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Scyther/Pincer are usually locks to win, if I remember.
Still need help leveling?Jet Grind Radio! said:No one wants to help me evolve a few Pokemon? I can give you some Charmanders.
Yes. Higher level/more HP = Better.
Oooh. Yes please. Would you like a Charmander? :loleosos said:Still need help leveling?
You wouldn't happen to have a metal coat for my onix, would you?Jet Grind Radio! said:Ok. Cool. Bring something you don't want/need, and I'll give ya a Charmander.
National Pokedex? Thanks for the charmander!!Jet Grind Radio! said:Nope. Sorry. I hate how you don't get some items to help Pokémon evolve until after you get the National Pokédex.
You really like Premier Balls. Why, just like having them in that unique version of the Pokeball?Sixfortyfive said:Used 111 Premier Balls on Mewtwo so far. He can't have much PP left. -_-
I think I must hate myself. There's no other reason I'd go through with this.
Pretty much. That and it looks classy.ShinoguTakeruKoeru said:You really like Premier Balls. Why, just like having them in that unique version of the Pokeball?
Even if I still used Master Balls, I'd save mine for one of the roamers. Wasting one on a stationary legend is stupid.Jet Grind Radio! said:Why don't you use the Master Ball?
Well yeah, but need I remind you what game we're playing?Andrex said:Pardon me but that's a really lame reason to waste so much time. :lol
Still. After about 20ish balls, tee hee, I'd 've thrown the Master Ball on him.Sixfortyfive said:Even if I still used Master Balls, I'd save mine for one of the roamers. Wasting one on a stationary legend is stupid.
EDIT: 120 balls thrown and it Struggles. *reset*
Sixfortyfive said:Well yeah, but need I remind you what game we're playing?
Andrex said:How do you know it has perfect stats? said:How do you know it has perfect stats?
Sixfortyfive said:
This is the sort of picture I show to people who I want to scare away from Pokemon forever, though. >_>
bluebird said:What exactly is happening in this picture?
PIKATIMER! :lolbluebird said:What exactly is happening in this picture?
FootNinja said:Kind of upset that the wild pokemon in kanto dont sync up to what they should be. Why is that? :\
For example, the places I remember seeing wild beedrill or ditto or w.e the hell else was once native in specific spots are now..rattata and woopers evolution.Andrex said:
I am pretty sure that Wichu utilizes it. Don't remember if anyone else does.TestOfTide said:so how many people around here are relying on that RNG thing? Like, should I just give up on battling and winning against anyone using RNG for perfect stats? I figured it'd be a hard enough time trying to go with UU and NU pokemon like noctowl and feraligatr, but now I am at even more a disadvangtage.....
Yeeesss...VOOK said:
I use the app all the time when I'm away from home. :lol Let's see if this adds what I want.Odious Tea said:Hey, guys. If you own an app compatible i-device, get this now. It's just been updated and it's actually pretty goddamn perfect.
I didn't make it and don't know the guy that did. I swear.
What did they change? It's been so long since I last played Silver, that I don't remember.Andrex said:There is one tiniest detail they changed in these remakes that has annoyed the hell out of me, and that's the downgrade of the day care. Specifically, the outside area. I felt like bringing it up since I loved fishing for Corsola there.
Jet Grind Radio! said:I use the app all the time when I'm away from home. :lol Let's see if this adds what I want.
What did they change? It's been so long since I last played Silver, that I don't remember.
Dude. It's pretty much perfect. Maybe a few quibbles with the UI, but certainly nothing major.Jet Grind Radio! said:I use the app all the time when I'm away from home. :lol Let's see if this adds what I want.
Ooh. I can switch between different evolutions. Even seperated by Generations. AND it has locations. Wow. This is FANTASTIC now.Odious Tea said:Dude. It's pretty much perfect. Maybe a few quibbles with the UI, but certainly nothing major.
Love your username.
Nevermind that.Andrex said::lol
Who's the one sleeping on Ash's butt?
Andrex said::lol
Who's the one sleeping on Ash's butt?