Playing SS made me want to find my old Pokemon games, looked yesterday and only found my RBY in a carrier thing with my (yellow!) GBC.
I found my Gold/Silver/Crystal copies today.. but the saves are gone on G/S and I never did get far on Crystal.

I think the Gold cart is probably worn down, took me several tries to get it past the "Game Boy" splash. Sometimes where it was supposed to say "Nintendo" under it there was just random pixels. Ah well. Still have the memories. I want to find my guides too.
Also found my Sapphire and Emerald. I sure did abuse the hell out of Action Replay back then :lol Can't find my Ruby, Leaf Green, or Fire Red though. Ruby...though I'd like to find it I'm not really too worried because I also abused the hell out of my AR on that too. Not much actual effort lost. LG/FR I want to find/play though, never did get too far on them. I know I have both (at first I thought I might've never bought them and was just confusing LG and Emerald. It's been awhile.) because I have two of the GBA wireless connector things.
Pokemon is always going to be my weakness. Gold was the first game I ever played "seriously" (meaning not mashing random buttons) and I've loved the series ever since. I'm probably going to buy (not all at once of course) HG, Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum sometime in the future. I never played D/P/Pl because when they came out I was too occupied by the PS3/360 but I should really get to playing them. :lol Probably an obvious question but Platinum is the superior version of the 3 new
DS games right?