Jet Grind Radio!
Yup. :lol
Jesus. This Ditto and Charmander fuck like rabbits. Damn.
Jesus. This Ditto and Charmander fuck like rabbits. Damn.
Puberty's a bitch. :lolJet Grind Radio! said:Yup. :lol
Jesus. This Ditto and Charmander fuck like rabbits. Damn.
Jet Grind Radio! said:Magmar/Magby work too.
Wow, do we know the artist? should I ask him first?The_Technomancer said:There was a thread a while back where someone linked to a giant like...poster thing of a ton of them.
FAKE EDIT: Found it:
I've tried to put them on again -- guess what -- just before a 2 vs. 2... let's just say it wasn't fast.Sixfortyfive said:I keep animations on until I'm completely done with the main singleplayer stuff. Once it gets to the point where all I'm doing is Battle Frontier and EV training, they go off and stay off.
:lolJet Grind Radio! said:Jesus. This Ditto and Charmander fuck like rabbits. Damn.
cvxfreak said:If I have time later this month, I might start an event Arceus lending service to NeoGAF members with at least 1 year of posting history and 1000+ posts, and starting with posters I'm familiar with. Stay tuned![]()
Wichu said:Why is everyone so obsessed with shiny Charmander? I had 3 or 4 spare ones a while back (RNGed, but not cloned); I gave them away at the UK Arceus event. I didn't have any way of checking IVs while breeding them (I was on a train), so I RNGed a few to be on the safe side. The final result (shiny Adamant 31/31/31/31/31/31 with Belly Drum) is currently sitting in my Pearl box.
Anyway, is anybody else annoyed by the sprite glitches/inconsistencies in HG/SS? For example, when you play as the boy, the icon on the Pokédex area map is completely different than the one on the Pokégear map (the hat is completely yellow, and the hairstyle is different). Also, with the new sprites for the original 251, a few back sprites and shiny sprites have been messed up. For example, Lickitung's back sprite has a weird-looking tongue (the mid and dark shades of the tongue colour were changed, but the light colour wasn't; this isn't visible on the front sprite, but it is on the back), Elekid's back sprite has the light and mid shades of yellow switched, and Hoppip's shiny sprite has colour issues with its feet.
LiQuid! said:Aw good lord. You mean to tell me I can't take the ship back to Johto unless it's a Wednesday or a Sunday?! I can't fly back?! The bullet train is broken?! What the eff?!
Jet Grind Radio! said:All of this Charmander breedin' is making me disappointed everytime I see it's little face pop out of that egg.![]()
Isn't that how the map worked in G/S/C? Well, minus the "touch" part of course.upandaway said:They really should have made the map a double-screen map. Just touch the right edge and bam.
But I guess that's too complex for GameFreak...
In other news, I officially hit the last day I'm allowing myself to play my DS. I guess I'll still visit the thread (there's only so much I can study), but no Pokemon until middle of July!
I have vivid memories of constantly swimming 6-7 tiles from New Bark in order to get into the Kanto map, as well as fly to Indigo in order to get to the Johto map.The_Technomancer said:Isn't that how the map worked in G/S/C? Well, minus the "touch" part of course.
Good luck with your schoolwork, dude.upandaway said:They really should have made the map a double-screen map. Just touch the right edge and bam.
But I guess that's too complex for GameFreak...
In other news, I officially hit the last day I'm allowing myself to play my DS. I guess I'll still visit the thread (there's only so much I can study), but no Pokemon until middle of July!
Johnlenham said:Goddamn it I killed Snorlax and didnt realize theres only one![]()
It can be breed, I think.Johnlenham said:Goddamn it I killed Snorlax and didnt realize theres only one![]()
Not without a Full Incense.notsol337 said:Makes a Munchlax!![]()
btkadams said:man, is it like impossible to get a female pokemon through breeding? why would they make it so that its not 50/50?
Reich said:Anyone willing to spare a electrizer ?
Electabuzz want to evolve ! pls pls pls !
Nayishiki said:I can give you a Electirizer. My Fc is 1505 7817 2308.
btkadams said:man, is it like impossible to get a female pokemon through breeding? why would they make it so that its not 50/50?
Reich said:Going online : FC : 2278 9136 9968
We gonna trade, then we gonna trade again to make electabuzz evole. thx lots!
Axis said:outrage>dragon rush...especially for dealing with lance.
upandaway said:You do not want to have 10HP and miss a Blast Burn.
You just don't.
Also, you can go Eruption for the first half of your HP, then switch to Flamethrower later on. Typhlosion's ability makes it so Flamethrower will grow stronger when he's in the red, and be close to as strong as Blast Burn (142 as opposed to 150).
Edit: Also I think Thunderbolt will work better on Dragonite (against Ice Beam). You've got Dragon and Ground covered, so you're switching grass effectiveness to water effectiveness, which is the better type to be strong against.
Nayishiki said:Ok going online now.
mCACGj said:When the hell can I get an Exp. Share?? I know I can win the lottery at the radio station or whatever, but my luck is not so good.
Reich said:Thanks a lots.
Still looking for a Reaper cloth to make Dusclops evolve. Anyone?
Nayishiki said:No Problem! I have a Reaper Cloth on Soul Silver, use this FC 3653 2713 6337.
Wizpig said:I just noticed the japanese cart of the game is black... well, the european one isn't, at least not Gold.
What about the US one?
Wizpig said:I just noticed the japanese cart of the game is black... well, the european one isn't, at least not Gold.
What about the US one?
Ours is black too. What color is yours? DS cards are so small I don't think coloring them would have as much novelty value as the old GB carts.Wizpig said:Yeah sorry I'mdaltonicstupid, it's black.
It just didn't seem that dark, but when I saw the japanese one in a photo I noticed, definitely darker than other DS games.
I want the colored (red/blue/gold/silver/etc.) Pokémon carts back :S
Sableye fans UNITE!Azure Phoenix said:I don't care about competitive battling so I want to use my favourite Pokemon for the main game, hence why I won't be evolving my Togepi or Mareep and why I intend to use Sableye and Bellossom.
And thanks very much, I'll take you up on that offer if I don't find one by then.