Yes, but not the DSi's.Aigis said:Isn't it a limitation with the DS's wifi hardware?
Yes, but not the DSi's.Aigis said:Isn't it a limitation with the DS's wifi hardware?
I can't believe this. It's fucking 2010. We finally get the system to support it, but it's biggest game doesn't.viciouskillersquirrel said:Yes, but not the DSi's.
This game still doesn't support WPA2-PSK? Is this some kind of sick fucking joke?
Aigis said:Ah, I have a DS phat.
I need to upgrade, might go with the DSi XL.
Not sure, but will that guy who teaches it to you be able to do it again? But yeah Swift is a special move.survivor said:Why didn't you get rid of Tackle for Headbutt? And is Swift a special move? If it is then use it instead of Quick Attack.
Yeah, I've just been confused since reading the competitive posts. Kinda kills my buzz when I worry about that now. :lolGravijah said:Get rid of tackle if you're unsure, though in the end make sure you only have one attack of each type. I know my Quilava is built similarly now, though.
InfiniteNine said:What happens to be better Swift or Quick Attack? My Quilava just leveled up and unsure if I should keep my current setup of Tackle, Quick Attack, Flame Wheel and Ember.
Ya he teaches the move again to any Pokemon. On a second thought just replace Tackle with Swift. Quick Attack might be helpful if you ever need to get an attack first before the other Pokemon.InfiniteNine said:Not sure, but will that guy who teaches it to you be able to do it again? But yeah Swift is a special move.
Yeah, I've just been confused since reading the competitive posts. Kinda kills my buzz when I worry about that now. :lol
It's a type of security you put on your WiFi. The DS Lite didn't support it, but the DSi does. Now I have a DSi, and I still can't use it because HG/SS doesn't support it. What a fucking joke.ivysaur12 said:Can someone inform the technologically un-savvy what this means?
Yeah I might hold off for a DS2 if the rumors start kicking up. I just bought a new 360 Elite last month to replace my old 360 and now there's rumors of a Slim 360. :lol I don't want to buy another system that will be outdated after I buy it for the rest of this year at least.Gravijah said:That's my plan! Unless the DS2 is announced at E3... then I'm fucked.
Game Freak are firmly stuck in the past. If you'll remember, DP didn't have drag and drop Pokemon box functionality, touchscreen main menus or the ability to add and remove monsters from your team at the same time and their game ran at like 10fps. I'm not surprised at this in the slightest.Blu_LED said:I can't believe this. It's fucking 2010. We finally get the system to support it, but it's biggest game doesn't.
Please tell me I'm missing something.
Blu_LED said:It's a type of security you put on your WiFi. The DS Lite didn't support it, but the DSi does. Now I have a DSi, and I still can't use it because HG/SS doesn't support it. What a fucking joke.
They do. Problem is that if they're working to the DS spec and the DS spec only, they can't use DSi-specific features, like the better WiFi hardware, the extra RAM/processor speed or the camera.Fusebox said:Serious? I haven't tried connecting my DSiLL to my wifi network yet but I knew it supported WPA2. What I didn't know was that game devs could choose not to let WPA2 be used for their game, that's crazy. Don't Nintendo have some list of standards that must be met by game devs?
Blu_LED said:Unbelievable. I love GameFreak with all my heart, but this is inexcusable.
jman2050 said:Do you want Pokemon HG/SS to be DSi exclusive?
That's a suckers' game too, you know. DSi-enhanced games are region locked. So if you bought a JP DSi-enhanced HG and tried to play it on a US DSi, it wouldn't work. You'd need to play it on a regular DS instead (and be stuck with crap encryption anyway).thefil said:Games can be DSi-enhanced without being DSi exclusive. I would also have liked proper modern wireless support.
Blu_LED said:Please tell me I'm missing something.
TheSeks said:Just beat Falkner's gym, but I haven't gotten the option to Pokewalk a Pokemon.![]()
vid said:The option becomes available as soon as you can deposit a pokemon into a PC box. Just check the main menu (New Game, Continue, and so on...) and "Connect to PokeWalker" should be an option. The rest is explained in game.
Subitai said:I'm thinking of getting back into the grind, what are the advantages of getting these games over Platinum?
FootNinja said:the unlockable PC boxes are unlocked by giving a certain phrase to the reporter in violet city. Does anyone know what the phrase is?
Wait, why did you just got the game? You are japanese right?cvxfreak said:Finally defeated all eight gym leaders, the Kimono Girls and captured Lugia. Definitely feeling ready to challenge the Elite 4 and Pokemon Champion.
I've only raised my Feraligatr (Lv. 56) the whole game, but it's worked for me so far. He's got Crunch, Surf, Agility and Ice Fang. Not a great moveset, but diverse enough for the game's main adventure. Lugia should be a decent back up. My idea is basically to bring over the midrange Pokemon I raised in Platinum last year rather than raise a completely new set. I'm interested more for the adventure than for the commitment to raising a good Pokemon team anyway.
Boney said:Wait, why did you just got the game? You are japanese right?
Pedophiles might rape you.DarthWufei said:Why can you still not have random online battles on the handheld games? I hate dealing with Battle Revolution just to have some fun.
Kanto in the original GS was a fluke - the result of Nintendo repeatedly delaying the title to allow the franchise breathing room in the US and other territories. Game Freak had all this extra time and they spent it updating Kanto. They also expected GS to be the final games before the popularity of the franchise waned and they moved onto something else.cvxfreak said:I really hope the developers stick to the two-region ideology for the next generation of Pokemon games. I think rather than remake RSE, they should place the post-adventure region in Hoenn and continue that region's plotlines with Team Aqua/Magma and its protagonists. The Johto portion of HGSS has taken me less than 8 hours, and I can't imagine the next adventure being substantially longer. I could forgive the lack of a second region in RSE because of the engine upgrades it offered, and I would rather have HGSS than a second region DPPt, but next gen there are few excuses.
But they already do in Mario Kart DS so why not Pokemon?Blu_LED said:Pedophiles might rape you.
vid said:The option becomes available as soon as you can deposit a pokemon into a PC box. Just check the main menu (New Game, Continue, and so on...) and "Connect to PokeWalker" should be an option. The rest is explained in game.
EvilMario said:I have a few bred Charmander rejects (and otherwise, one was for Tyranitar Dragon Dance breeding) left over, and one I was going to use for PBR Little Cup if anyone wants them.
One is Belly Drum, one is Swords Dance (with Flare Blitz, Aerial Ace, Shadow Claw), and the other is Dragon Dance. Code is 2793 6743 0025. First come, first serve. I don't want anything precious in return, I just figure some of you would like them. PM me with the one you want and your Pal Pad Code.
TheSeks said:What's the stats of a Charmander rejects? I've been wanting to play the remake with a Charmander but that means having to breed my Charizard.![]()
Harpuia said:GAH, Happiness has to be the most annoying thing in Pokemon games. Let's see...soothe bell, vitamins, and feeding it aprijuice helps a bit. Is there anything else that will make increasing happiness easier? D: I want my Crobat and Espeon nao.![]()
EvilMario said:Walk with it. It gains happiness from battling, and leveling up. And loses some if it faints.
PM'd you.EvilMario said:I have a few bred Charmander rejects (and otherwise, one was for Tyranitar Dragon Dance breeding) left over, and one I was going to use for PBR Little Cup if anyone wants them.
One is Belly Drum, one is Swords Dance (with Flare Blitz, Aerial Ace, Shadow Claw), and the other is Dragon Dance. Code is 2793 6743 0025. First come, first serve. I don't want anything precious in return, I just figure some of you would like them. PM me with the one you want and your Pal Pad Code.
Isn't that event from the Fateful Encounter Arceus? Jirachi unlocks a route on the pokewalker.TheSeks said:Also, when can I do the Jirachi/Ruins of Alph event? I took my Jirachi there before the gym and after the gym and no legendary. I guess I have to beat the game? Same for the Pichu event?![]()
Harpuia said:Does taking it along in the pokewalker help at all? Eevee is a horribly useless pokemon.
Big Ass Ramp said:How hard is it to find an Abra on Route 34 and 35 at night? I've encountered like 20 different pokes and not one abra.