He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
5/5 would watch again.Mush said:
5/5 would watch again.Mush said:
fo realz?Sixfortyfive said:5/5 would watch again.
WOW this is amazing.Andrex said:Yo, I just posted most of the HGSS fanart I had in the fan art thread, you should probably check it out.![]()
Metroid Killer said:Wow, pretty much all of them are great. I really like all the ones depicting the encounter with Red, epic stuff!
My best was ~32.000Firestorm said:23,870 steps today.
Personal record.
My feet are killing me.
This totally killed the audio on my mac. Weird.Mush said:
Hey Shiggie I still have the 2 pokemon with evo stones for you if you still want them?Shiggie said:This totally killed the audio on my mac. Weird.
oh thank you but I dont need them anymore.Metroid Killer said:Hey Shiggie I still have the 2 pokemon with evo stones for you if you still want them?
viciouskillersquirrel said:OK,
Squire Felix, Rocksteady33 and Jet Grind Radio!
I'm ready for trades.
Let me see if I've got it right:
Squire Felix:
Starters for an Eevee and a Clefairy (tell me which ones)
Growlithe and whatever for a Cyndaquil and Totodile
Jet Grind Radio!
Delibird for a Pineco
Let me know if you guys want anything else.
Metroid Killer said:Oh btw anyone who can lend me an Amarican Adamant Ditto? Just for a short while until I get the right egg.
In the room now. I can't see you.Rocksteady33 said:I just PM'd you, but yeah, I'm ready when you are.
viciouskillersquirrel said:I've got a spare Delibird, though I'm not sure where to get a Natu or Slugma.
Thanks, but I got it coveredNayishiki said:I can give you one if you still need it.
Sorry dude I was asleep. I'll be home for another hour or so before I head to school.viciouskillersquirrel said:Still on, guys.
Oh well, some other time. I'm off in a few to pick my girlfriend up from the bus stop.
That is correct.Metroid Killer said:EV trained 5 pokemon for my team, the 6th is hatching as I post. Then EV train the last mon and off to grind the E4 so they can level up.
When battling via wifi I know you can set the option so that your team is all lvl 100. So if I have a pokemon EV trained at lvl 17 and it already knows the moves I want, then I don't have to level it up further when just using it for wifi battles?
Butterfree I believe.thefil said:What's a good Pokemon to raise quickly for item theft? I got a Luvdisk swarm today and I'm unprepared.
Have a fainted Butterfree as the first pokemon in your party (Compound Eyes stills works). Have a Stantler with Frisk ability and Thief(TM46) as the second pokemon in your party.thefil said:What's a good Pokemon to raise quickly for item theft? I got a Luvdisk swarm today and I'm unprepared.
Shiggie said:This totally killed the audio on my mac. Weird.
Inferno313 said:Just crested 100 hours.
I just got my third star on my trainer card from doing the Shiny Leaf quest. I've also got the Pokeathalon and E4 ones. I've got 5 EV trained Pokemon, and about to bring up my 6th. I've got about 210 Pokemon in the dex.
I still need to beat the E4 2, beat Red, beat all the battle frontier stuff, and complete the National Dex.
Best Pokemon game ever!!
Well, tbh, only two of those EV trained ones I did in SS. 3 of those guys came in from Platinum.Andrex said:You did all that in 100 hours? o_0 I've only got two EV trained Pokemon and 247 caught at 133 hours, and none of the other stuff. I can't imagine doing the leaf quest, that stuff sounded hard...
Oh and you're absolutely right. *high five*
Hopefully BW will be the new hotness.
Inferno313 said:Well, tbh, only two of those EV trained ones I did in SS. 3 of those guys came in from Platinum.
u mad lance
If no one helps you before 6:00pm PST today, I can. Just PM me if you haven't found someone by then.Nayishiki said:Can someone help me transfer 6 pokemons from Platinum to Soul Silver? My Friend codes are 1505 7817 2308 and 3653 2713 6337.
Why not do IV battles instead of all that work with the daycare?JosM88 said:I've been breeding Hippopotas for the last two days to get an impish male with good IV's. Dozens of eggs later, two candidates appear and I trade them over to platinum where I level them up through thousands of steps at the daycare only to find out that the moves I bred on to them were replaced by generic moves and that they can't be recovered through any means.
This is all after getting two great hippopotas that I evolved through the daycare center only to find out that they were useless without certain breeding moves.
What nature are ya' lookin' for stranger?Bii said:If no one helps you before 6:00pm PST today, I can. Just PM me if you haven't found someone by then.
I'm currently at 99 hours and I'm no way near accomplished as Inferno313. A good 10 hours was spent playing Voltorb Flip, another 10 went to trying to breed a shiny Charmander, another 10 was spent hatching desirable natures for Scyther/Gible/Larvitar/Dragtini... -_-
JosM88, can I ask for a Hippopotas?
The point of the daycare was the leveling of the final candidates with the proper IV/Nature so that I can get them to learn certain moves without adding any EV's. I check at least 8 of my final candidates and pick the best two after an IV battle check.Little Green Yoda said:Why not do IV battles instead of all that work with the daycare?
None in particular. Any will do. I won't be available to trade until later today, is there something you're looking for? I still have a few Lucky Eggs to give out if you're interested.JosM88 said:What nature are ya' lookin' for stranger?
Little Green Yoda said:Why not do IV battles instead of all that work with the daycare?
A lucky egg would be just fine. Do you happen to have any extra leftovers?Bii said:None in particular. Any will do. I won't be available to trade until later today, is there something you're looking for? I still have a few Lucky Eggs to give out if you're interested.
Two DS's solves this problem. It's been an immense help in breeding dozens and dozens of pokes over the last month. It also makes IV battles easy to set up.cdyhybrid said:Gotta actually find someone who's willing to do an IV battle first :lol
cory said:Why does the Pokéwalker always make me battle the Group A Pokémon once I reach the step threshold? I've tried pressing the button repeatedly on a single ! patch, but it always kicks me out.
It depends on which course you are playing, but especially for the first couple of courses; Once you have enough steps to get access to the group B and then A pokemon, the chance of encountering a group C pokemon is very low.cory said:Why does the Pokéwalker always make me battle the Group A Pokémon once I reach the step threshold? I've tried pressing the button repeatedly on a single ! patch, but it always kicks me out.