Me neither, but I think I'm going to give it a try with HeartGold, because I may stick with this game until a 3DS one comes (skipping B&W if I have the willpower).Gravijah said:I'd join you guys but I've never raised an actual competitive Pokemon before. I've read up on it for years, but never quite put it into motion.
Echoes said:No prob, I'm available from another 3 hours.
So now it's me, Sixfortyfive, and Minister of the Dog, for the Pokemon Swapping Contest.
I am willing to accept failed experiments.Gravijah said:I'd join you guys but I've never raised an actual competitive Pokemon before. I've read up on it for years, but never quite put it into motion.
Your choice. You can trade failed experiments if you happen to have a lot of EV-trained Pokes. As I only have 8 EV-trained Pokes, I will have to train a new one for the contest.Wiseblade said:I'm in. Does it have to be an existing EV trained poke or something new?
Another time thenSixfortyfive said:^ I will probably be asleep then.
Echoes, let's do this.
Kurtofan said:Elite Four beaten!
Damn Lance was hard.
:lol Yeah the Champions always jump on you,that's why I generally prepare my team right after the precedent match.Vik_Vaughn said:Last night I beat the elite four and walked up to Lance. With the other four, I had just walked up to them, refueled my team, and talked to the trainer when I was ready. Not Lance, he automatically ropes you into battle from about 4 steps away. I had about two pokemon ready to fight at the beginning of the battle. Needless to say, he beat me. Haven't tried again since the reset.
Echoes said:Thanks a lot 645. You're the best.
Gravijah, consider it an open-contest. Anybody can come, swap Pokes, and go home. I decided to give my MVP to the first one who is ready to do the swapping game. When we do the trade you'll probably be saying "oh, of course" but, well, it's a cool Poke that rocked one of the Gym Rematches yesterday at Lv43 while they were all 48+, in one hit.
And no it's not a Shuckle lol.
Gravijah said:Well, what exactly are the rules/etc? If I were to join, what would I be doing?
Presumably: Breed, EV train, and evolve a Pokemon from start to finish, and give it some good battle moves. Then do a blind trade with another GAFfer.Gravijah said:Well, what exactly are the rules/etc? If I were to join, what would I be doing?
Edit: Sorry for all the questions, I like information on things so I can figure everything out.
Echoes said:
- Choose a Poke (a good nature is preferred)
- EV-train him
- Choose your own move-set and strategy (If you wanna begin with Char, for example, you can train him in Sp Atk for the obvious moves or go Belly Drum with a physical set. It's your choice)
In short; just EV-train a Poke and trade it with another Gaffer. The most preferred thing to me is the nickname. Throw in a nickname! It will be much more interesting IMO.
Echoes said:You can get a Macho Brace in HGSS by trading a Drowzee for a Machop (that holds the item) somewhere in Goldenrod Department Store. I think it's either 6F or 5F.
Damn you suck. I've been working on them for about a week. Well, I cam get through the E4 proper with little problems it's mostly Lance.Kurtofan said:Elite Four beaten!
Damn Lance was hard.
Huh?Jet Grind Radio! said:Damn you suck. I've been working on them for about a week. Well, I cam get through the E4 proper with little problems it's mostly Lance.
Jet Grind Radio! said:Thanks, Minister! Now to get a Snorlax. :lol
=OOOO! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU! Now I just need Darkrai, Shaymin, Celebi and Jirachi and I have all the event Pokés. <3
Yes, those kind of trades are just stupid.Echoes said:What pisses me of is that lady who wants a female Dragonair for... a Dudrio? The fuck?
I have an unwanted female Dragonair but I'm not trading it for a Dudrio!
Echoes said:Thanks a lot 645. You're the best.
Gravijah, consider it an open-contest. Anybody can come, swap Pokes, and go home. I decided to give my MVP to the first one who is ready to do the swapping game. When we do the trade you'll probably be saying "oh, of course" but, well, it's a cool Poke that rocked one of the Gym Rematches yesterday at Lv43 while they were all 48+, in one hit.
Echoes said:And no it's not a Shuckle lol.
Echoes said:I need a definite answer: when trading with a non-playable character, will the game automatically save afterward?
I wanna trade my shiny Dugtrio for Magneton in the Power Plant, just to see if it'll give me a shiny one.
Sixfortyfive said:
If this works! :OEchoes said:I wanna trade my shiny Dugtrio for Magneton in the Power Plant, just to see if it'll give me a shiny one.
cdyhybrid said:I have ~30 level 1 Extremespeed Dratinis (so far, trying to breed a good one for my SS playthrough) if anyone wants one. Haven't checked IVs yet. You can get them yourself in-game, but if you want it early or something, shoot me a PM![]()
FC: 4812 9260 8486
Wizpig said:Can you get that item that helps you to find Shiny Pokèmon in HeartGold? the "do 102947 chains and then hope for the best" one in DPP.
Gravijah said:So I'm planning ahead a bit in my Platinum playthrough... So far I've got Luxio, Turtwig and Starravia. Gonna replace Starravia with Togepi ( now actually, need to go get one... ) and that leaves me needing a Water Pokemon and whatever else I want. I'm thinking either Tentacruel or Vaporeon, though I'm open for ideas/favorites you guys have. If I don't go with Vaporeon, I'm gonna go with Umbreon or Espeon definitely.
Edit: SHIT the Togepi in HGSS has Extrasensory, which I want. But I already hatched mine and its nature is horrible and it's nowhere near happy enough to evolve... Does anyone have a Togepi with Extrasensory that doesn't have a crappy nature, or a male Togetic/Togekiss with Extrasensory I could borrow?
Choopy said:I was breeding a togekiss awhile back. I think I still have one remaining egg as a result. I can give it to you when I get home if you want. Nature is 50% chance for Calm.
Gravijah said:That'd be awesome. When will you be home?
Choopy said:In 5 or so hours :lol
... @ Work![]()