Anyone have any tips for grinding BP on the Battle Tower? Currently going in with Starmie (Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Psychic), Heracross (Swords Dance, Close Combat, Stone Edge, Megahorn), and Arcanine (Sunny Day, Morning Sun, Flare Blitz, ExtremeSpeed). I can run my streak up to around 17 or so before I get caught by some BS confusion/status streak and end up losing.
I got a Gible in a trade earlier, and I might EV train him up and evolve him to Garchomp just for BP grinding. Good idea? I also have a Togekiss (Roost, Substitute, Air Slash, Extrasensory), Umbreon (Confuse Ray, Mean Look, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball), and an Ampharos (Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Rest, Sleep Talk) at my disposal.
Still have some level 1 ExtremeSpeed Dratinis to give away, also have a bunch of level 1 Aerodactyls and level 1 Houndours (some know Flamethrower, all know Will-o-Wisp) up for grabs. PM me if you're interested. Don't really need anything in return, but if you're feeling generous, I could make good use of:
-A Ralts (nature/gender doesn't matter, gonna breed it anyway, but I wouldn't mind an Adamant or Jolly female and/or one that has good IVs in Attack/Speed)
-TMs for the following: Thunder Wave, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Toxic
-Any of the following items: Leftovers, Life Orb, Light Clay, or any of the IV-passing power items
-An IV-checking battle or two
I'll be awake for another hour or so, but if you miss me tonight just shoot me a PM.
FC: 4812 9260 8486