I just saw that.Andrex said:Team Rocket in the background. :lol
:lol :lol :lol
I just saw that.Andrex said:Team Rocket in the background. :lol
Damn I already bought another Pokedex app but this one looks really cool. I hope there's a sale soon, that'd make me feel not so bad for buying two apps that do the same thing.Odious Tea said:Hey, guys. If you own an app compatible i-device, get this now. It's just been updated and it's actually pretty goddamn perfect.
I didn't make it and don't know the guy that did. I swear.
Odious Tea said:Hey, guys. If you own an app compatible i-device, get this now. It's just been updated and it's actually pretty goddamn perfect.
I didn't make it and don't know the guy that did. I swear.
It's only the most boring thing ever if you do it the old fashioned way. Just grind at the E4 with an experience share attached to pupitar and an amulet coin attached to your sweeper for some quick cash and a new tyranitar in 40 minutes or so.Metroid Killer said:Leveling up a Pupitar from 30 to 55 is the most boring shit ever, especially when you aint gonna do anything with it besides from filling the pokedex.
I don't know how to feel. This generation is the first time I've played pokemon games with access to the internet. It feels kind of strange to get my hands of SS only to find out that the next main game is coming out somewhere else already.VOOK said:
- Encounter Snorlax.FootNinja said:Wondering if anyone knows of any trainers with some good stealable items in kanto.
Did that just a couple days ago when I last played the game.Metroid Killer said:Leveling up a Pupitar from 30 to 55 is the most boring shit ever, especially when you aint gonna do anything with it besides from filling the pokedex.
Which Snorlax(are there more than one?), I knocked out the one in front of the Diglett cave and I haven't seen it since, and I have battled E4 plenty times already.Sixfortyfive said:- Encounter Snorlax.
- Steal Leftovers.
- KO Snorlax.
- Beat E4 again to make Snorlax respawn.
- Repeat.
Check the Cycling Road and Silence Bridge paths, close to the two places it appeared in RBY. That's usually where it respawns.Metroid Killer said:Which Snorlax(are there more than one?), I knocked out the one in front of the Diglett cave and I haven't seen it since, and I have battled E4 plenty times already.
Linoone's pickup ability means that if it's over level 41 (I think, the details are at Bulbapedia), it has a low% chance of picking up a Rare Candy.Andrex said:How'd you find the rare candies?
FootNinja said:Pick up ability
Metroid Killer said:The Poke love is rather big on Gaf![]()
Who's in your team?Andrex said:So if anyone could suggest a good Gen 2 Pokemon for the sixth slot on my team, that'd be great. <3
Metroid Killer said:Who's in your team?
Andrex said:Spoiler'd in case I decide to enter the competitive tourney:
As gen 2 is my favorite I figured it could use some representation. :3It's shaping up to be Raichu, Gyarados, Empoleon, Togekiss, and Snorlax.
The only ones I can think of that wouldn't repeat your other types are Espeon, Umreon and Heracross.Andrex said:As gen 2 is my favorite I figured it could use some representation. :3
Metroid Killer said:The only ones I can think of that wouldn't repeat your other types are Espeon, Umreon and Heracross.
upandaway said:?Crobat, Houndoom, Steelix
Metroid Killer said:The only ones I can think of that wouldn't repeat your other types are Espeon, Umreon and Heracross.
By an order of magnitude or more if you do it right.Azure Phoenix said:Is chaining Pokemon in D/P/Pt more effective for finding a shiny than breeding with a foreign Ditto?
Azure Phoenix said:Is chaining Pokemon in D/P/Pt more effective for finding a shiny than breeding with a foreign Ditto? I'm thinking of just picking up a cheap used copy of Pearl and chaining for a shiny Oddish, after 400+ failed eggs I've lost all hope of ever getting one from breeding.
If that happened to me right now I would go into lockdown mode...Delio said:So yeah my save file in HG got deleted. I'm totally not sure how it did but i'm basically starting from scracth. Which is horrible since i sent over all my ev trained pokes lol. Eh no big though i'm running thru a lot faster this time and constantly rotating my team so i have various things at lv 50. Elite should be quite a breeze.
Delio said:So yeah my save file in HG got deleted. I'm totally not sure how it did but i'm basically starting from scracth. Which is horrible since i sent over all my ev trained pokes lol. Eh no big though i'm running thru a lot faster this time and constantly rotating my team so i have various things at lv 50. Elite should be quite a breeze.
Oh god what. D: How is that even possible? There is at least one backup save on the cart. If the main file gets corrupted, then the backup file should be loaded instead and you'll get a notice about it.Delio said:So yeah my save file in HG got deleted. I'm totally not sure how it did but i'm basically starting from scracth.
Sixfortyfive said:Oh god what. D: How is that even possible? There is at least one backup save on the cart. If the main file gets corrupted, then the backup file should be loaded instead and you'll get a notice about it.
If you're absolutely sure that no one else deleted it deliberately, I'd suspect that the cartridge is faulty somehow.
There are at least 22 lying around the ground. Keep that Itemfinder open at all times.cdyhybrid said:Any easy way to get Rare Candies in HG? Need a few to check IVs for breeding.
Sixfortyfive said:Oh god what. D: How is that even possible? There is at least one backup save on the cart. If the main file gets corrupted, then the backup file should be loaded instead and you'll get a notice about it.
If you're absolutely sure that no one else deleted it deliberately, I'd suspect that the cartridge is faulty somehow.
Gravijah said:The thing is, chaining takes more attention. You can just sit and breed while doing other things if you want, but chaining from my experience means you had to just sit there watching most of the time.
Azure Phoenix said:To be honest I've got no problem staring at the screen for 5 hours straight if it will produce a shiny, what I dislike is the uncertainty of the breeding. It takes around an hour to obtain and hatch a box full of eggs and the chances are still low enough that it could take hundreds of hours before one appears.
Sixfortyfive said:There are at least 22 lying around the ground. Keep that Itemfinder open at all times.
Not sure what you mean. The EVs will be the same before and after evolving.vcassano1 said:If I EV train a Sneasel, do the EVs transfer exactly when it evolves?