Just give me 10 to 15 minutes, I'm breeding all of them for you.Menmanelf said:A while from beating red yet, so trying to get the 4/6 I won't be able to get. So really any would be good if possible.
Just give me 10 to 15 minutes, I'm breeding all of them for you.Menmanelf said:A while from beating red yet, so trying to get the 4/6 I won't be able to get. So really any would be good if possible.
First time I saw a shiny was in Slowpoke Well, a Zubat in the original Silver game. First I thought it was some special event thing so I killed it, reset the game and bought lots of Pokeballs and went back to the place so that I could try to catch it, and never encountered another shiny again...Salaadin said:I just saw my first shiny ever in all these years of playing pokemon. A green golbat in victory road. Caught him.
TestOfTide said:So I have been thinking of making a pokemon focused on getting critical hits and I haven't been able to find on serebii the answer to some things, so I figured would ask here:
1) what are exact odds of a critical hit for normal attacks?
2) what are those odds for high-crit attacks like slash and psycho cut?
3) how much does focus energy increase those odds?
4) how much does Super Luck increase those odds?
5) how much does scope lens increase those odds?
This is kind of cool. Apparently, there's a Farfetch'd build out there that can get above 50% critical hit ratio, but it requires some skill swap shenanigans.Crazymoogle said:Basically, there is a tier chart.
Tier 0: 1/16
Tier 1: 1/8
Tier 2: 1/4
Tier 3: 1/3
Tier 4: 1/2
High-crit moves or Scope lens move you up 1 tier. So does Super Luck. (this is stackable!)
Focus energy moves you up 2 tiers. The highest you could do is Tier 5 as that would require Super Luck, Scope Lens, a high crit move, and a focus energy move. But Tier 2 is really the sweet spot for odds as you have to make sacrifices to go with focus energy and a Super Luck ability pokemon.
(This is why Drapion is typically called "crithax" in some configs, because Sniper guarantees 3x damage, and you can use moves/scope lens to hit Tier 2.)
Pre-edit: This place is pretty much where I learned the system from a gen or two ago.
btkadams said:it uses the last chosen route.
Really? It's not hard for me at all. Especially at work. I just put it in my pocket, and basically do my usual bookstore stuff. And when I check it I have a good number of watts and steps. In fact, I have 18K right now.TheSeks said:Ah, interesting. Never knew that. I guess I could stop having it be a "Furretwalker" now, but I kinda like how Furret looks in the Pokewalker. So happy and dancing whenever I check my steps. :lol
I really gotta get a Jigglypuff/Magby/Elekid from the Walker but 10K steps a day for myself is crazy insane.![]()
Jet Grind Radio! said:Really? It's not hard for me at all. Especially at work. I just put it in my pocket, and basically do my usual bookstore stuff. And when I check it I have a good number of watts and steps. In fact, I have 18K right now.
online nowEchoes said:Menmanelf, I got you Charmander, Bulbasaur and Mudkip. Will breed you a Treecko later when I transer Sceptile from Platinum.
I'm in, FC 4984 7134 0994
Edit: FootNinja, just bring another Poke for the PKRS-infectedEDIT: Sorry! the one Poke I'll transfer will be infected. No need for two!
I drive a lot too, but it's surprisingly easier for me at work.TheSeks said:I don't walk very far in my day-to-day, or if I'm going somewhere I drive. Yay, rural. :lol
I'm sure you know this, and I am reading too much into the comment, but you have to surf for the pokes.Firestorm said:Why are there Zubats in Slowpoke well. I want a Slowpoke. If I wanted Zubats, I'd go to Zubat Cave or something.
Salaadin said:Yes, thats him. To be honest, I was a little offended that he didnt call me to inform me of the evolution.
I will breed you Charmander, Bulbasaur and Cyndaquil. Give me 10~15 minutes. Give me any starters you want. FC 4984 7134 0994Guardian Bob said:Anyone want to trade something? I have 3rd and 4th gen pokemon, and anything 1st or 2nd gen would be good. (bulbasaur?)
FC = 2800 1866 9407
Echoes said:I will breed you Charmander, Bulbasaur and Cyndaquil. Give me 10~15 minutes. Give me any starters you want. FC 4984 7134 0994
Menmanelf and FootNinja, thanks a lot!![]()
Harpuia said:Alright, which of the Battle facilities in battle frontier is the best way to earn BP? And will I be able to go in and do good with just pokemon with good moves, or will I need to ev train them?
Turtwig is cool. The others can be anything.Guardian Bob said:Ok sounds good! Any preference?
PS: where do we meet? I haven't done this in a while.
Echoes said:Axis. Is it too much to give me one of each? Or do you only have one of each?
JADS said:My FC is 3610 0246 2986, what is yours? I have a Chikorita and Cyndaquil waiting for you. We will need to turn off the microphone when trading, you can do that by pressing X in the Connected friends screen.
Echoes said:Turtwig is cool. The others can be anything.
Go down the stairsin any Poke-center and talk to the lady in the middle.
Edit: you can put any name. In GAF I'm Echoes, In-game I'm Mega![]()
Echoes said:Cool. Don't have any specific natures; you're better than me in this so give me whatever you feel is good.
So it is as follow;
Togepi (with Serene Grace if possible)
DD Char
FT/DF Char
That's a lot. Wow. Thanks man. Do you want anything in return?
Edit: Guardian Bob, wait for me in there, I'm waiting for Cynda's egg. 5 minutes at most.
But I don't have SurfFootNinja said:I'm sure you know this, and I am reading too much into the comment, but you have to surf for the pokes.
btw Thanks echoes!
Firestorm said:But I don't have SurfI couldn't remember if there were Slowpokes here in the cave or not. Guess I better leave.
You tooGuardian Bob said:Thanks Echoes!![]()
It's the Pokegear. I swear its microphone is always on.Firestorm said:So Prof. Elm just phoned me telling me how the egg I had hatched. How the hell did he know? Creepy old man is spying on me. More as it develops.
BGBW said:Well I beat Whitney first time round. Took a bit bit of a beating as my moves didn't take too much damage off of her so her milk drink would usually recover back what little damage I did.
Probably because it would make Magnezone a bit too good. You can teach it Magnet Rise to do the same thing though.matrix-cat said:Why, oh why, does Magneton, a Pokemon with a 4x weakness to Ground that, y'know, actually levitates, not get Levitate as an ability?
Is that another name for magnet rise?OMG Aero said:Probably because it would make Magnezone a bit too good. You can teach it Electrolevitate to do the same thing though.
Same reason Stealth Rock existsmatrix-cat said:Why, oh why, does Magneton, a Pokemon with a 4x weakness to Ground that, y'know, actually levitates, not get Levitate as an ability?
Oh yeah, that's magnet rise. I keep getting mixed up between the Japanese and English names.FootNinja said:Is that another name for magnet rise?
Never heard of that before.
He's definitely my pick for best follow. Him, krabby and diglettEchoes said:Metroid Killer, Axis; thank you very very much for everythingAs much as I love the game; I love it even MORE now that I got all these awesome Pokemons.
The game would have never been the same without the awesomeness of you guys. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart *cries*
On another note, I found it funny when I put Snorlax as the lead and he started following me. Never thought of the day in which I'd see Snorlax run :lol