Not likely, considering the side story from Crystal with Eusine is included in SoulSilver and HeartGold.Foofaraw said:What are the odds on a Crystal version of this? I had Gold as a kid and loved that business like no other. However, I can wait if there is a reasonable chance of the best version coming out later.
Doubtful. They didn't make a Yellow version for FRLG, and Black and White are coming out relatively soon.Foofaraw said:What are the odds on a Crystal version of this? I had Gold as a kid and loved that business like no other. However, I can wait if there is a reasonable chance of the best version coming out later.
Lapras should have more HP. Then again, Swinub is a higher level so it's be easier to fully evolve.cory said:Badge Number 8 might be a problem.
I have a Lv.15 Lapras and a Lv.21 Swinub. Which one should I focus on?
Edit: I just ran in to Raikou, but unfortunately I was training Swinub at the time. That music gets me so excited.
Another one for ♥Au.Foofaraw said:Thank you. I thought it would be silly to start jogging this summer without a pokewalker on my hip. Probably end up with Gold for the growlithe. Love that little guy.
Merovin said:I'm so useless at EV training, I keep losing track and losing count! How do you guys all keep count of where you're at with EV training?
Entire DSi XL thread here: said:This is slightly off-topic, but are there any comparison shots of the DSi XL to the original DS?
I've had it since launch and have had limited experience with the Lite/DSi, and even though the 3DS is right around the corner, it's scratched up like crazy, the shoulder buttons barely work, and the battery only lasts for 4-5 hours. I really only use it to play this game, and I don't see much else on the horizon in terms of DS games aside from B&W. If Black and White doesn't really do anything special on the 3DS besides basic 3D functionality (i.e. no graphical/resolution improvements) I think I can hold off on a 3DS until next summer. Plus, I'll have another DS to trade with.
cory said:Is there anyone here who never played the original Gold/Silver/Crystal versions?
bluemax said:Me. And I'm enjoying this game a lot more than Diamond.
I'm currently at the lake of rage with a team of Quilava, Flaafy, Gengar, Alakazam, and Dratini. My sixth slot has been rotating lately mostly with HM slaves.
I feel like my team is probably not as good as it could be and is based on my knowledge of Pokemon stagnating after the first game.
Echoes said:"Echoes"[IMG]
[I]Now[/I] we're talking.[/QUOTE]Does this mean that we are rivals?
I'm almost ready to take on Palmer2. My team is at lvl 50+, EV trained, got all moves on them except for Garchomp which is missing an Earthquake(which is ironically since I need to grind BF for BP-_-). I just need to decide which items to put on them. Expert Belt for Starmie is full of win. Focus Sash for Lucario seems to be a good idea since his defenses are rather low. I'm not sure about Garchomp though, Focus Sash against Ice Types? I'm not that knowledgable around berries, or should I just go with Choice Band(which I hate, because I'm always I afraid I'm gonna pick a move which is useless against the next pokemon).
Sixfortyfive said:I skipped everything between Yellow and Pearl.
It took a long time to get up to speed on everything.
Wiseblade said:I'd hazard a guess that most competetive players started with Gen IV.
Andrex said:I always thought they started with Gen 3, that's why the physical/special split was such a big deal. Plus, cloned Pokemon and items.
Wiseblade said:Back then Netbattle was really the only way to play people, so the number playing was really small. Also, EV training was a nightmare in those games. The physical special split also made battling less abstract IMO. there are tons of little things about D/P that made them far more friendly to competitive play than anything before.
Vitamins are sold in the Department store. That's where I bought mine.Little Green Yoda said:EV training wasn't that much worse in 3rd gen. The helpful addition of the power items is somewhat offset by the extra hassle needed to acquire vitamins.
You had 50% off sales on vitamins in RSE so stockpiling them was pretty easy. Or mass duplicate in Emerald. I guess you can get vitamins in the 4th gen BF but even if you have the BP to spare, exchanging for one vitamin at a time is a pain in the butt.
I do roughly twice as many battles in Emerald compared to the DS games when I'm maxing out a stat. The game speed in Emerald makes up a lot of that difference.
I'm still too lazy. I bought 800k worth of vitamins for VGC EV training last week!Sixfortyfive said:I stopped buying vitamins once I had all the power items and Pokerus anyway. 1 Carbos = 1 Magikarp.
Though I do still stockpile some of them when I'm close to the cash limit and don't have much of anything else I need to buy anyway.
Firestorm said:Vitamins are sold in the Department store. That's where I bought mine.
For some reason I can't get this course I've got several American(my game is Japanese) and Japanese pokemon via the GTS, but the route wont show up. Oh well it doesn't really matter since there really isn't anything great in it.Negator said:I just spent about an hour trying to get a foreign pokemon from the GTS to unlock the pokewalker route, and oh my god...level 100 Mewtwos for a Rattata? Come on, that's just stupid.
Edit: Oh man finally, I found some random japanese person that wanted a Ponyta for a poliwhirl. Jeez...
Sixfortyfive said:I was aware of Netbattle back in RBY, but I never used it. I've only used Shoddybattle a handful of times.
Competitive play wasn't very prevalent on the actual game carts until wi-fi and auto-leveling came into play, as far as I can tell.
EDIT: Wiseblade, don't we have some trade to take care of? I've got my guy ready.
Took me a second to realize what you meant. If that really happened that is nuts. :lolNegator said:Are Andrex and Metroid Killer joking? Did that really just happen? :lol
Andrex said:Whoo I got a Growlithe from the GTS!And it only cost a level one Piplup. GTS works better if you're the one doing the offering.
Metroid Killer said:Just got a piplub for a Growlithe over the GTS!
Signing on now. I think I still have your FC saved.Wiseblade said:Oh snap! I totally forgot! Fortunately, I recently finished a nice little poke that I'll probably never use. Just say when you're going online.
Sixfortyfive said:Signing on now. I think I still have your FC saved.
Make sure you're getting your daily grooming sessions from Daisy. That's one of the few things in the game that you can't really cheat the clock for at all. (You can, technically, but only to the point where you have to wait 15 hours between sessions instead of 24.)Metroid Killer said:Almost found all the gym leaders for rematches, just missing a few due to not having caught the Bird Trio yet.
A little annoying that the call time is so arbitary.
Axis said:anyone have a drifloon? or wanna help me trade mine over from diamond?
Metroid Killer said:I have a Chimchar already, so just let me breed a drifloon for you and then we can trade.