I'm still around home boy. Re-check my friend code, I gave out the wrong one last night in a drunken haze.ryan-ts said:Damn looks like me and Liquid just missed each other, sucky timing
See you online.
I'm still around home boy. Re-check my friend code, I gave out the wrong one last night in a drunken haze.ryan-ts said:Damn looks like me and Liquid just missed each other, sucky timing
Shiny ponyta is so awesome. A shame it loses the bright blue when it evolves though.thefil said:Shiny PonytaI'm so happy!
I told you guys, I knew that thread was headed for a shit storm. Also, just in case anyone here missed it:El Sloth said:EDIT: Holy shit at the nonsense going on in Pokemon Black/White thread. :lol :lol
Edit2: Lyre locked the thread with a picture of my nightmares.
Little Green Yoda said:RBY
The first two gens are compatible with one another. The last two gens are compatible with one another. The first two are completely incompatible with the last two.
You can transfer them straight from any 3rd generation game to any DS game, so from Ruby to Heart Gold.jamesinclair said:So no trading from Gold to Ruby?
But I can take my ruby team to Platinum right? And then in a couple of years to heartgold?
Chinchou can.Mafro said:Is there a Pokemon that can learn flash, whirlpool and surf?
HMs are really taking the piss now.
Smeargle ^_^Mafro said:Is there a Pokemon that can learn flash, whirlpool and surf?
HMs are really taking the piss now.
Excellent, thanks.OMG Aero said:Chinchou can.
upandaway said:You can transfer them straight from any 3rd generation game to any DS game, so from Ruby to Heart Gold.
You can transfer freely, but you need 2 DSs to transfer between two DS games, and one DS to transfer between a GBA game and a DS game.jamesinclair said:But if I transfer from ruby to diamond, i can later send them to heartgold? Or are GBA pokemon locked to the first DS game you send them to?
Blue_Gecko said:I told you guys, I knew that thread was headed for a shit storm. Also, just in case anyone here missed it:
Lyre, what have you done..WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!? :lol[/QUOTE]
viciouskillersquirrel said:So I caught a Heracross. Female though (i.e. no good for breeding moves onto other pokemon) and has a weird nature (+Def, -Spd), so I've started breeding. How long does it take to hatch a Heracross egg?
Also, Psyduck is the best HM slave ever.
You'd need to hotswap the battery. It's possible, but it's tricky even with specialised tools for the job.Minister of the Dog said:Reading about batteries dying made me turn on my old GBC with my Pokémon Silver plugged in, and it still has all my data. Is there any way to replace the batery without losing the savegame? There's a completed Pokédex in there =(
According to Bulbapedia, it takes 6.630 steps for it to hatch (though it's only 3.315 if you have a Magby/Magmar in your party).
Kinitari said:My last attempt at this went badly (I fell asleep before I got a chance to really get in touch with any Gaffers) so I'll try again.
Please GAF, spoil me with your pokemon! My pokemon are all pretty low still, and I want to accumulate as many pity-pokemons as possible. Any eggs or babies you do not want anymore, do not discard them! Give them to me! If you have any starters just kicking around your boxes, and have nothing to do with them, I will give them a good home. And in return, I will give you as many randomly useless pokemon as you desire.
0904 5378 5615
You know you want to.
Nayishiki said:I can give you 6 Starters my fc is 3653 2713 6337.
viciouskillersquirrel said:You'd need to hotswap the battery. It's possible, but it's tricky even with specialised tools for the job.
viciouskillersquirrel said:You'd need to hotswap the battery. It's possible, but it's tricky even with specialised tools for the job.
Kinitari said:My last attempt at this went badly (I fell asleep before I got a chance to really get in touch with any Gaffers) so I'll try again.
Please GAF, spoil me with your pokemon! My pokemon are all pretty low still, and I want to accumulate as many pity-pokemons as possible. Any eggs or babies you do not want anymore, do not discard them! Give them to me! If you have any starters just kicking around your boxes, and have nothing to do with them, I will give them a good home. And in return, I will give you as many randomly useless pokemon as you desire.
0904 5378 5615
You know you want to.
Minister of the Dog said:I can trade a few with you, add me. 0045 5148 8653
Kinitari said:Cool! Adding you right now ^^.
Nayishiki said:Ok I'm online. I could give you the other 6 after this trade if you want.
I will be as soon as I finish this E4 run... which might be a little bit because I just beat Will and saved, so I can't just go back and I have like the whole thing to go lol...Hatchet Man said:Anyone up for a battle? FC is 0216-6673-7623
Kinitari said:Oh snap, I'll add you too. Sucks I cant add friends while waiting in the wifi room. Quick question, do I have to have the pokemon I want to trade ON me when I am in the wifi room?
ryan-ts said:My friend and I did it by carving the back around the screw with a knife so there's a big chunk missing. Then we ripped the battery out and put the new one in its place only to discover the connectors wouldn't attach to the new battery so we bought a mini blow torch then welded it on and by some miracle it worked!
Kinitari said:If you want! That's cool with me, just realized I probably have to have the pokemon up for trade in my roster, so give me a sec =p
Minister of the Dog said:Yeah, you gotta have the pokes you want to trade with you when you enter the wifi room.
Sorry, I have trouble understanding this. Do you mean that you just replaced the battery and your savegame survived, or was there something else you did?
Kinitari said:I forgot how long trading takes, goddamn, sorry Nay and Dog! This is going to end up being like 20minutes out of your lives.
Echoes said:You're welcome Minister!
Mafro, I'd say go with Ampharos. (I play the TCG and he's so cool in the new expansion)
If you're still wanting to battle, I'm ready. FC 2192-9982-4094Hatchet Man said:Anyone up for a battle? FC is 0216-6673-7623
Jokey665 said:If you're still wanting to battle, I'm ready. FC 2192-9982-4094
Jokey665 said:GG Hatchet, even though that battle was pretty shady. Hypnosis missed every time I used it, you crit with 1/3 of your attacks, and Zapdos was paralyzed every turn except for two...
Yeah, but I used it twice... it should have hit at least once.Hatchet Man said:Yeah, that battle was pretty luck based when it came to my crits and Zapdos' paralysis. Hypnosis has a 60% hit rate so that didn't really surprise me when it missed.
Sure, my FC is a few posts up.Sammy Samusu said:I'm up for battles!
FC: 0990 4391 3175
Jokey665 said:Yeah, but I used it twice... it should have hit at least once.
Same reason I'm sticking with Discharge (as opposed to Thunder) on my Ampharos until I save up enough coins to be able to afford a Thunderbolt TM. Thunder fails way too often for me to feel comfortable with. I had Gengar miss with Thunder four times during a gym battle.Hatchet Man said:Unfortunately odds don't work that way and it could be worse I was in a match once where Hydro Pump with it's 85% hit rate missed 3 times in a row.
With a 40% chance of missing, the odds of missing two times in two turns is 40% * 40% = 16%Jokey665 said:Yeah, but I used it twice... it should have hit at least once.
viciouskillersquirrel said:Same reason I'm sticking with Discharge (as opposed to Thunder) on my Ampharos until I save up enough coins to be able to afford a Thunderbolt TM. Thunder fails way too often for me to feel comfortable with. I had Gengar miss with Thunder four times during a gym battle.
Andrex said:Thunder sucks but if you have a good solid water type on your team and it uses Rain Dance, it'll have 100% accuracy.
Minister of the Dog said:You can even teach it to many electric pokémon using TM18.