you with that by trading with you when your Onix is holding a Metal Coat.womp said:Any suggestions for a good starting team? Thanks.![]()
womp said:I chose Totodile as a starter but he isn't really blowing me away so far and even Psyduck seems to have better moves at the moment so I swapped him out for the egg placement.
upandaway said:If you're gonna use Bellsprout, make sure to give it a good chunk of awesome moves, since it learns almost nothing good by itself. And make sure to evolve Onix sometime, anyone can help you with that by trading with you when your Onix is holding a Metal Coat.
Kinda surprising you ditched your starter like that! But Psyduck's okay for the league, hell I used one in Platinum.
NinjaBoyLao said:Give me your Totodile then, I promise I'll take care of him.
I breed my Quilava to get a baby Cyndaquil and uploaded on the GTS so can ask for Totodile in return and lo and behold, the Totodile I got was captured using a Master in Route 17. Damn Hackers.
Metroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!
Oh my god Politoed looks awesome :lolMetroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!
King's Rock: 5![]()
Poliwhirl -> Politoed (trade)
Slowpoke -> Slowking (trade)
So you're just doing this out of the kindness of your heart and I can just give you any old pokemon for items/pokemon?! If so, awesome! Need to evolve some pokemon on my Diamond.Metroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!
CoolS said:I wouldn't say that. I currently leveling my Magby while doing an assignment for school.
can you hold a firestone and a leafstone. I'll PM you my friend code later when I get home. ThanksMetroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!
You just claimed them ;-)Andrex said:are these held or do I have to claim them as soon as possible?
Yes I don't need them myself anyway.sonicspear64 said:So you're just doing this out of the kindness of your heart and I can just give you any old pokemon for items/pokemon?!
Metroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!
Wiseblade said:I also happen to have 37 Heart Scalesif anyone needs some. an a buttload of every evolutionary stone apart from water should Metroid run out.![]()
Dogenzaka said:2 Shiny Stones + Heart Scales PLEASE.
Shiny Stone evolves Togetic, right? I needs mah Togekiss!
Highest level as possible (35/36) no harm done to the caught pokemon (spam balls again and again)Dogenzaka said:WTF does it take to win the Bug Contest??
I caught a lvl 30 Scyther and I lost to a Paras! WTF
Firestorm said:Probably not as awesome as this:
Could I get a King's Rock, Dawn Stone, Dusk Stone and Shiny Stone please?Metroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!
Dogenzaka said:You jog for your school assignments?
I would mainly like starters (from any gen, really, although I already have totodile and cyndaquil) and soul silver exclusives.Metroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!
Dogenzaka said:2 Shiny Stones + Heart Scales PLEASE.
Shiny Stone evolves Togetic, right? I needs mah Togekiss!
Metroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!
womp said:For a water Pokemon he just doesn't seem to be doing much in the way of water so far that Psyduck can do more of at the moment. I had Totodile in my Pokewalker at the time he was set to learn Bite so I missed out on that too but still, that wasn't a big deal as far as I can tell. I'm really not too excited about him so far. If I stick with him will he get better?
One of my favorite Pokemon from what I've played has been Turtwig. I miss him in this.![]()
Dogenzaka said:WTF does it take to win the Bug Contest??
I caught a lvl 30 Scyther and I lost to a Paras! WTF
upandaway said:Aw man, so no DeepSeaTooth after all.
Guess I'll really have to go inside that stupid Marsh for a Carvahna.
There's a move deleter in Blackthorn City.Minister of the Dog said:So, someone finally traded my Cyndaquil for a Totodile, which happened to be a HM slave (surf, cut, and waterfall) and also male. I had him breed with a Ditto, and I think that the new Totodile will inherit these moves, right? Where can I make him forget them?
Also, if this Totodile belongs to someone from another country (a.k.a. international breeding) are the chances of obtaining a shiny Totodile bigger, and if so, how easy is it?
Thanks in advance.
Waaait, you mean the complete Pokédex?Metroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!
Since we're gonna have to trade anyway you might as well get some pokemon that you are searching for. I'm only short of 70 pokemon for a full dex and can therefore breed most of the pokemon in the game.
PM!JADS said:I have a spare DeepSeaTooth that I am willing to trade in my Diamond version.
Wichu said:There's a move deleter in Blackthorn City.
Breeding two Pokémon from different-language games quadruples the chance of hatching a shiny. However, it's still very difficult (1/8192 normally, so 1/2048 with international parents).
CoolS said:I wouldn't say that. I currently leveling my Magby while doing an assignment for school.
Not if I check first if it would learn a move I want it to learn and do that level up ingameTheSeks said:You lose out on Moves learned on level up, if the Pokemon hits that move's level requirement in the Pokewalker.
So yes, it's a Furret walker instead of being a "useful Pokemon" walker.
Metroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!
In order not to clutch up the thread, please only quote the red text at the top of this post when replying.
Since we're gonna have to trade anyway you might as well get some pokemon that you are searching for. I'm only short of 70 pokemon for a full dex and can therefore breed most of the pokemon in the game.
Metroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!
Metal Coat: 8![]()
Onix -> Steelix (trade)
Scyther -> Scizor (trade)
Since everyone is being so generous, I could breed you all the starters. I think I have them all, but I could be missing torchic.TheSeks said:Screw the evolution items, I rather you breed me the Kanto/Shinno/Hoenn starters and the Water/Grass starter from Johto. Of course, this means I have to go sit my ass back on the DS, buy some Pokeballs and go out and toss Pokeballs for somegarbagetradeable Pokemon. :lol
TheSeks said:Screw the evolution items, I rather you breed me the Kanto/Shinno/Hoenn starters and the Water/Grass starter from Johto. Of course, this means I have to go sit my ass back on the DS, buy some Pokeballs and go out and toss Pokeballs for somegarbagetradeable Pokemon. :lol
Can I haveMetroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!
Can I have the Metal Coat? And can we trade my Onix back and forth to evolve it into a Steelix?Metroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!
Metal Coat: 4![]()
Onix -> Steelix (trade)
Scyther -> Scizor (trade)
Since we're gonna have to trade anyway you might as well get some pokemon that you are searching for. I'm only short of 70 pokemon for a full dex and can therefore breed most of the pokemon in the game.
1xFirestoneMetroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!
If that wasn't just a specific offer, I'd absolutely love a Charmander and Squirtle.FootNinja said:Since everyone is being so generous, I could breed you all the starters. I think I have them all, but I could be missing torchic.
Either way in about 8 hours I will be free to trade, so I'll see if you still need them by then.
Just a Dragon Scale with a Squirtle, please. FC 4984 7134 0994Metroid Killer said:Metroid Killer's big evolution-inducing item giveaway!!!