Holy crap I have four jolly gligars.:lol :lol :lol
Jet Grind Radio! said:Oh! If it's in Japanese, it WILL have a name change when evolved. As long as it's not a nickname, mind you.
JosM88 said:I can check the EV stats using the battle frontier right?
I'd rather not go online for an iv check if I can do it in my own battle with NPC's.
:lolGravijah said:It makes it unique! And you can impress any Japanophile friends you have! "LOOK GUYS, MY HORSEA IS JAP-O-NEEZ!"
Vect said:So I'll be stuck with a JP named Horsea. A bummer but oh well!
Metroid Killer said:
Yeah, the natures and beginning stats tell the gist of what I need to know. I just want to see their stats for myself without having to wait until level 50.cdyhybrid said:There's a judge that can check your Pokemon's IVs, but he doesn't give you exact numbers.
If you find a way to scale up low-level Pokes to 50 in one of the Frontier challanges, let me know :lol Would make things so much easier.
I yelled "OH SHIT" out loud.Metroid Killer said:HOR SEA
Faster than 100.Ookami-kun said:What should be your mon's speed so that it is faster than Entei/Raikou?
17 firestones, 8 water stones ten fossil pokes later and I'm still enjoying it. It's probably the best minigame Nintendo has ever made for the pokemon series. Voltorb flip pales in comparison.Gravijah said:Holy shit the Underground in Platinum gets addicting. Forgot how much fun it was to dig for items...
You must have a Nature that reduces speed then. I have a lvl 50 Umbreon which has 103 in speed...Ookami-kun said:Fuck! Umbreon's slow as fuck (around 97 @ level 57).
JosM88 said:17 firestones, 8 water stones ten fossil pokes later and I'm still enjoying it. It's probably the best minigame Nintendo has ever made for the pokemon series. Voltorb flip pales in comparison.
-Answer the callsVect said:What's up with this pokegear madness? STOP CALLING ME EVERY FEW MINUTES, NO ONE WANTS TO KNOW HOW AWESOME YOUR RATATA IS. Sadly the only way to mute the incoming phone call ringtone is to lower the volume which I don't want to cause I like the game's music. ;;
Is there a way?!
107 to guarantee it. This assumes that the roamer has max speed though.Ookami-kun said:What should be your mon's speed so that it is faster than Entei/Raikou?
Bidoof is THE BEST.Jet Grind Radio! said:I have the same mentality with Bidoof. When I played Pearl, I refused to catch one. Ugly lookin' bastard.
Sixfortyfive said:107 to guarantee it. This assumes that the roamer has max speed though.
Bidoof is THE BEST.
Jet Grind Radio! said:wat teh wat?
I did laugh at the Porygon-2 version.
Woo! I got all of the Pokémon from Hoenn Sound. Now to wait till tomorrow for the Sinnoh sound. AND I can get my Shinx, which was one of my favorite Pokémon from DP.
Sixfortyfive said:[img][/QUOTE]
What will take the least exp to reach lvl 55: lvl 30 Dragonair or lvl 1 foriegn(1.7xExp) Dratini?
Very true, very true. Do you need Jolteon for anything? 'Cuz if not, I say stick with Luxio.Gravijah said:I'm still unsure if I want to trade my Luxio for a Jolteon. They're both so awesome!
Jet Grind Radio! said:Very true, very true. Do you need Jolteon for anything? 'Cuz if not, I say stick with Luxio.
Metroid Killer said:You must have a Nature that reduces speed then. I have a lvl 50 Umbreon which has 103 in speed...
It's a real shame that it might not come back. It would have been awesome to search for TM's down there. I hate the current BP system set in place. If I want to get another earthquake or stone edge I have to waste multiple hours in the battle frontier which takes away from the fun.Gravijah said:I've found so many Heart Scales! It's sad that we probably won't see it in BW. And I would have liked them to give you even more stuff to find, like TMs. I'd like an easier way to find TMs in game, really.
Jet Grind Radio! said:So I need some help. I need a catcher Pokémon, but I don't know what. My main team is a bit too high a level to damage a lower level Pokémon, lvl. 44-61. What would be a good one to catch, and what about movesets? I've been lucky so far in that I've been able to catch lower level stuff by just paralyzing them with full health.
Yup, I was just about to send you a pm! I'm heading to the union room if you can do it now!LiQuid! said:Hey Metroid, you wanna hook up and throw me that Darkrai sometime?
LiQuid! said:Haha, patience, madness, whatevs. After I get my poliwag, I'm planning on moving on to a bagon and shroomish to finish up Team OCD, provided I don't hang myself first. :lol
What do you get for beating the elite four again?HiddenWings said:Dear Lance:
I see that you received my earlier complaint, and no longer have three dragonite on your team, thanks. As for their replacements: SCREW YOU.
Finally beat Elite 4 round 2, but I had to burn 3 max revives on Lance's dragonite, and 3 revives on that stupid Garchomp. (GARCHOMP uses Swords Dance! GARCHOMP wrecked your team!) The reason I didn't use max revives for that is because it could one-shot my entire team anyway.
Kurtofan said:What do you get for beating the elite four again?
:lolGravijah said:A new asshole.
What on this green earth have you done...?Sixfortyfive said:107 to guarantee it. This assumes that the roamer has max speed though.
Bidoof is THE BEST.
Monroeski said:Quick question that I could answer myself in about two seconds if I wasn't behind a web filter - When EV training, is there a disadvantage to shooting up the early levels really quickly (ie when I kill a Seaking I go straight from level 1 to level 6)?
I ask because it seems like I remember that it takes 4 EVs of a given stat to gain a point in that stat on level up, but with the Seaking I only gain 2 points before levelling. The "4 EVs per point" counter starts over on a level-up, right? ex. those two EVs I gained are pretty much gone for the purpose of stats in the single player game?