Having a slight issue, I disconnected when I tried to accept your invitation; give me a moment.Reich said:Online atm.
Jokey665 said:Having a slight issue, I disconnected when I tried to accept your invitation; give me a moment.
EDIT: Okay, I'm on but I don't see you.
EDIT: Okay I saw you but it said you were busy and now you're gone...
I keep getting either the "player is busy" or "there is no response" message when I try to accept your trade invite...Reich said:Never see you online.
Jokey665 said:I keep getting either the "player is busy" or "there is no response" message when I try to accept your trade invite...
I've got a trade invite up right now, and I see you online "standing by..."
Yeah, and he has quite a lot of awesome moves to work with.jman2050 said:Gengar owns and you rarely notice his abysmal defense when you're sweeping trainers left and right.
He also doesn't have immunity to ground, normal, and fighting attacks, which is really helpful.GaimeGuy said:IIRC, Alakazam has higher special attack + special defense + Speed, and even worse HP + Attack + Defense , but its ability sucks and it doesn't have access to as many awesome moves as Gengar.
If we're banning moves then Stealth Rock is the most abusive move of ALL time. It cripples 50% of the Pokemons. Yeah, there is Rapid Spin, but I prefer giving Starmie Ice Beam over a useless move that becomes useful with this one only. I don't care about Toxic Spikes nor Spikes because they're good, but not too good like SR. I just battled my friend and since I didn't finish EV-train my Starmie I lost easily. Charizard went down 50% so I couldn't set up a substitute -> Belly Drum.OMG Aero said:I have to agree with the evasion rule too. With the exception of Aura Sphere (Which only two non-legendary Pokemon learn), all unmissable moves have 60 base power. If a Pokemon can keep using double team then you are basically shutting out every Pokemon that doesn't have one of these moves.
LiQuid! said:Five boxes of charmanders. What the hell am I going to do with all of these things?!
Echoes said:If we're banning moves then Stealth Rock is the most abusive move of ALL time. It cripples 50% of the Pokemons. Yeah, there is Rapid Spin, but I prefer giving Starmie Ice Beam over a useless move that becomes useful with this one only. I don't care about Toxic Spikes nor Spikes because they're good, but not too good like SR. I just battled my friend and since I didn't finish EV-train my Starmie I lost easily. Charizard went down 50% so I couldn't set up a substitute -> Belly Drum.
But then again, people will worship whatever Smogon says. I'm not an expert by any mean, not at all, and the awesome people in there know their stuff better than me (and I learned a LOT from the awesome articles in there; insane), but still.
Pass one off to me if you can(Preferably a male).LiQuid! said:Five boxes of charmanders. What the hell am I going to do with all of these things?!
Oh I agree with you about Stealth Rock, Charizard is one of my favourite Pokemon and Stealth Rock just ruins it since there are hardly any Rapid Spinners. Stealth Rock definitely needs to be nerfed next gen, either by making it require multiple layers to be put down first like Toxic Spikes or by a new Rapid Spin move that more Pokemon have access to.Echoes said:If we're banning moves then Stealth Rock is the most abusive move of ALL time. It cripples 50% of the Pokemons. Yeah, there is Rapid Spin, but I prefer giving Starmie Ice Beam over a useless move that becomes useful with this one only. I don't care about Toxic Spikes nor Spikes because they're good, but not too good like SR. I just battled my friend and since I didn't finish EV-train my Starmie I lost easily. Charizard went down 50% so I couldn't set up a substitute -> Belly Drum.
But then again, people will worship whatever Smogon says. I'm not an expert by any mean, not at all, and the awesome people in there know their stuff better than me (and I learned a LOT from the awesome articles in there; insane), but still.
Exactly.Nils said:Stealth Rock sucks ass, but you're almost required to have it due to how overpowered it is.
Echoes said:As much as I love Focus Sash, I'm tempted not to use it since Tyranitar's Sandstorm ruins it, as well as SR.
I'm up for another battle today.Wiseblade said:Anyone up for a Battle?
Friend Code: 4855 6559 9196
LiQuid! said:Five boxes of charmanders. What the hell am I going to do with all of these things?!
I wouldn't mind doing a random trade for a Charmander, need to collect Trainer IDs for the in-game lotteries after all.LiQuid! said:Five boxes of charmanders. What the hell am I going to do with all of these things?!
JosM88 said:I'm up for another battle today.
LiQuid! said:Five boxes of charmanders. What the hell am I going to do with all of these things?!
I'm waiting around in the lobby.Wiseblade said:Ok, registered you FC and going online now.
ShinoguTakeruKoeru said:I wouldn't mind doing a random trade for a Charmander, need to collect Trainer IDs for the in-game lotteries after all.
On that note, I've got loads of Pikachus from Pokewalking that I need to offload, anybody good for random trading to share Trainer IDs?
Reich said:Gonna take one if u dont mind.
2278 9136 9968
My friend code is 0346 1568 4869, but I won't be home until around 8:30-9PM EST. >_>LiQuid! said:Sounds good, guys.
Shin, toss me your FC.
I'm 3524-4520-4614
I'll be on right after I get Shin's code.
This is how I remember it from Platinum version, dunno if it applies here.Andrex said:Where the hell is 645 to answer my questions. None of you are helpful. T_T
The stationary legendary pokemon can have their natures influenced by restarts. I have no idea how the roamers can have their natures manipulated, if at all.Andrex said:Where the hell is 645 to answer my questions. None of you are helpful. T_T
Jokey665 said:Having a slight issue, I disconnected when I tried to accept your invitation; give me a moment.
EDIT: Okay, I'm on but I don't see you.
EDIT: Okay I saw you but it said you were busy and now you're gone...
Yes. Almost every single time I'd connected for a trade there has been some kind of hiccup, delay or error. If I sit idle in the lobby too long I get disconnected and have to reconnect.The_Technomancer said:GAH! This was happening to me last night with a friend. Anyone have any ideas, or encounter this before?
The only way to change a roamers nature is to kill it and then beat the E4 again.JosM88 said:The stationary legendary pokemon can have their natures influenced by restarts. I have no idea how the roamers can have their natures manipulated, if at all.
Check your inbox.LiQuid! said:If anybody else wants a charmander to get my trainer ID just toss me your code, I'll be F5'in while breeding for a little bit.
And there ya go Andrex.Jokey665 said:The only way to change a roamers nature is to kill it and then beat the E4 again.
Echoes said:Exactly.
OMG Aero & Little Green Yoda, I completely agree with both of you. I'm not defending the use of Double Team; I really don't use it, and I think it's super annoying when an opponent pulls it off couple of times while I fail to hit them every single time. The problem with Stealth Rock is that, unlike Spikes, needs to put just once and boof, you're wrecking ships and planes. As much as I love Focus Sash, I'm tempted not to use it since Tyranitar's Sandstorm ruins it, as well as SR.
I can run a pretty annoying SR lead, mind you; with Smeargle (Focus Sash). He can Spore, and if he didn't out-speed the opponent; he won't die no matter what thanks to the Focus Sash. Whether your opponent decides to switch or stay in, you will get your Stealth Rock at the very least. The next turn = Toxic Spikes, and so on; until he dies. But I don't like playing like this. Cheap. Skarmory's SR + Roar is annoying as well, and believe me when I say so, as I went against a friend who did it TWICE; in two battles.
In today's battle I was using my new shiny Shuckle, so I decided not to teach him Stealth Rock for now, and kept my Encore. Encore is pretty cool, but the absence of Stealth Rock was definitely there. Just sad.
Well, what can I do but weep.
Replied. For some reason it is telling me I've already registered your code and won't let me put it in. I know that's not true though. I've only got 7 names registered and you aren't one of them. Any idea?JosM88 said:Check your inbox.
Well, you could breed the one you have... but why is it such a big deal what level it is?Natural said:Yep that's who I eventually want to get. I've got a low level Ghastly (lvl 16) which I could train up, but I want a lower level one. Anyone know where I can get a lower level one in the game?
Yeah, the trade evolutions learn moves at the same rate as their unevolved forms. I don't know if this applies to item+trade evolutions, but I know it's true for the original 4 (Alakazam, Gengar, Golem, Machamp).Jet Grind Radio! said:Again, does Gengar still learn moves after being trade evolved? Is it best to hold out on him till later? I need a good Psychic fighter, and currently I just have Kadabra.
Scizor, if only for the fact that Psychic has some nonsensical weakness against Bug types! :lolJet Grind Radio! said:Again, does Gengar still learn moves after being trade evolved? Is it best to hold out on him till later? I need a good Psychic fighter, and currently I just have Kadabra.
ShinoguTakeruKoeru said:This is how I remember it from Platinum version, dunno if it applies here.
Pokemon that you encounter in the same spot, their stats are randomized with every encounter, so if you're dissatisfied, you can reset and encounter them again. Roaming Pokemon, on the other hand, have their stats set from the moment you initiate contact, so it's consistent with every encounter from then on. That's as far as I remember, I'm pretty sure I got something wrong.
JosM88 said:The stationary legendary pokemon can have their natures influenced by restarts. I have no idea how the roamers can have their natures manipulated, if at all.
JosM88 said:Check your inbox.
And there ya go Andrex.![]()
Jokey665 said:Well, you could breed the one you have... but why is it such a big deal what level it is?