Jokey665 said:I didn't have any trouble with Morty. Quilava used Fireblast until everything was dead, and that was it.
Big Ass Ramp said:Turns out Pikachu is really good against Whitney's Miltank. Her stomp gets her Paralyzed, Thunder brings her down to the red zone. Huh, never would have thought.
survivor said:I don't know what's wrong with me but I have been putting off playing the game. I have just been looking at Serebii's pokedex looking for Pokemon I want on my final team. Right now I have these guys in mind
Red Gyarados
Honchkrow (maybe, I don't know if I can easily get a Dusk Stone)
Any suggestion for last Pokemon? I'm not looking for anything competitive, just a Pokemon that I can easily find and that looks cool. I'm thinking Steelix, but still I have to evolve him and it's pretty hard.
Serebii says he is in Mt. Silver and The Cliff Cave. Is that pretty far into the game?Gravijah said:You can catch Steelix wildly, though it's rather rare.
survivor said:Serebii says he is in Mt. Silver and The Cliff Cave. Is that pretty far into the game?
Gravijah said:You can catch Steelix wildly, though it's rather rare.
survivor said:Screw this 2% chance. Will take me years to do it. I will just go transfer a Metal Coat from Platinum I guess. The only one in the game is in SS Aqua and the ones that come with Pokemon have 5% chance of happening.
TheSeks said:Buh?
I could swear the Pokedex says there is a few in the Lighthouse/fifth,sixth gym area along with Onix.
But honestly, you can get Onix EXTREMELY early in a Bellspout for Onix trade at the first gym (Eucreak?) town. I've been rocking him in my team since, I just need the Steel Coat (I think Scyther comes with one?) item to trade him to my Platinum and back for a Steelix.
survivor said:Screw this 2% chance. Will take me years to do it. I will just go transfer a Metal Coat from Platinum I guess. The only one in the game is in SS Aqua and the ones that come with Pokemon have 5% chance of happening.
Would appreciate it if you don't mind trading it to meGravijah said:I ran into a Steelix there if you want one, I have no use for it.
survivor said:Would appreciate it if you don't mind trading it to me![]()
@EvilMario: thanks for the tip. Didn't know about the secondary ability of Butterfree. Now I have to go look for one.
survivor said:4254 5690 6333
Thanks a lot for Steelix. Will save me a lot of time.
Edit: Thanks for Steelix. Wanted to give something better in return but I have nothing useful yet.
4254 5690 6333Gravijah said:Crap sorry I missed this, my FC is 1419 8897 5769, just hit me back with yours and I can trade whenever you want.
Tell me about it! I grinded Victory Road so much I ended up with a Shiny Golbat!Andrex said:I've been grinding in Victory Road so much I know the layout like the back of my hand. :lol Good thing though is my Gyarados is almost lvl 50.![]()
You got a different water type? I knew before I started the game that I would have a Vaporeon on my team. So awesome.Gravijah said:Ahhh crap, what should I turn my Eevee into? The only options, based on my team composition right now, would be Umbreon, Glaceon or Leafeon. Ergh... What should I do?
<---Gravijah said:Ahhh crap, what should I turn my Eevee into? The only options, based on my team composition right now, would be Umbreon, Glaceon or Leafeon. Ergh... What should I do?
upandaway said:You got a different water type? I knew before I started the game that I would have a Vaporeon on my team. So awesome.
Go with Umbreon though. I used him on my very first Silver playthrough I think, and he was pretty awesome.
I feel really really stupid because I just found out I had Shadow Claw in my TMs all along. Morty will be dead in no time!
Metroid Killer said:Right now I'm trying to get a fucking female Combee! Argh how rare can they bee? I've been breeding for an hour now and got half a box full of male combee goddammit! :lol
I have a Slowpoke too, but that doesn't stop me!Gravijah said:Slowking is my Water/Psychic, so I've got those covered... I guess I'll go with Umbreon. Ooh he's very defensive, what nature should I go with? I'm used to... very offensive Pokemon. :lol
Edit: Hell I'm not really sure how to build him period.
Well if Espeon isnt an option, I'd go for Umbreon.Gravijah said:Ahhh crap, what should I turn my Eevee into? The only options, based on my team composition right now, would be Umbreon, Glaceon or Leafeon. Ergh... What should I do?
survivor said:Been playing the coin flip right now. I got to level 4 and have around 420 coins. Not bad. At first the game was really hard, but then when I started marking the cards with bombs, it kinda made it easier. Now the only thing is when they give me no free rows, I have no clue how to begin it.
Yep. First I was thinking of how many Voltrobs there are. Then I realized that just adding the numbers and figuring out the missing number is much better.Little Green Yoda said:I was having a tough time with it until I started thinking about the game with respect to multipliers instead of bombs. Up to level 6 right how you can't save your progress; you always have to start at level 1.
survivor said:Yep. First I was thinking of how many Voltrobs there are. Then I realized that just adding the numbers and figuring out the missing number is much better.
But such a cheap trick that if you quit you go back to level 1. BTW anyone know how do you lose a level? I was struggling with level 3 and the game just put me back into level 2.
Is the game still giving you free rows/columns? That was pretty much the only thing that prevents me from winning.Little Green Yoda said:If you lose or quit too many times, you get demoted. Just picked up 729 coins on level 6.![]()
survivor said:Is the game still giving you free rows/columns? That was pretty much the only thing that prevents me from winning.
Bentendo said:Right now my team consists of:
*Larvitar (in the process of evolving this dude)
*And two HM slaves
For the Elite 4 and Champion I'll have the first four (instead of Larvitar I'll have Tyranitar), probably either Rapidash or Ho-Oh (probably Rapidash since I want to beat it without using a legendary this time), and... I don't know. Any suggestions? I was thinking about using Mamoswine but I've never used an ice type Pokémon before in a big battle so I don't know if that's a good choice or not.
Holy Order Sol said:Gyarados with Dragon Dance.
I think Magnemite suffers from a lack of diverse moves. It only has Electric moves and Flash Cannon. Plus its last evolution is pretty hard to get.hemtae said:So I've just beaten Morty, and gone out into route 38 were I ran into a magnemite that I caught. So should I replace Flaffy with it? On one hand, Magnemite evolves into the superior Magnezone, on the other hand Flaffy is trained to a decent level and on the freakish third hand, Flaffy has done fine so far
...Buy items? Let me guess, you have 983259283752938 money and no healing items?Why would you do that? said:I've gotta say, I don't like the... Abilities? I don't know what they're called.
I mean the thing where, if you touch a Pokemon with poison quills, you'll be poisoned, or if you touch an Electric one, you'll be paralyzed.
I feel like it's a little unfair, especially if you're in a cave or forest, or on a field, without a Pokemon center.
survivor said:Is the game still giving you free rows/columns? That was pretty much the only thing that prevents me from winning.