Door2Dawn said:When will I get an exp share in this?
ACE 1991 said:So I need an HM slave for surf... What options do I have? I spent a good half hour walking around Mt. Mortar, but didn't a Marill.
Johnlenham said:Mt silver. lol wut level 88 pokes? my highest is 65 and everything else is 55-45 :lol
DrForester said:Once you got o lake of rage and catch(defeat) the gyrados there you can go back to mr pokemon for the exp. share... I think...
Furret, he can learn a bunch of other HM as well.
Ondore said:ATTN: Anyone soft resetting or RNGing for Raikou/Entei/Suicune:
The details of giveaways for the next movie are out, the source contains scans so I can't link to it, but here's what you can get:
- Shiny Raikou: Zap Cannon, Weather Ball, Aura Sphere, Extremespeed
- Shiny Entei: Howl, Flare Blitz, Crush Claw, Extremespeed
- Shiny Suicune: Sheer Cold, Aqua Ring, Air Slash, Extremespeed
- Celebi: Leaf Storm, Recover, Healing Wish, Nasty Plot
The Celebi can be any nature, but the gerbils all have fixed natures that are not known at this point. Still, Entei and especially Raikou make out like bandits on this deal.
Hex said:Holy shit balls!
Wait, isn't this Japan only?
Are we sure we will get the same?
THAT's what that is. I saw some weird red/blue outlines on a few of my guys and didn't know what it was.viciouskillersquirrel said:So I worked out last night that I'd been reading the in-game Nature boosts/handicaps wrong.
viciouskillersquirrel said:So I worked out last night that I'd been reading the in-game Nature boosts/handicaps wrong. Turns out the red stat is boosted and the blue stat is handicapped (found out my mistake when trying to breed a good Heracross and hatched a Modest one)
I'd even boxed my starter Totodile when I got the chance to breed because I thought he had one of the worst possible natures for his species (Lonely, I believe). I put his son back in the box, pulled my starter out (level 26) and proceeded to level grind him until he got to where my other mains are (level 41).
Also, nobody told me I could catch a Magmar in the Burnt Tower. I was grinding and lo and behold, a pokemon with Flame Body. This'll make breeding so much easier.
Ondore said:ATTN: Anyone soft resetting or RNGing for Raikou/Entei/Suicune:
The details of giveaways for the next movie are out, the source contains scans so I can't link to it, but here's what you can get:
- Shiny Raikou: Zap Cannon, Weather Ball, Aura Sphere, Extremespeed
- Shiny Entei: Howl, Flare Blitz, Crush Claw, Extremespeed
- Shiny Suicune: Sheer Cold, Aqua Ring, Air Slash, Extremespeed
- Celebi: Leaf Storm, Recover, Healing Wish, Nasty Plot
The Celebi can be any nature, but the gerbils all have fixed natures that are not known at this point. Still, Entei and especially Raikou make out like bandits on this deal.
Petal Dance?Blu_LED said:Okay, what's up with my Meganium randomly becoming confused due to fatigue?
Certain moves can do that, a Gyrados someone was using against me last night had that happen which allowed me the opening I needed.Blu_LED said:Okay, what's up with my Meganium randomly becoming confused due to fatigue?
I beat the whole game just using Cyndaquil, Mareep, and Wooper (and their evolutions) + HM slaves that never fought.d0c_zaius said:I just started.
Can anyone recommend a good starter set? So far I have cyndaquil and sentret.
d0c_zaius said:I just started.
Can anyone recommend a good starter set? So far I have cyndaquil and sentret.
d0c_zaius said:I just started.
Can anyone recommend a good starter set? So far I have cyndaquil and sentret.
Hoot-Hoot/Noctowl does alright early game. Otherwise, you could (on the first route) go north to that blocked-off path where you can find Spearows and Geodudes.d0c_zaius said:I just started.
Can anyone recommend a good starter set? So far I have cyndaquil and sentret.
d0c_zaius said:I just started.
Can anyone recommend a good starter set? So far I have cyndaquil and sentret.
This too. You can catch them at night at a certain tower. You might need to be patient, though, if you want to find one, since their encounter rate is very low.Delio said:Yeah i'd recommend a Mareep and a Wooper. Gastly is early game to if you want a ghost then.
Search in the grass around the Day Care for a Ditto. Put this Ditto into the Day Care with your starter. Ride your bike around. Look at some titties. Before long, the Day Care man will call you saying your pokemon had an egg.Reich said:Well, i dunno a shit about breeding. What would u suggest to get my 1st egg ?
That sort of breeding is more end-game kind of stuff (as you get access to more and more pokemon). Check Smogon for details on breeding chains and the like.Reich said:Thanks, but i was refered to people who breed to different species to combine attack set and make "fire/ground" type of pokes.
Koga would be if it wasn't for his stalling Crobat. The fucker.Andrex said:Bruno is the most weaksauce E4 member ever. :lol Just need a flying type that knows a fire move and he's toast.
You'd be better off attaching it to a metronome or something. It needs to change direction constantly. I'm planning to attach mine to my dog, when I find the damn clip for the back of it.this guy said:Yeah, I just checked and I didn't get any steps! Youtube lied!I might try it on a lower setting and see if that does anything.
Well, you're doing it wrong.d0c_zaius said:I just started.
Can anyone recommend a good starter set? So far I have cyndaquil and sentret.
When you start getting their numbers.TestOfTide said:so when can I expect all these AI contacts to call me about battling?
fuck you joey and your rattata. I don't care about it being the top percentage of all rattatas
GaimeGuy said:Question:
Do pokemon get EVs if they have an EXP Share on but don't switch into battle?
Furret learns Cuts, Strength, Surf, Whirlpool and Rock Smash. It'll be a cute HM slave. (Wish it and Linoone learned Rock Climb.Sammy Samusu said:Well, you're doing it wrong.
Try Mareep.
So the only way to level up pokemon without them accumulating EVs is via Rare Candies or the Day Care, then?Andrex said:Yes.
GaimeGuy said:So the only way to level up pokemon without them accumulating EVs is via Rare Candies or the Day Care, then?
Ondore said:They'll come to Toys R Us probably sometime in the fall (November or whenever the 13th movie dub comes out on DVD).
But his Rattatta is a beast of a Rattatta!TestOfTide said:so when can I expect all these AI contacts to call me about battling?
fuck you joey and your rattata. I don't care about it being the top percentage of all rattatas