What part
I don't know
What part
Removing the pokemons PR?what, I can't
What differences?
Removing the pokemons PR?
Having access to the Pokemon chat?
And? Whose differences are those?
Fuck it, you tell me Blarg. I'm not here to answer stupid questions.
This was discussed on the last few pages in depth.
You were too busy waffling about whether or not you would actually reveal something.
.... Sure....?
Everything... and nothing.
Go ahead, then
get it over with
Vote me off the island
I was part of your crew?
That's Roy and GD that have jumped to the assumption that all Pokémon are town. I can't imagine a townie doing that, especially before we've seen a single scum flip.
Roy's post especially reads more like someone complaining about balance - reminds me of HP where every power that was even remotely investigative he would label as a cop.
*Sp, royt, you're both here too, aren't you
What do you think about begging me for leads?
Is it a worthwhile endeavour?
I mean sure, but I'm really more interested in whether she's lying about her Pokemon/flavor than what Pokemon she actually is if so. Her claiming Piplup *is* weird though; so was wasting her claimed 1-shot double at someone's request.
Regarding Blarg revealing the trainer's identity, I'd rather wait to find out what Sophia thinks about it; both her and her trainer are receiving heat so I want to know if we're forcing them into some sort of prisoner's dilemma situation.
These are most inactive players.
The G -9
Dusk - 32
Salva - 33
Stan - 34
Roy - 36
Mind you post count =/= activity but it is a starting point.
I do feel like we've barely heard from G or Dusk. The only post I really remember from Dusk were his promised Pokémon analysis which seemed to have no pay off.
I'm surprised Salva is so low his presence throughout the game suggested otherwise.
Stan, I feel contribute and has been engaging in conversations. He doesn't come across as particularly scummy.
Roy, I just don't know about. Feels like a huge blindspot.
Again, I'm interested in whether she lied about her Pokemon since it doesn't fit her command well. With the second part I meant that if she indeed had one single shot it would be weird that she wasted it at another player's request. I'm not making any assumptions whether she had one or not, thats why I said "claimed 1-shot".Lying about the numbers of shots in your power is not anti-town imo, keeping scum in the dark not knowing if you are still a threat or not can be beneficial. Which is what I think she did here.
I don't know why you'd make the bolded assumption. Yes it's part of a hypothetical you dismissed, but you've used it to dismiss the idea that all trainers are town. There's no link between the 2 ideas, so you've introduced this idea just to dismiss it, and then concluded that not all trainers are town based on effectively nothing.Hmm, thinking about it, if all 3 known trainers are town that would be weird from a balance standpoint. If we assume that all catchable pokemon are town, then trainers would act as a semi-cop, being able to clear a lot of townies pretty fast simply by seeing who can be caught. Not only that, but the trainer roles have a built in mason chat, which means they wouldn't even have to step forward themselves to clear townies, another team member could do that. Unless scum is insanely powerful to counter that, I just can't see that working from a balance perspective. Which means that not all trainers are town, not all catchable pokemon are town or a combination of both. I am personally leaning towards that last one, so someone being a trainer or a captured pokemon will definitely NOT clear them for me.
Is there a reason you ignored my question, Sophia?
Sophia, I voted for you right out the gate because I wanted to check if your Piplup claim was true, as well as check if you still had shots. Your continued survival in the subsequent nights since your outing yourself as a PR, in addition to your contributing to the lynch both days, read very suspiciously to me.
However, now that you have been caught by El Topo's trainer, I'm going to trust their judgment if this is true. It seems that all (catchable) Pokemon are town. I don't want another townie to die, so I'll ease off if you attempt a double. Topo said that his PR is disabled after his trainer caught him, and so even if your power isn't one-shot, your double failing will tell ease my fears about you.
Maybe I missed something, but there actually anything conclusive about Barry's (and his successor's) alignment? There was a lot of redacted stuff in his flip.
El Topo and Sophia didn't get to be a part of the trainer's chat at no cost-- the Pokemon lose their PR. Ty's Pokemon can't talk to him, only to each other, but it looks like they retain their PR. I'm not sure yet which is more advantageous for either trainer. used your only double prove a point to Splinter..
I think?
Why, is my question. Were you that worried about Splinter that you would waste your PR just to get him off your back?
Again, I'm interested in whether she lied about her Pokemon since it doesn't fit her command well. With the second part I meant that if she indeed had one single shot it would be weird that she wasted it at another player's request. I'm not making any assumptions whether she had one or not, thats why I said "claimed 1-shot".
What would happen if we somehow lynched your Trainer ASAP?
Double: TheGoddamn
Dunno, you could have a very telling scum-aligned Pokemon like Weezing or Meowth. Obviously that is too little to justify hard action, but my curiosity continues unsatisfied regarding your claim.Why would I risk lying about my Pokemon in a game where there's the possibility of being counter-claimed by another Pokemon? I mean the odds are low, sure, but why risk even those low odds?
Two things though before I leave for the mountain top to ponder our situation:
1. In Price is Right, not a single mafia member took part in the D1 lynch of Blarg.
2. Under which circumstances does it even make sense for mafia to push for a lynch of Bronx-Man in that situation? Why would they bother to expose themselves on D1, when they can instead sit back?
My time on the mountaintop is over, but I'm still not sure what to do. God, why do these things have to be so difficult? Well, just so I at least contribute, notes on LP:
As I said, I will not hold D1 behavior too much against people (for now), but I thought it was interesting to go through LP's posts. It's...really not much. There's other players I want to look at before I start a lynch train though. Will post more later.
Also to whoever it was (iirc Flush) that had asked if I had even posted today: There is a search function here that allows you to see all posts a user made in that thread.
I don't know why you'd make the bolded assumption. Yes it's part of a hypothetical you dismissed, but you've used it to dismiss the idea that all trainers are town. There's no link between the 2 ideas, so you've introduced this idea just to dismiss it, and then concluded that not all trainers are town based on effectively nothing.
Dunno, you could have a very telling scum-aligned Pokemon like Weezing or Meowth. Obviously that is too little to justify hard action, but my curiosity continues unsatisfied regarding your claim.
I'm more interested in your thoughts regarding the trainer discussion of the last few pages. The negative effect of blocking town PRs is IMO too much for your trainer to be town aligned, since that should be discouraging them from catching players lest they risk crippling town by roleblocking a cop or a doctor.
And tell me, who has an avatar of a mountain top? Of someone "leaving" for the mountain top?
Why, none other than--
Tell me; why would El Topo say something like that about a mountain top, twice even? The sayings just stick out too much. Especially in the context of the PiR mention, and it just so happens that Ynnek7's got a PiR, mountain-climbing avatar. Huh.
We know he had to have been caught on N1, it was the only opportunity for a Trainer to do so, and these posts of his were Yesterday, D2; the very same Day during which he decided to claim being captured, before his oh-so untimely demise last Night.
Therefore, your Trainer, Sophia, according to what you have alleged Today regarding your capture and the identity of said captor being of the same personage as El Topo's, must be Ynnek7.
Substantially more so? Again, we have a trainer with a catch effect that doesn't negatively impact town, and one with a catch effect that does. They may be balanced between them because one joins their team chat and the other doesn't, but from town's perspective they're hardly the same and your trainer has to weigh his desire to get the extra win and the risk to cripple town by doing so. It just seems poorly balanced to me if both are town aligned because the other trainer doesn't have that extra thing to worry about.Certainly, the PR blocking thing definitely seems more like a scum-oriented ability too. I can offer no guarantee that said trainer is town at the moment, other than my personal feelings on the subject.
How common do you think scum roleblocker would be over town roleblocker? Hmm...
Second, what would be the point of breadcrumbing his trainer? I'd assume once a Pokemon was caught, they'd want to be part of the winning team, even if it meant through being the Superior Winning Team. (for example, a town pokemon, caught by scum, would be okay with a scum win as long as they had more pokemon). Actually, we haven't even seen a scum trainer/pokemon flip yet, they may remove the town alignment all together.
So, if I were El Topo and Sophia's trainer, wouldn't you have pretty much confirmed I'm town? Thanks, I suppose, lol.
You're trying too hard. Maybe if you spent all that effort catching scum instead, we might have lynched one. =P
First of all, isn't "on the mountaintop" a common phrase? Like, that's where you go to commune with knowledgeable guru's/spirits? He was pretty much stepping away to think things over. That's what I thought of at the time of him saying that.
Second, what would be the point of breadcrumbing his trainer? I'd assume once a Pokemon was caught, they'd want to be part of the winning team, even if it meant through being the Superior Winning Team. (for example, a town pokemon, caught by scum, would be okay with a scum win as long as they had more pokemon). Actually, we haven't even seen a scum trainer/pokemon flip yet, they may remove the town alignment all together.
So, if I were El Topo and Sophia's trainer, wouldn't you have pretty much confirmed I'm town? Thanks, I suppose, lol.
This makes too many assumptions about how catching Pokemon and alignment switching works. We have no evidence of things like if a Pkmn caught by scum would still be able to win if scum won, that seems unlikely and a pain to balance IMO. And with that last line I'm not sure what you're claiming if anything at all. Please clarify.
Superior Win Condition: However, you will be granted a superior victory over all other groups, if during the end of the game, your Pokémon team is the bigger when compared to other town factions. You can try to reach this special Superior Win Condition only, if the normal win condition is also fulfilled.
So you are justifying your point that Topo had no reason to breadcrumb his trainer based on assumptions? Seems shaky. We indeed don't know how being caught by scum works at all, so again, more assumptions. Since you're not Sophia's trainer, what are your thoughts on both of them?I'll admit, that entire train of thought was based on assumptions. I haven't been caught yet, so I don't have any more information than most of the rest of us.
I was mainly going off of this line in Ty4on's flip:
That makes me think a town pokemon would still get a win even if they were captured by scum, and in order for them to satisfy a normal win condition they'd have to be scum as well.
That last line was just trying to point out the absurdity I felt in Blarg's theory on me. With how I'm seeing things, there's no point in a pokemon revealing who their trainer is, whether they're scum or town.
So you are justifying your point that Topo had no reason to breadcrumb his trainer based on assumptions? Seems shaky. We indeed don't know how being caught by scum works at all, so again, more assumptions. Since you're not Sophia's trainer, what are your thoughts on both of them?
Actually, Sophia, can you confirm whether or not you get the Superior Win as well? (If you have previously, I missed it)
I'm reading over that win condition again, and I can't tell if that Win would only go to the Trainer having the biggest team(and winning normally), and not their entire pokemon team.
I should also look back into Topo's, Ty's, and RF's reads and interactions. But I'm going to bed now.
something something now i understand how kark felt in PiR grumble whatever
If you believe there is a Scum Trainer out there, please explain to me how your Mystery Trainer is not that individual. Ty4on flipped Town, Gaga is an unknown but I would love to hear an explanation as to how the Scum Trainer died N1, and that leaves your mystery person. Unless you want to argue we have 4 Trainers instead of 3.
after with what happened in PiR I strongly suggest you consider how much you are willing to trust this person. You may be joyfully conversing with them in a chat but don't let that cloud your read of them. I made that mistake with Kyan, don't do what I did.
Gaga could be Neutral? If there are 3 Trainers out and about catching Pokemon then Burb could have split it up into Town-Neutral-Scum, making it one of each.
Ty4on ( Mr. Gabe Newell himself ) is the Town Trainer
Gaga is more-than-likely the Neutral Trainer since hitting Scum on Night 1 is a one-in-a-million shot. Not to mention there was only 1 kill that Night, so unless Scum hit themselves ( or we have some weird Scum hitting the Doctor and a 3rd party hitting Barry combo ), Neutral is the most likely option.
????? Trainer, whoever Sophia/Topo are connected to is possibly the Scum Trainer.
Although that would eventually lead into a thunderdome situation as well if 2 Trainers flipped and the 3rd was left on their own...
But at the same time, whoever caught Sophia/Topo also apparently roleblocks the Pokemon they capture while Ty was only unable to chat with his caught Pokemon. What if this mystery trainer, in all their generosity, catches the Doctor? Are we just shit out of luck at that point since the Doctor is now forever roleblocked?? I don't know about you but that sounds incredibly anti-Town to me imo.
Dusk was my main scum read. He still is my main scum read. I had a null read on Royal. So when I left for my graduation, I felt pretty good about my vote. And while I want too look at other players to prevent tunneling to much, Dusk is still my main scum read so I will most likely be voting for him again.
Uh, I did, that was my way of joining the conversation by pointing out a detail I thought deserved more attention. I didn't follow it up because that was right before I went to bed, did you want me to slam my fist and point fingers? I really don't see the line between sideline commenting and joining the conversation here.
Anyway, blindspots that I can think of are Melon, L_P and Nin, mostly. My top scum atm remain Ynnek, Verelios and I think Salva is starting to raise in that list because of their attitude throughout the game. Also TheGoddamn because man, that post:
How's everyone feeling about our inactives today? I'm worried that suddenly conversation has dropped significantly compared to D2. I realize schedule shift (hell I'm busy this weekend too) but I'm concerned scum use this lull to their advance. I don't want a scramle to lynch someone "suitable" hours before deadline.
Royal was right that inactives cost us DP and I don't want to repeat that mistake.
These are most inactive players.
The G -9
Dusk - 32
Salva - 33
Stan - 34
Roy - 36
I had considered the Royal vote because at the time it seemed like the most sure thing. If he flipped scum, then it would have been great. If he flipped town, though (and he did), that would have placed me on the shortlist of people who voted two townies out in a row. As of now, its just Sophia/Splinter/Stanley. I'm pretty sure at least one of them might be scum.
No not particularly. Double Vote is a weak power in town's hand and it seemed more beneficial to prevent his silly policy lynch.
That being said, I'm not sure what to make of Splinter's actions there. It seemed like an easy way to justify either firing off a shot, or lynching me today... : \
That seems way too condensed of a timeline, but it would explain why Sophia is reading her Trainer as town (having seen it in today's flip).
I would also think that if El Topo was Gaga, we'd have seen the full Gaga flip as well, but maybe we're only seeing our base roles upon death?
Right now, the thing that sticks out to me (and has been noted previously) is that Gabe Newell did not have access to his team chat, but Sophia and El Topo could. This leads me to believe the Trainer themselves could be a pokemon (yeah, more assumptions).
Now, when Gaga flipped, we saw that their Trainer Status moved on to their captured pokemon on Night 1. This could be one reason why a Trainer could also use the team chat, but it doesn't really make sense time-wise to me.
N1- Barrylocke captures El Topo, is killed, and transfers role to him.
N2- El Topo captures Sophia, both are in the chat due to being pokemon, and then El Topo gets killed.
That seems way too condensed of a timeline, but it would explain why Sophia is reading her Trainer as town (having seen it in today's flip).
I would also think that if El Topo was Gaga, we'd have seen the full Gaga flip as well, but maybe we're only seeing our base roles upon death?
I'm more concerned about you than Splinter imo.
Scum!Splinter could have just easily convinced you to get rid of your Doublevote under the guise he would lynch you if you didn't. If you were a 1-shot then why did you listen to him???
Or you are Scum and your Doublevote reveal did the opposite of what you wanted it to. It got you a ton of attention, more negative than you would have hoped for, so you blew it to give yourself an out. You may still have a shot, you may not, it doesn't really matter. You claim you have no more shots and you now have a convenient cover if you never get NKed because 'why would Scum NK me I don't have a PR anymore'.
I want your reads, please.
I think the double vote power is still in the game. I doubt it's a one-shot, probably more of the not able to use it on consecutive days. Otherwise she wouldn't have wasted it.
Why would an already weak town power role ~ a town double voter ~ be made even weaker? That doesn't add up. There is no such thing. She is a scum double voter. A scum double voter weakened to balance the unquestionable power this role wields.
Vote: Sophia