Echoes said:
- Choose a Poke (a good nature is preferred)
- EV-train him
- Choose your own move-set and strategy (If you wanna begin with Char, for example, you can train him in Sp Atk for the obvious moves or go Belly Drum with a physical set. It's your choice)
In short; just EV-train a Poke and trade it with another Gaffer. The most preferred thing to me is the nickname. Throw in a nickname! It will be much more interesting IMO.
Minister of the Dog said:Pokémon Swapping Contest
It took me a few days, but I'm done! My Pokémon is ready to trade, so, how shall we do this?
Wiseblade said:Same, I've been ready to trade since yesterday.
I'd participate but as I am only 5 Johto badges in, its really not possible for me. It sounds like a lot of fun though, and maybe when I am able to participate it will still be going on.Minister of the Dog said:As far as I know, it's only Echoes, 645, you and me, right? I guess we should wait for Echoes to decide what to do, since he was the one who came up with the idea.
JSnake said:Does anyone have a Jolly Aerodactyl they could trade to me? It'd be really appreciated.
If you want something in return, let me know and I'll see if I have it. If I don't, I'll offer you whatever valuable thingy I have.
Schmitty said:What school is that at? :lol
Hatchet Man said:Anyone up for a battle?
Wiseblade said:I'll battle you if you're still after one.
Mine is 4855 6559 9196.Hatchet Man said:Awesome, my FC is 0216-6673-7623.
Mafro said:QUICK! My Gyarados' move set:
Ice Fang
Dragon Rage
Hydro Pump
Should I drop one for Dragon Dance? Bear in mind one will be getting dropped for Hyper Beam in three levels time.
Andrex said:Level?
Keep Ice Beam no matter what if you're going into the Elite 4.
Drop Dragon Rage for Dragon Dance. Also, don't teach it Hyper Beam! The recharge time alone makes it more of a liability than a boon.Mafro said:QUICK! My Gyarados' move set:
Ice Fang
Dragon Rage
Hydro Pump
Should I drop one for Dragon Dance? Bear in mind one will be getting dropped for Hyper Beam in three levels time.
viciouskillersquirrel said:Drop Dragon Rage for Dragon Dance. Also, don't teach it Hyper Beam! The recharge time alone makes it more of a liability than a boon.
Also, what's Hydro Pump doing there? You'd be better off with Surf (almost as much power with 100% accuracy) or Waterfall (less power, but takes advantage of Gyarados' monstrous attack stat).
There we go. I've never paid much attention to Gyarados' Sp.Atk, but I remember it being middling at best.Andrex said:On Gyarados, Waterfall >>> Surf >= Hydro Pump
Take it from someone who's trained two.Even on non-EV trained ones it's a substantial and noticeable improvement over Surf.
viciouskillersquirrel said:There we go. I've never paid much attention to Gyarados' Sp.Atk, but I remember it being middling at best.
Square Triangle said:Just beat the Elites, holy shit I'm burnt out. 50 hours of Pokemon is killing me and the Gf.
cdyhybrid said:Anyone have a low level Vulpix I can trade for? I can give you a Growlithe or an ExtremeSpeed Dratini. Need to breed Will-o-Wisp onto my future Houndoom![]()
I wouldn't recommend trying to, either. That's what burnt me out when I was playing through Pearl.Square Triangle said:See I play Pokemon the wrong way. Screw filling a pokedex, I find my stride with a great team and run with it.
I know it's only half the experience of the game but I don't get anything out of the "Gotta catch'em all!"
viciouskillersquirrel said:elemental-punching Alakazam
All fire, ice and electric attacks used to run off S.Atk before Gen 4.Stencil said:Why would that rock?? I figured 'Zams Atk sucked since its Sp.Atk rocked.
Square Triangle said:Just beat the Elites, holy shit I'm burnt out. 50 hours of Pokemon is killing me and the Gf.
Same here. :lolFusebox said:I'm 80 hours in and I've only just beaten Blue! :lol
Nayishiki said:I have some Vulpix if you still need one. You need a male right? My FC is 3653 2713 6337.
cdyhybrid said:Yeah a male would be great. What do you want in return?
FC: 4812 9260 8486
Nayishiki said:I don't really need anything in return, is lv. 14 low enough for you? I'll be online soon.
Not during Gen 3. Back then, whether a move would use Atk or Sp.Atk depended on the move's elemental type rather than being decided individually and Ice, Electric and Fire were all Special types (i.e. they were based on Sp.Atk).Stencil said:Why would that rock?? I figured 'Zams Atk sucked since its Sp.Atk rocked.
viciouskillersquirrel said:Not during Gen 3. Back then, whether a move would use Atk or Sp.Atk depended on the move's elemental type rather than being decided individually and Ice, Electric and Fire were all Special types (i.e. they were based on Sp.Atk).
Weirdly enough, I think Ghost was a Physical type and Dark was a Special type back then.
cdyhybrid said:Edit: Thanks a lot!