Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire |OT| Hoenn Finally Confirmed


Oh fuck

I never ever ever ever ever want to face that

which means I will definitely face that

Better make sure I have a Pokemon with Taunt

If you see a Smeargle, aim for it with both Pokémon and pray you're faster. That's what I do.

At Nationals, I battled a Dark Void Smeargle team. Managed to handle it with ease. Though that is because Dark Void, luckily, missed in the first turn as I was Trick Rooming.


If you see a Smeargle, aim for it with both Pokémon and pray you're faster. That's what I do.
Seems like Protecting with both Pokemon or using Quick Guard on the first turn is a good idea if you see Smeargle, just to avoid Fake-Out from its teammate.

Speaking of which, Smeargle seems like a great Pokemon for setting up other strategies just because everybody is going to be expecting Dark Void.


Getting close to completing my Hoenn Dex -- I lost the SD card that X was on in a serious lapse of judgment, so any dreams I had of completing my National Dex are dashed.

Going to start getting my competitive team ready once I'm done with the Dex stuff.


Dark Void Smeargle will be legal? Haha, man I need to try one online, just for fun.


Dark Void was only banned due to a glitch with the Sleep system. When you switched out, the Pokémon's sleep counter would reset to 1 meaning it'd act as if it was just put to sleep, even if you switched after say 4 turns. This was fixed in X & Y, so has been valid since. I saw a few of them in Nationals earlier this year :)

Dark Void was only banned due to a glitch with the Sleep system. When you switched out, the Pokémon's sleep counter would reset to 1 meaning it'd act as if it was just put to sleep, even if you switched after say 4 turns. This was fixed in X & Y, so has been valid since. I saw a few of them in Nationals earlier this year :)

Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.
Never knew that was a glitch, thought it was deliberate.


Lol, fought a smeargle + mega pidgeot combo that just used the mega to skill swap for No guard and then use sheer cold to one hit KO my team.

Fought him again a few matches later, ko'd the smeargle first and he forfeited.
Lol, fought a smeargle + mega pidgeot combo that just used the mega to skill swap for No guard and then use sheer cold to one hit KO my team.

Fought him again a few matches later, ko'd the smeargle first and he forfeited.

This reminds me of that Mind Reader + Sheer Cold Articuno shenanigans.


Lol, fought a smeargle + mega pidgeot combo that just used the mega to skill swap for No guard and then use sheer cold to one hit KO my team.

Fought him again a few matches later, ko'd the smeargle first and he forfeited.

Aha, clever strategy, but it's one that'll only work a couple of times
Lol, fought a smeargle + mega pidgeot combo that just used the mega to skill swap for No guard and then use sheer cold to one hit KO my team.

Fought him again a few matches later, ko'd the smeargle first and he forfeited.
There I was thinking the battle spot stats showing Smeargle running sheer cold was just down to that move being its most reliable killing move (indeed it does appear high on the when victorious tab), I do now notice skill swap also in the top 10.


Is the situation still that the only way to get the seasonal varieties of Deerling and Sawsbuck are to PokeTransfer them up from Gen V? No way to breed them in Gen VI?

Winter Sawsbuck is da bomb.


I maintain the movie would have worked better if it was the old Mewtwo trying to calm the Genesect who were going through the same existential crisis it did
Definitely would have been a much better movie if it were this.

Probably just nostalgia, but female Mewtwo doesn't fit very well imo. There's also no explanation for how it can mega evolve without a stone/trainer. All in all not one of the better Pokemon movies. Looks pretty though.


Anyone know any good Pokemon Youtube channels or Twitch streams? I want to watch people being awesome at this game or sharing cool stuff.
Anyone know any good Pokemon Youtube channels or Twitch streams? I want to watch people being awesome at this game or sharing cool stuff.

What are you looking for in terms of pokemon youtube channels? I got a whole bunch but some are very specific while others are quite generic.


What are you looking for in terms of pokemon youtube channels? I got a whole bunch but some are very specific while others are quite generic.

Anything. Mostly interested in battle ones but I'll gladly watch some guy bike around the day care center for hours in a stream if he's entertaining with his commentary.
Well, I just hatched this.


It's got Early Bird and probably shit IV's, but damn, did not expect her to pop out. At least her nature is right. :lol


Shiny Houndour looks cool. Congrats!

It seems people in Sootopolis don't have trash. No trashcans to be found in their houses





LumioseStation is actually a bunch of pokemon youtubers so it links to their individual youtube channels from there too.

pokeaimMD for 6v6 singles and CybertronProductions for VGC.

I started watching xRazeOvation recently. he has some good battles on his channel

Thanks for the recommendations guys. I'll give them all a go and hopefully I'll like what I see.
Yup. Poke Radar, eat your heart out!

Are there any write-ups on the mechanics of it that I can read? Chain fishing at the moment and just caught a Shiny Goldeen but I think Feebas and Wailmer are the only two Pokemon you can fish up in this that weren't in X and Y.
Hi Pokegaf, I have bought the game day one and only reached the last badge today. Smash Bros get all the love. But even without that I was not really into the game...

3G is my least favorite generation : This is the first generation where I started to find most Pokémon designs to be horrible and the only others Pokémon you can find there are the worst Pokémons of the 1st and 2nd generations. Besides, most of the routes and town were not great for me, there are exception like the route 119 to 123 because it really felt like a tropical region and the level design was a little bit more cool but before, the routes were way too simplistic and after there is too much water (not that I find that bad but in Pokémon, this feels just empty...).

Anyway I appreciated how the remake improved the presentation and the musics (the GBA's sprites and musics where meh...) and walking in route 119 while it rains at sunset is amazing. Also loved the dexnav and the diving sections (greatly improved), hope these two things stays definitively in the series.

I also bought the game for the exclusive mega evolutions, kinda disappointed there isn't patch for XY...
Is it just me, or is breeding a hell of a lot easier in ORAS? I remember it taking me days to get some good IV Pokémon in XY, even with a 6IV Ditto, but I've already bred a 5IV Pidgey, Treecko and Houndour in a matter of hours.


Is it just me, or is breeding a hell of a lot easier in ORAS? I remember it taking me days to get some good IV Pokémon in XY, even with a 6IV Ditto, but I've already bred a 5IV Pidgey, Treecko and Houndour in a matter of hours.

RNG is your friend for now... :p

@Mich: I just got home. Let me grab that mudkip for you. Lol. Gotta breed a spare :p.


Is it just me, or is breeding a hell of a lot easier in ORAS? I remember it taking me days to get some good IV Pokémon in XY, even with a 6IV Ditto, but I've already bred a 5IV Pidgey, Treecko and Houndour in a matter of hours.

It's the same, only difference is that is a bit faster since the IV judge and the day care center are located in the same area which save a lot of time in the long run.
I have been seeing a lot of Porygon2 during my BS battles, much more so than in XY. Which is weird to me, seeing as Knock off is more widely distributed in ORAS. I assume it's being used mainly to counter MSalamence.

On the flip side, I haven't seen any Megamence at all. Very strange. I still anticipate its arrival though, I need to experience fighting it in battle.
I have been seeing a lot of Porygon2 during my BS battles, much more so than in XY. Which is weird to me, seeing as Knock off is more widely distributed in ORAS. I assume it's being used mainly to counter MSalamence.

On the flip side, I haven't seen any Megamence at all. Very strange. I still anticipate its arrival though, I need to experience fighting it in battle.

I expected it to be a lot better, tbh. It is good, but MegaKhan still holds the "holy shit I'm wrecking everyone with this" moment to me (in X/Y).
Damn game, just give me my 6iv skarmory so I can start working on my roserade breeding project...

Since i'm beginning to pile up on rejects, anyone want a 4/5IV Skarmorys with Whirlwind, Drill Peck, Brave Bird and Stealth Rock?
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