Is Tyranitar good in battle maison?
Yes thinking of a sand team.
Yes thinking of a sand team.
Maybe for like a triples team...Is Tyranitar good in battle maison?
Yes thinking of a sand team.
Dark Void Smeargle is a deterrent, not a weapon...or at least that is what nuggetbridge reports from players who have used it said.lmfao
It won't work well in Gen VI. Megas can't have skills overwirtten and nor can Aegislash (shame I had fantasies of trapping it in shield form by destroying stance change).That video makes me want to make a team with Skill Swap/Role Play shenanigans to troll people online
Check, not counter; Weavile can't switch into a MegaMence attack.On paper Weavile should be an excellent counter to M-Salamence right? Outspeeds it, can fake-out and then hit hiper hard with icicle crash.
Good hopefully this means less Sturdy ShedinjaSo, this was posted on the Global Link an hour or so ago
Seems they noticed an influx of people using illegal Pokémon in Rating Battles.
From what I can glean (my Japanese is not the best and I've put out messages to all my translators but they're all asleep/inactive), they have taken appropriate action and I think they're improving hack checks in Rating Battles, GTS etc.
On checking, this was things like shiny blue pentagon Zapdos, blue pentagon Sheer Force Landorus and numerous others which were widespread for a while since ORAS launch.
The stats for these have been reset in the PGL.
So basically they are checking for pokemon that have impossible characteristics? Im assuming a shiny version of Zapdos is not obtainable other than hacking it.
What are they doing about people who have pokemon who had stats ivs and evs manipulated with 3rd party hardware/software? From what i understand these hacks create "legal" pokemon with powersaves.
I think ORAS would be better; there's often less chance to get lost and they often tell you twice where you need to go.Hey do you Pokemon peeps have any recommendations for a young player? My 4 year old is getting a 2ds for Xmas and I'm not sure if Pokemon X/Y or Omega would be a better fit. He obviously isn't reading well yet so I'd really like to get him a Pokemon game that isn't super reliant on reading for him to enjoy. Advice/thoughts?
Hey guys, trying to get a Shiny Ponyta. Seriously, who wouldn't want one of these badasses?
And I've been wondering if my method is flawed. Here's what I'm doing:
1) Sat myself in Route 112
2) Saved the game
3) DexNav'd for Ponytas over and over again
4) Save after every encounter
5) If chain is broken or other fuck-ups I re-load
But I wondered, if it says 'Pokemon cannot be found' does that break the chain? Does restarting a save break the chain?
... Shit.Doesn't saving break the chain? I'm new to that, but I still think that it breaks.
Just any in general as long as it is in the Pokedex. Most of the ones I saw are from battles against Secret Base Trainers.0. Unless my transferred ones from XY count.
Hey guys, trying to get a Shiny Ponyta. Seriously, who wouldn't want one of these badasses?
Hey guys, trying to get a Shiny Ponyta. Seriously, who wouldn't want one of these badasses?
And I've been wondering if my method is flawed. Here's what I'm doing:
1) Sat myself in Route 112
2) Saved the game
3) DexNav'd for Ponytas over and over again
4) Save after every encounter
5) If chain is broken or other fuck-ups I re-load
But I wondered, if it says 'Pokemon cannot be found' does that break the chain? Does restarting a save break the chain?
Having a bit of trouble figuring out a good team. I can combine the Pokémon I really like, but I am then faced with the issue of not having covers for some of the stuff that's out there. Not that I'm intending on playing online, but the Battle Maison alone can get pretty tough.
This is my current team. Assume decent IV/EV spread and correct natures, I've done some breeding/trading. And don't mind the over-abundance of Mega's, I want most to be able to stand on their own without Mega Evolving and make the decision while I'm fighting.
(Mega) Rayquaza: Outrage, Dragon Ascent, Stone Edge, Thunder
(Mega) Salamence: Fire Blast, Hyper Voice, Draco Meteor, Roost
(Mega) Gallade: Drain Punch, Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Swords Dance
(Mega) Gardevoir: Psyshock, Moonblast, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball
(Mega) Swampert: Waterfall, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Hammer Arm
(Mega) Metagross: Zen Headbutt, Meteor Mash, Stealth Rock, Earthquake
My main concern is the two dragons and the three psychic types I have. Might switch out Metagross for something else, and perhaps Gardevoir as well. I've been thinking about getting Zoroark, Mega Houndoom, Mega Pidgeot or even Garchomp in.
Rayquaza can't be used for Battle Maison, but his mega form is so awesome (even moreso in Shiny form) that I just can't help having him on my team. I'm just unsure about his moveset. He's a physical attacker, so I went with Stone Edge because I have two other Earthquake users on my team already. Thunder is there mainly because I want a good electric move and the only other one who can learn it is Gardevoir. I could try teaching Thunder Punch to Gallade, but I'm not sure what move I could remove from him.
There are people who can help you better, but I'll leave my 2 cents here: get Outrage out of Rayquaza ASAP, if you use that online and the opponent has a Fairy type you'll be giving him or her a free turn to switch in.
I might get Dragon Claw on there instead, or any other good alternatives?
The only thing is that I'm not entirely sure I'd want to evolve it.Word. I bred, after a ton of time, a shiny Ponyta. Best little pony ever.
Oh okay so if saving doesn't but quitting does then there's really no need to save anyway. Congrats on the Shiny and I guess I'll get on it! Cheers.Going to embarass myself here, but just DexNav'd one myself a few days ago after around 150 chain! Saving the game probably doesn't break the chain, but quitting out and reloading the save would probably start you completely over again, you wouldn't continue from where you left off when you saved.
Promised the stream I'd react that way when I got it. D:
The only thing is that I'm not entirely sure I'd want to evolve it.
Oh okay so if saving doesn't but quitting does then there's really no need to save anyway. Congrats on the Shiny and I guess I'll get on it! Cheers.
Haha, well this is the first time actually trying to obtain a shiny so we'll see if I have the patience.Best option - get two shiny Ponytas and evolve one of them.![]()
With Dragon Ascent as a STAB move, I've seen people running Ray without a Dragon move, to be honest. I would get something like Extremespeed to take care of a priority attacker, maybe. If you really want a dragon move, then even without the investment I would get Draco Meteor, at least you wouldn't have to switch out because of the -2 SpA, and if you don't have an Adamant Ray I think it would still hit decently.
PS: I'm not an expert, so take it with a grain of salt.
I might get Extremespeed back, then.
And yeah, this Rayquaza is Hasty, 6IV, trainer ID is 'Smogons', probably got RNG'ed to hell and back. Sp.A. is a bit below his Atk, but still higher than most of the other 'Mon I have. Hits everything like a brick wall. Draco Meteor might not be such a bad idea.
I can send you the Litleo later tonight if you still need thatAnyone have a Damp Mudkip? I want to breed a Swampert to use as a megaI'm also looking for a female HA Litleo in a luxury ball, so if anyone has that please let me know
Haha, what do YOU think? XD
No they totes got that legit... /s
Anyone have a Damp Mudkip? I want to breed a Swampert to use as a megaI'm also looking for a female HA Litleo in a luxury ball, so if anyone has that please let me know
I can send you the Litleo later tonight if you still need that
Thank you so much guys, that would help me out immensely! Are you looking for anything in particular?I've got one damp mudkip on my Y. If you wait till later tonight, I can give you one.
I haven't bred much in ORAS yet so if you happen to have any of the new megas with egg moves or luxury ball, that would be nice, otherwise anything is fine.Thank you so much guys, that would help me out immensely! Are you looking for anything in particular?
If they can detect it, then they will deal with the user as always.
Problem is that some exploits/cheats are undetectable. They detached the PID from IVs etc. so it seems IVs are easier to cheat with as there's no indicator which is the dumbest thing they have ever done. Plus, with things like cloning so everyone in a group has the exact same Cresselia, it's hard to detect too.
I've seen people create legitimate looking Pokémon but then do something so stupid as to brag about Power Saving. Judges at events were on them like a hawk after that.
I don't care if people cheat, hack their IVs EVs, clone etc. unless they intend to play against other people (i.e. not close friends) or in competitions. If you do those things and then try to legitimately compete, it's just wrong and you should be disqualified outright.
I might get Extremespeed back, then.
And yeah, this Rayquaza is Hasty, 6IV, trainer ID is 'Smogons', probably got RNG'ed to hell and back. Sp.A. is a bit below his Atk, but still higher than most of the other 'Mon I have. Hits everything like a brick wall. Draco Meteor might not be such a bad idea.
I have some Hyper Voice Swablu and Adaptability Skrelp with Toxic Spikes - both in luxury ball if you're looking for thoseI haven't bred much in ORAS yet so if you happen to have any of the new megas with egg moves or luxury ball, that would be nice, otherwise anything is fine.
Did officials ever have PID-IV relation checks? I was under the impression they never had any such advanced checks in place.
Oh, Skrelp would be perfect, I forgot it can have HA now.I have some Hyper Voice Swablu and Adaptability Skrelp with Toxic Spikes - both in luxury ball if you're looking for those
http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2014-12/11/pokemon-interviewEach Pokemon does have a value but I don't consider those data as parameters. I prefer to think of them as real, living creatures. It's the same way that if you have a pet and someone else has the same breed of dog, it's a different dog. That way people can play the game and my Pokemon will be different to your Pokemon even if they're the same type.
A comparison would be looking at a datasheet on different dogs and deciding about the data on the different dogs and deciding which one you want based on that data -- that would be soulless.
I think this is why I nickname all my 5IV pokes...Interesting bit from an interview with Masuda & Ohmori that I was just linked to
Glad the developers see it the same way I do. That's a more interesting analogy than my human one, at least.
Oh fuckDark Void Smeargle is a deterrent, not a weapon...or at least that is what nuggetbridge reports from players who have used it said.
I think this is why I nickname all my 5IV pokes...