Ahh the Safari Zone, my most loved/hated feature of this game
. Yes defintely have the 70-110 days areas to be active as soon as possible. Place them at the top for convenience sake. Then while they sit there as the days go by you'll replace the other areas that requires less time. In the end you'll still be waiting for those Shelgon and Riolus to appear though..
Here are some notes I wrote in the beginning when I opened up for the Safari Zone :lol
Heh I did [URL="http://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=1bxCZMEUpT-acKg-VjnBEjnoU9BRJVAU99KGXN4KPj3A&hl=en"]something similar, using Google Docs[/URL] for Pokemon I haven't caught yet. I chose the areas without really knowing anything, but I'm sticking with them until they run out. I will however be able to switch out Plains soon though, as that doesn't have any late-appearing Pokemon at all.