finalozzo said:hey guys, how can i take the mt sword dance, sobstitute and reflect? No breeding :/
wut wat? :lol The moves sword dance, reflect and sobstitute. How can i take this moves?TheSeks said:Wut?
finalozzo said:wut wat? :lol The moves sword dance, reflect and sobstitute. How can i take this moves?
CoolS said:So, I have two Master Balls. For which legendaries schould I use them? Latias? Entei & Raikou? Mewtwo? I seriously don't know.
And I don't know how I'll ever find thos elegendaries who are running around constantly![]()
Axis said:still up for grabs. sorry if i passed out pretty early last night =/
You can change anything between rounds, it will continue your streak. Moves, items, order of Pokes, Pokes, anythingMetroid Killer said:Prowled through the first 3 rounds and Palmer1 easily. Lucario and Starmie are both awesome pokemons for the Battle Tower. However my Garchomp is disappointing me at times and I'm even using Choice Band on it now compared to other times I've used this Garchomp here, I guess I'm just unlucky and have faced a lot of defense walls or something.
Gonna take a break from the Tower for now... Though there are some things I don't understand about streaks and using the same pokemon.
Yesterday I wanted to test my Drapion in combat and teamed it together with Garchomp and Starmie for a Battle Tower run. I noticed that the first couple of battles were pretty tough, with strong stage 2 pokemon all over the place. When I then won the 7th battle I got 5 Battle Points instead of the usual 3 BP... I have never used a Drapion in the Battle Tower before, so I must have picked up from a previous run or something?(previous team was Garchomp, Starmie and Mamoswine).
You can't change your team or you'll lose your streak, right? Howcome I got 5 BP instead of 3? What can I change between rounds? Held items? Moves? Can I changed my Garchomp into a Garchomp I got from a friend??
It'll evolve at lvl 10 but still suck. It doesn't learn any decent attack moves until lvl 26. For future reference bug pokemon generally suck. You're better off dropping it for something els (or at least stop leveling it until you find a different pokemon).Doodlebug said:PokéGAF, does Kricketot get better at higher levels? I have one at just level 9, and I was hoping she'd get another move soon. The only ones available currently are Growl and Bide.
I could've searched on the 'net for the answer, but I don't want to spoil much for myself. I'm fairly new to this. I'm having fun, though.
Echoes said:You can change anything between rounds, it will continue your streak. Moves, items, order of Pokes, Pokes, anything![]()
vhfive said:It'll evolve at lvl 10 but still suck. It doesn't learn any decent attack moves until lvl 26. For future reference bug pokemon generally suck. You're better off dropping it for something els (or at least stop leveling it until you find a different pokemon).
decide for yourself:Doodlebug said:PokéGAF, does Kricketot get better at higher levels? I have one at just level 9, and I was hoping she'd get another move soon. The only ones available currently are Growl and Bide.
I could've searched on the 'net for the answer, but I don't want to spoil much for myself. I'm fairly new to this. I'm having fun, though.
DragonGirl said:Still around? When will you be available to trade over the weekend?
Mine is Modest and has good speed. However, go with Timid. You want to outspeed another Starmie and kill her with a Thunderbolt.Metroid Killer said:Timid or Modest Starmie? Speed or Power? I can't decide... I'm gonna use Expert Belt on it as well
Ok so to cut time I'm gonna ask if anyone is willing to breed me a Timid Staryu with Natural Cure. Bonus points for having Psychic, Thunderbolt and Ice Beam passed down.Echoes said:Mine is Modest and has good speed. However, go with Timid. You want to outspeed another Starmie and kill her with a Thunderbolt.
Metroid Killer said:Ok so to cut time I'm gonna ask if anyone is willing to breed me a Timid Staryu with Natural Cure. Bonus points for having Psychic, Thunderbolt and Ice Beam passed down.
I have the Japanese Version which means it'll gain 1.7x exp. Tell me what you want and I'll most likely be able to breed it and voila!
But I just did ;-)Axis said:pretty sure you can't pass down moves on staryu(asexual)
Metroid Killer said:But I just did ;-)
I'm thinking on giving you Psychic or Thunderbolt for the Gible, would that be fine or is there another TM you'd rather want?
thanks but holy shit, the game with the voltorb is awful, really :/Metroid Killer said:Reflect(TM33) can be bought for 2000 poke dollars at the Goldenrod Dept. Store
Substitute(TM90) can be bought for 2000 coins at the Goldenrod Game Corner
Sword Dance(TM75) can be bought for 4000 coins at the Goldenrod Game Corner
I have 1 you can have, but then you better damn give me that Jolly Gible :lolAxis said:does anyone have a few facade tm's?(even just one) i'll give you whatever you want for them/it
Metroid Killer said:I have 1 you can have, but then you better damn give me that Jolly Gible :loland some trash pokemon so that you can get Psychic as well
I can give them to you if you want(Substitute and SDance)? Don't need anything in returnfinalozzo said:thanks but holy shit, the game with the voltorb is awful, really :/
I think I have a Timid Staryu! Problem is, I'm at work >.< will be home after8 hours or so.Metroid Killer said:Ok so to cut time I'm gonna ask if anyone is willing to breed me a Timid Staryu with Natural Cure. Bonus points for having Psychic, Thunderbolt and Ice Beam passed down.
I have the Japanese Version which means it'll gain 1.7x exp. Tell me what you want and I'll most likely be able to breed it and voila!
Metroid Killer said:Ok so to cut time I'm gonna ask if anyone is willing to breed me a Timid Staryu with Natural Cure. Bonus points for having Psychic, Thunderbolt and Ice Beam passed down.
I have the Japanese Version which means it'll gain 1.7x exp. Tell me what you want and I'll most likely be able to breed it and voila!
You're fast! Anything specific in return? If not you can always ask me for something.Nayishiki said:Your Staryu is ready.
Metroid Killer said:You're fast! Anything specific in return? If not you can always ask me for something.
My fc if you don't have it: 5156-4291-4002
The perfect Staryu that I needed: Check! All 4 moves that I want for it. Check! Fucking water stone attached to it. Check! o_ÕNayishiki said:No I don't need anything in return. Your Fc is still in my pal pad.
I sure am looking forward to the fun time I'm gonna have in the Tower... huh, why was it that I chose to do this?Echoes said:My first loss with Lucario. EVERYTHING was designed to counter me.
Arcanine 2HKO Lucario
Granbull OHKO Starmie with Thunder Punch
Tauros 2HKO Garchomp with... Outrage? Didn't even know this little fucker could learn Outrage! :lol
The most cheating piece of shit in the gaming industry.
I'm at workSixfortyfive said:Echoes, I want to see what team you were using for the tournament. :3
Battle me while I wait for xSL4INx to look at his inbox. >_>
ok, thank you very much. Yes substitue and Sdance.Metroid Killer said:I can give them to you if you want(Substitute and SDance)? Don't need anything in return
HenryGale said:So I'm looking at upping my togepi, got him a few levels up from the pokewalker, just not sure what the easiest way to make him happy is.
What I do is let Togepi the first in the party while holding Soothe Bell, and just walk around Goldenrod downwards to the breeding route and vice versa, for 30 minutes. Then check its happiness. Usually that will get her to max. I evolved mine at Lv6.Adamm said:Yes, id like to know this also - My Togepi is level 16 at the moment
They are kinda the complete opposite. Exeggcutor has slow speed, but great attack and HP, whereas Jumpluff has Great speed, ok defense and bad attack.cory said:Just caught an Exeggcute from a headbutted tree. Would Exeggcute/Exeggutor be a better grass option than Hoppip/Skiploom/Jumpluff?
Ah, sorry I'm just about to finish beating the E4, it'll take around 5-10 mins though.finalozzo said:i'm in the room.
Echoes said:finalozzo: yes, Palmer is in there
What I do is let Togepi the first in the party while holding Soothe Bell, and just walk around Goldenrod downwards to the breeding route and vice versa, for 30 minutes. Then check its happiness. Usually that will get her to max. I evolved mine at Lv6.
nothing, i'll waitMetroid Killer said:Edit:
Ah, sorry I'm just about to finish beating the E4, it'll take around 5-10 mins though.