I had a problem with connecting the DSi to my router. I have it fixed and will be in the union room soon. 
This is the first generation where I've bought 3 games, Diamond, Pearl and HeartGold. I'm actually going to get SoulSilver down the road. Hell, I may get Platinum just to complete the set. :lolAndrex said:I'm kinda leaning towards picking up HeartGold now. Then I get two of everything, I can pick another Johto/Kanto/Hoenn starter and another one of the Arceus Pokemon (in this case Dialga, completing my collection of Sinnoh Pokegods.)
AND I'd have an extra Pokewalker. Hrm... I did get both at the same time when I was a kid. Should I try and replicate the experience? :lol
Metroid Killer said:But is that really worth the price for an extra game??? You can get all the startes free from me and others in here, and I'm sure there's a kind soul who'll trade his Sinnoh Gods to you(if so tell me as well!)
This should happen if you try to enter the house in the picture.Jet Grind Radio! said:I'm having a hard time finding the entrance to the event thingy.
Oh. Well, it helps if I put all other Pokémon in Bill's PC. :lolMetroid Killer said:This should happen if you try to enter the house in the picture.
Eevee needs to have a maxed out happiness, after that, level at night and you get Umbreon.Oni Link 666 said:What's the secret to getting an Umbreon? I've been battling it at night trying to get it to evolve but it's 22 now and it's still Eevee. I got an Espeon evolution like at level 14.
Oni Link 666 said:What's the secret to getting an Umbreon? I've been battling it at night trying to get it to evolve but it's 22 now and it's still Eevee. I got an Espeon evolution like at level 14.
Happiness, which increases by leveling up, walking(big factor), using healing items(big factor), haircuts, vitamins.Oni Link 666 said:What's the secret to getting an Umbreon? I've been battling it at night trying to get it to evolve but it's 22 now and it's still Eevee. I got an Espeon evolution like at level 14.
Metroid Killer said:Haha screwy wifi again JGR, gonna trade with Moogle before trying again, k
Minister of the Dog said:Oh, there's something I would like to ask. In Ruby, I had a Plusle who knew Rain Dance along with Thunder. Whenever I used Rain Dance, Thunder would never fail (and I believe it also dealed more damage). Is this still true as of generation IV?
Echoes said:How do I get Garchomp to learn Outrage? I went to the Move Tutor in Blackthorn but he doesn't have it. Fire Fang, Dragon Rush, etc but no Outrage. Am I looking in the wrong place?
YupMinister of the Dog said:Anyone?
Actually I think it has to do with HP. I got third place with my Pinsir and first place also got a Pinsir. And every other time I've gotten first without doing any damage to the Pokemon's HP (and sometimes ending up with the same Pokemon as other contestants).viciouskillersquirrel said:It works on IVs rather than total stats, I think.
Thanks for the tip, though as MK said, I'll probably purchase it (though that's too much BP!) since I just want Outrage in the Frontier. For my competitive Garchomp, I'll be sure to breed it with Dragonair. Outrage with Persim(sp?) Beryy is all sorts of awesomeness IMO. Oh and BTW, even Blizzard (with Hail) gets a boost in its accuracy making it 100%.Minister of the Dog said:Anyone?
Hey Echoes, grats for your shiny Shuckle.
You need to chain breed in order to teach Garchomp/Gible Outrage. First, get a male Dragonair or Dragonite that knows outrage, and then you need a female Gible or any Pokémon from its family. Leave them at daycare, and the egg you receive will be a Gible that knows outrage. Check this site out said:Actually I think it has to do with HP. I got third place with my Pinsir and first place also got a Pinsir. And every other time I've gotten first without doing any damage to the Pokemon's HP (and sometimes ending up with the same Pokemon as other contestants).
Oooh. Makes sense. I didn't do very much damage to the Scyther I caught.upandaway said:
Yeah but it requires the Azure Flute which Nintendo may or may not distribute some time. Would be awesome as Dilaga and Palka are going to be pretty difficult for me to aquire(not owning DDPt)Jet Grind Radio! said:Oooh. Makes sense. I didn't do very much damage to the Scyther I caught.
Also apparently a return trip to the Sinjoh Ruins is doable.
Wizpig said:
We still need to do the trade! Are you able to do it now (or have you already evolved your scyther?)jdogmoney said:Gary Oak once won a bug-catching contest with an Igglybuff. True story.
Oni Link 666 said:What's the secret to getting an Umbreon? I've been battling it at night trying to get it to evolve but it's 22 now and it's still Eevee. I got an Espeon evolution like at level 14.
I was referring to the Join Date.Jet Grind Radio! said:Damn. I won't hit a year till July
Also, woo! I won the Bug Catching Conest with a lvl 13 Scyther. I got a Sun Stone. :3
Metroid Killer said:We still need to do the trade! Are you able to do it now (or have you already evolved your scyther?)
Hey don't worry, I got plenty of Metal Coat I don't mind waiting in anyway so don't sweat it.jdogmoney said:Sorry, man. I don't have Wifi at my dorm, so I can usually only get on at a friend's house.
Metroid Killer said:We still need to do the trade! Are you able to do it now (or have you already evolved your scyther?)
One of the reasons I hate the idea of Event Pokémon.Metroid Killer said:Yeah but it requires the Azure Flute which Nintendo may or may not distribute some time. Would be awesome as Dilaga and Palka are going to be pretty difficult for me to aquire(not owning DDPt)
Yeah, going to the Union room. My fc 5156 4291 4002cdyhybrid said:Can I get a foreign Ditto too? Won't be in the contest, but I'll be breeding teams in the future, better shiny chance couldn't hurt :lol
FC: 4812 9260 8486
Metroid Killer said:^Or you can just tutor it Outrage at the Battle Frontier for 48 BP.
"Thunder has an accuracy of 100% when used during heavy rain and 50% if used during bright sunlight. It also has a 30% chance of paralyzing the target. It can also hit a Pokémon during the semi-invulnerable turn of Fly. "
Metroid Killer said:Yeah, going to the Union room. My fc 5156 4291 4002
No downstairs, middle countercdyhybrid said:Do you mean the Union room upstairs in the Pokemon Center? Went in there and didn't see anyone. Never used it before so I'm not really sure how it works.
Metroid Killer said:No downstairs, middle counter![]()
Are you in the room now, don't see you?cdyhybrid said:Ah alright, I'll be in there in about 10 seconds.
Metroid Killer said:Are you in the room now, don't see you?
Silver/Soul Silver is for noobs.CryptiK said:and the guy at the counter added a nice "What the fuck" when I said what version I wanted and asked why is everyone buying Soul Silver! He hen said he has 1 copy of Silver left and over a dozen of Gold >.<
no its for people with Style...Wizpig said:Silver/Soul Silver is for noobs.
Any particular reason you want sableye over spiritomb? If it's personal preference alone, I understand.Azure Phoenix said:This might be a lot to ask, but if anyone out there has a spare female Sableye or Japanese Ditto they don't want and would be willing to give it away I'd be incredibly grateful.
Since I'm only at Goldenrod at the moment aside from possibly a lvl 2 Spinarak I've got nothing useful to give in return. I'm not bothered about nature, EVs, IVs, level or even if they are hacked, I just want to breed a Sableye for my team instead of waiting until I reach the Pal Park to bring my old one over from Sapphire.
My FC is 4855 9004 1361
Lugia > Ho-ohCryptiK said:Got my game todaywent in and traded Nintendogs and Some old Yugioh game for it >.<
and the guy at the counter added a nice "What the fuck" when I said what version I wanted and asked why is everyone buying Soul Silver! He hen said he has 1 copy of Silver left and over a dozen of Gold >.<
Mush said:Lugia > Ho-oh
FootNinja said:Any particular reason you want sableye over spiritomb? If it's personal preference alone, I understand.
I would give you a sableye right now, but I'm on my way to bed. Pm me tomorrow if no one steps up?