Axis said:soooo anyone have the calm mind TM? i haven't started fucking with the battle frontier yet so i don't have any BP to buy it and my competitive team won't be shit without it haha
Nayishiki said:I can give you one.
Axis said:anything particular you want in return? just let me know when you're going on
Nayishiki said:I don't need anything in return. I can go online now.
Axis said:thanks, man...solrock adds a +1 to the dex as well!
I'm up for it if you are still there.Sixfortyfive said:Anyone up for a battle? I'll be around for an hour or so.
Give me about 5 minutes and I can be online. I think I still have your FC.SolarPowered said:I'm up for it if you are still there.
Dammit my bad. I was measuring my brother's height and I got distracted right around the time you posted. I didn't even know that you had accepted a battle.Sixfortyfive said:Give me about 5 minutes and I can be online. I think I still have your FC.
EDIT: I'm in.
EDIT 2: nm. Going to get my tournament match out of the way instead.
Gold/Silver will be more familiar and has twice as many gyms to go to.Outtrigger888 said:I havnt played a pokemon game since red and blue, and wanna pick one up for the DS but should I go with gold/silver or diamond/peral. I have no intentions on using the online functions. Which is the better game, and more enjoyable?
biggyfries said:Beat Red with a team of 4:
Ampharos lvl 63
Typhlosion lvl 60
Scizor lvl 63
Charizard lvl 61
other two were sub-lvl-20 HM slaves.
aside from the roamers/legendaries, what else is left to do?
HG/SS, as that will get you more pokemon than d/p/pl--more legendaries, earlier generations, and the newest pokes are in the new games, so you should be good to go.Outtrigger888 said:I havnt played a pokemon game since red and blue, and wanna pick one up for the DS but should I go with gold/silver or diamond/peral. I have no intentions on using the online functions. Which is the better game, and more enjoyable?
Mush said:I'm having one of those moments...
How do I breed a Houndour with Nasty Plot?
Never set up in Battle Tower unless you have to and have some kind of berry that lets you take the hit =/ I actually lost around where you did although all I really did to get up to that point was use Choice Specs Latios' Dragon Pulse and use something else (Dragonite or Raichu usually) if he died >.>; I got enough BP for Icy Wind so I probably won't go back for a while. Still haven't started Kanto.Metroid Killer said:Fuck! Lost two battles before Palmer2!! Grrr!
Lucario used Sword Dance
Porygon-Z used Thunderbolt. Lucario became paralized!
Lucario can't move.
Porygon-Z used Tri Attack *Lucario faints*
*sends out Garchomp*
Garchomp used Outrage
Porygon-Z used Tri Attack. Garchomp became paralized.
Garchomp used Outrage *Porygon-Z faints*
*Opponment sends out Electrivire*
Electrivire used Earthquake
Garchomp is confused. *Garchomp kills itself*
Sends out suicidal Starmie...
If you want a familiar quest, get HG/SS. If you don't, get Platinum.Outtrigger888 said:I havnt played a pokemon game since red and blue, and wanna pick one up for the DS but should I go with gold/silver or diamond/peral. I have no intentions on using the online functions. Which is the better game, and more enjoyable?
Oh, I skipped that by mistake. The fact that he won't be using the online function also favors HG/SS sinceFirestorm said:He hasn't played a single Pokemon since Red/Blue so HGSS is new for him too. Get HeartGold or SoulSilver. Especially for the end-game which you might love as someone who's only played the original.
Get ♥Au! Just kidding, you can get whichever one you want.SolarPowered said:go with HG/SS dude.
cory said:Get ♥Au! Just kidding, you can get whichever one you want.
Seriously, get ♥Au
Andrex said:You're making HeartGold sound even lamer than it already is.
cory said:
Cory fell asleep.Gravijah said:YAWN
cory said:Cory fell asleep.
Cory is fast asleep.
Just ask someone for a pokerus infected poke. I'll give ya one right now if you want. I'll even throw in a nice pokemon too.viciouskillersquirrel said:So I started EV-training my first competitive pokemon (don't get too excited, it's just a supporter/annoyer and I don't know its IVs) and while doing so, I remember thinking - gee, this would all go by so much quicker if I had some tasty pokerus.
What are the odds of catching this thing in the wild, again? Also, can the gold star from pokerus be inherited?
Won't be able to hop online until tomorrow, unfortunately, though you do make a good point.SolarPowered said:Just ask someone for a pokerus infected poke. I'll give ya one right now if you want. I'll even throw in a nice pokemon too.
cory said:
xSL4INx said:So what's the best way to a Pokemon's happiness up in SoulSilver? I've done the normal stuff I can do (haircut in the underground) and don't know what else to do other than fight with it and let it lead my party.
Andrex said:Skarmory + Vulpix line > HG trash
That said I really want to get it and Platinum because I'm turning into a Pokewhore.
Bitch, please. Arcanine shits all over your Vulpixes.Andrex said:Skarmory + Vulpix line > HG trash
That said I really want to get it and Platinum because I'm turning into a Pokewhore.
Jet Grind Radio! said:Bitch, please. Arcanine shits all over your Vulpixes.
Although, I do like Skarmory.
Andrex said:And I like Donphan. :/
Gravijah said:Donphan is a silver Pokemon. Don't let the games fool you. They took him from us, damn it. THEY TOOK HIM.
Andrex said:Don't remind me!
HA! They gave Donphan to the BETTER game. have fun with Teddiursa.Gravijah said:Donphan is a silver Pokemon. Don't let the games fool you. They took him from us, damn it. THEY TOOK HIM.