cory said:They need to put "YOU JUST SAVED" on the screen after you save.
I save multiple times in any game I play, because I'm paranoid about not actually saving.
cory said:They need to put "YOU JUST SAVED" on the screen after you save.
Nah. You have to use it repeatedly, which wastes turns, and it causes them to Struggle faster.Firestorm said:Taunt
Sixfortyfive said:Nah. You have to use it repeatedly, which wastes turns, and it causes them to Struggle faster.
Ingrain imo.
Wiseblade said:Man, that's just unnecessary effort.
Master ball FTW.
killertofu said:Idk, to play it "properly" I guess? I've kinda just been dicking around and speeding through the game.
Master Balls are ugly. You want to talk about unnecessary effort?Wiseblade said:Man, that's just unnecessary effort.
Master ball FTW.
Gravijah said:If you haven't invested too much time, playing "the way way it's meant to be played" (God, I hate that term) is very fun.
yeah but i can't find a master ball in my bed every day, if you can, you're lucky.Wiseblade said:Master ball FTW.
Me too, I always double save though because single saving doesn't feel right.Gravijah said:I save multiple times in any game I play, because I'm paranoid about not actually saving.
killertofu said:How much is too much time? I'm going to my 8th badge, but for some reason I have 25 hours on my game. Does the clock still run if I close the lid of my DS?
cory said:Me too, I always double save though because single saving doesn't feel right.
Where do I get more of these?Sixfortyfive said:![]()
Premier Balls or bust.
finalozzo said:i have to obtain a lot of BP, can someone fight with me?
Big Ass Ramp said:SHINY DIGLETT
You get 1 Premier Ball every time you buy 10 or more Poke Balls.Unicorn said:Where do I get more of these?
You don't get BP from link battles, if that's what you're wondering about.finalozzo said:
Ask her if she wants to see your Sudowoodo. :lolkillertofu said:I'm probably not gonna stop playing. For some reason, this game has kinda turned into some secret club. Casual acquaintances I have in college and work are secret Pokemon players. It's pretty hilarious and awesome. Plus, this cute girl in my Psych class plays![]()
Damn, I can't even fathom doing that. I wish you could do Pokéball transfers. I would have base Pokémon in regular, 1st evos in Greats, 2nd Evos in Ultras, and Legendaries in Primiers. Pal Park balls are pretty nice too.Sixfortyfive said:You get 1 Premier Ball every time you buy 10 or more Poke Balls.
I caught every legendary in HeartGold with a Premier Ball.
I have bought a lot of Poke Balls.
You don't get BP from link battles, if that's what you're wondering about.
Well I'm sure they would just double the catch rates, up the prices by 25%, and introduce the Master Ball at a $6000 price at select stores only.Jet Grind Radio! said:It's probably not cost effective enough to have something with a perfect catch rate.
lol sorry, here in italy it's 10 am :lolSixfortyfive said:EDIT: Unless you mean you want to play co-op in the Battle Frontier... in which case I'd be willing to do, but not right now. It's a bit late.
Wait, how can you go on for 80 turns in a VGC battle? I don't think I've ever gone on for that long in a 6v6 singles match, without ubers...Firestorm said:Today I had an ~80 turn battle VGC style (4v4 doubles with two ubers each) on NetBattle Supremacy. Oh boy.
Use Mean Look Umbreon, then Baton Pass to Mr. Mime/Electrode/Exploud with Soundproof so you can't get Roared. Mr. Mime has the bonus of being able to learn Hypnosis, so it's probably the best choice.finalozzo said:what the HELL. Raikou is a son of bitch. I've used a lot of ultra ball (obviously with gengar so he cannot escape) and then he used roar and escaped :/
Doodlebug said:Congratulations, BAR.Cool screen cap.
My first shiny in the game is a Diglett. Now a Dugtrio. That thing is fucking awesome, so congrats.Big Ass Ramp said:SHINY DIGLETT
I'm on if you still wanna battle!Inferno313 said:Now that I'm out of the tourney, anyone wanna battle? I need to get better at competitive battling. Haha!
5371 2589 5309
Yeah, it's a decent alternative. However, Air Slash is special, meaning it benefits from Togekiss's good Sp. Atk stat.Azure Phoenix said:I noticed everyone seems to use Togekiss with Air Slash and Serene Grace for the 60% chance of flinching, wouldn't Headbutt technically be just as effective since it also has a base 30% flinch chance?
I'm just thinking that since Togetic can't use Air Slash, Headbutt would be a good alternative since it has 100% accuracy and still gets stab.
There's a Youtube video where two people use two teams 6 on 6, where one team is 6 Magikarps and the other is 6 Feebas, and they just use Metronome until one of them wins (obviously hacked it on them but whatever).Metroid Killer said:I love Metronome!!
Breloom used Megadrain
Clefable used Metronome... It used Hail... (Awww would have been better with any other ice attack than this)
Breloom used Mach Punch it's super effective... Damn my Clefable is gonna be toast...
Clefable used Metronome... It used Blizzard! :lol
Sometimes when the luck it on your side using Metronome is almost like autoplay![]()
Would Headbutt be weak enough with Togetic's poor attack stat to be a waste of time even with a 60% flinch rate? I'm just trying to find a useful moveset for my Togetic since it doesn't have Nasty Plot and won't be evolving.Wichu said:Yeah, it's a decent alternative. However, Air Slash is special, meaning it benefits from Togekiss's good Sp. Atk stat.
Metroid Killer said:I'm on if you still wanna battle!
Metroid Killer (HeartGold) 5156-4291-4002
Pokemon is an animal breeding program with a bonus rpg mode thrown in for the sake of it.matrix-cat said:Goddamn Flash Fire. I keep hatching effing spectacular Morning Sun Growlithes but they're always Flash Fire instead of Intimidate. I have one good one with Intimidate but it only has 23s and 24s for Attack and Defence so I'd have to drop the HP back one multiple of 16 to compensate and oh God I'm taking this way too seriously.
I am also interested in knowing this.SolarPowered said:Just coming in to ask a quick question...
How do you guys upload those pokemon battles on youtube in such good condition?
I'd like to know so that I can record my matches for the tournament. I'm sure Sixfortyfive will handle all the videos anyway, but I'd like to understand the process at least.![]() said:There's a Youtube video where two people use two teams 6 on 6, where one team is 6 Magikarps and the other is 6 Feebas, and they just use Metronome until one of them wins (obviously hacked it on them but whatever).
The craziest thing, in the end it was 2 Magikarps and 1 Feebas, and one of the Magikarps used Explosion, killing everyone in the field and resulting in a tie!!