Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Sadly no GenIII starters here.
Hieberrr said:Can someone explain to me what all of these breeding, EV and things are? I swear.. as soon as D/P/P came out, everything got a shit load more complicated.
Kyzer said:Basically there are two things that determine the strength of your Pokemon, other than their base stats.
"IV"s or "Individual Values" are like a Pokemon's DNA, and each stat can have an IV value between 0-31. 31 is the strongest. These are completely random.
"EV"s or "Effort Values", in short, are hidden points that are awarded to your Pokemon when they defeat another Pokemon that will determine which of their stats will grow. For example, defeating an Alakazam will give you 3 Sp. Atk EVs (max value from any Pokemon is 3 btw, without including Pokerus or Macho Brace), meaning that when your Pokemon's stat gains are calculated at level up, Your special attack will go up more.
Natures are just inherent ways that your Pokemon excel or fail at certain stats. I believe a red stat is one that is benefiting from a nature, and the blue one is the one that is lowered. (This is only in HGSS btw)
Kyzer said:Basically there are two things that determine the strength of your Pokemon, other than their base stats.
"IV"s or "Individual Values" are like a Pokemon's DNA, and each stat can have an IV value between 0-31. 31 is the strongest. These are completely random.
"EV"s or "Effort Values", in short, are hidden points that are awarded to your Pokemon when they defeat another Pokemon that will determine which of their stats will grow. For example, defeating an Alakazam will give you 3 Sp. Atk EVs (max value from any Pokemon is 3 btw, without including Pokerus or Macho Brace), meaning that when your Pokemon's stat gains are calculated at level up, Your special attack will go up more.
Natures are just inherent ways that your Pokemon excel or fail at certain stats. I believe a red stat is one that is benefiting from a nature, and the blue one is the one that is lowered. (This is only in HGSS btw)
flake said:As someone who hasnt played the original gold and silver...whats the better DS generation Pokemon game...Soul Silver/Heart Gold or Pokemon Platinum?
Dogenzaka said:What does Macho Brace do?
Can I combine it WITH Pokerus?
Yes. After you get all 16 badges talk to Prof OakAwesomeSyrup said:Is there anyway to get Charizard in SoulSilver?
Kyzer said:Yes. After you get all 16 badges talk to Prof Oak
vectorman06 said:Man, it's like the entire JP anime Pokemon cast can sign:
I have one for each (non-neutral) nature for breeding purposes. If you just want a few look for Pokemon you'd like to breed.Eteric Rice said:Whats the most important natured dittos to get?
I've been catching a bunch of em. :O
Kyzer said:Yes. After you get all 16 badges talk to Prof Oak
The 6 major ones would be: Adamant, Modest, Jolly, Timid, Bold and Calm. There are a few other useful ones, but those six are probably the most important.Eteric Rice said:Whats the most important natured dittos to get?
I've been catching a bunch of em. :O
Well I have cyndaquil, totodile and mudkip if you want them. I also have all of the SS exclusives.CoolS said:So I'd like to do some trading starting tomorrow.
I am looking for a legit Deoxys, Celebi and Jirachi. I could offer some Mews, since I got a couple of them a few years back at a Nintendo event.
I am also looking for Cyndaquil and Totodile, preferably as eggs. I can offer all starters exept Mudkip for those.
I also need Silver exclusives like Vulpix, Ledyba, Teddiursa, Delibird, Mawile and Gulpin, but I don't have anything in particular to offer, just ask![]()
Axis said:ok i still need to get rid of these sooo just pm me if you want one
scyther - substitute/baton pass/swords dance
larvitar - dragon dance
aerodactyl - 4 level 20's available
lvl 1 yanma(substintute)
heracross(focus blast/night slash)
if you need/want anything else bred let me know and i'll see what i can do...i find it rather fun
You got a spare dratini lying around?CoolS said:So I'd like to do some trading starting tomorrow.
I am looking for a legit Deoxys, Celebi and Jirachi. I could offer some Mews, since I got a couple of them a few years back at a Nintendo event.
I am also looking for Cyndaquil and Totodile, preferably as eggs. I can offer all starters exept Mudkip for those.
I also need Silver exclusives like Vulpix, Ledyba, Teddiursa, Delibird, Mawile and Gulpin, but I don't have anything in particular to offer, just ask![]()
CoolS said:So I'd like to do some trading starting tomorrow.
I am looking for a legit Deoxys, Celebi and Jirachi. I could offer some Mews, since I got a couple of them a few years back at a Nintendo event.
I am also looking for Cyndaquil and Totodile, preferably as eggs. I can offer all starters exept Mudkip for those.
I also need Silver exclusives like Vulpix, Ledyba, Teddiursa, Delibird, Mawile and Gulpin, but I don't have anything in particular to offer, just ask![]()
Adamant and Modest are probably the most popular natures(since the focus on one attack and ditches the other), though Lonely, Mild, Calm and Timid also get their fair share.Eteric Rice said:Whats the most important natured dittos to get?
I've been catching a bunch of em. :O
Metroid Killer said:Adamant and Modest are probably the most popular natures(since the focus on one attack and ditches the other), though Lonely, Mild, Calm and Timid also get their fair share.
And you defintely need Dittos when breeding for specific natures, some of you are crazy ending up with 30 plus useless pokemon :lol
Listen to the oak radio show everyday and if you are lucky you'll get a Ditto swarm making ditto hunting easy.
Yeah Sableye and Baltoy swarms only appear in HG and Mawhile and Gulpin in SS.Axis said:are there any swarms that are version specific? i'm getting relicanth/kricketot/luvdisc with a sableye cycled in here and there...but nothing else lol
Metroid Killer said:Yeah Sableye and Baltoy swarms only appear in HG and Mawhile and Gulpin in SS.
Though it doesn't get better than a Chansey, Luvdisc or Ditto swarm, defintely the most beneficial.
what level do they appear at? could I just buy a ton of quick balls and go to town?Metroid Killer said:Yay and I just checked the radio, Dittos of all natures here I come!![]()
They are lvl 30-35 at route 47. Dittos catch rate is 35 so I brought my best catcher just in case.Wiseblade said:what level do they appear at? could I just buy a ton of quick balls and go to town?
In the japanese version after introducing the show they announce that on Route___ is a lot of ___ pokemon.OMG Aero said:How do you actually discover swarms in this game? When I listen to the Mary and Oak radio show Oak just says Pokemon I already know like "There are Zubat in Union Cave!"
Hitmonlee is the more offensive one and Hitmonchan is the more defensive one.Ookami-kun said:Just a reminder - Yellow Forest comes out in Wifi tomorrow.
Also which of the Hitmons should I use more?
Metroid Killer said:They are lvl 30-35 at route 47. Dittos catch rate is 35 so I brought my best catcher just in case.
Awesome! I have a Parasect as my catcher pokemon, and it started getting annoying when dittos used X-scissor and Spore on my parasect >_<NinjaBoyLao said:Ditto assumes the catch rate of the pokemon he copied. Sending a Magikarp so he'll transform into one, is the best way to capture a Ditto.
I learned that after playing tons of hours in Emerald lol.
Not that I know of, it's only the species catch rate, hp and status that matter. Running away on the other side is more effective when having a higher level pokemon.Android18a said:Does the Level and Pokemon of your Active Pokemon affect your chances of catching a given Pokemon in general?