Well yes he is correct, you can catch a Treecko with a non-PokeBall but that's it, just catch it.I see... Wonder why serebii has that different. Must be an error.
Well yes he is correct, you can catch a Treecko with a non-PokeBall but that's it, just catch it.I see... Wonder why serebii has that different. Must be an error.
Well yes he is correct, you can catch a Treecko with a non-PokeBall but that's it, just catch it.
GameFreak is so cruel. ;_;Ah. I understand, good point.
Guess I'll be using a gross pokeball![]()
GameFreak is so cruel. ;_;
I miss the Dream World. :/
It bothers me because most of my Pokemon are bred in Dusk Balls so a Pokemon in a non-Dusk Ball looks out of place. :lAll I want is a friend ball sceptile. Is this really so much to ask!?Pokeballs really shouldn't bother me nearly as much as they do.
Is there anyway of getting an Elekid? He's my favorite pokemon evolution line.
Any way to 'force' trainers to be ready for battle again ?
The only thing i'm missing to get back to breeding is a destiny knot, and the two only way of getting it are a trainer couple in Sea Mauville (10% chance), or making it to Master in contests (and i'd rather save that for later or i'll be rushing it just for that ....)
Any way to 'force' trainers to be ready for battle again ?
The only thing i'm missing to get back to breeding is a destiny knot, and the two only way of getting it are a trainer couple in Sea Mauville (10% chance), or making it to Master in contests (and i'd rather save that for later or i'll be rushing it just for that ....)
I don't think so. Shininess is decided when the egg is created.i got a question guys, can i soft reset after a egg hatches to get shiny?
i got a question guys, can i soft reset after a egg hatches to get shiny?
Finally got to the elite four, and recently beat episode Delta, now it's time to build my dream team.With the Eon Flute I no longer need to HM slave anymore.![]()
I already got my DexNav'd Joltik as my main.
I think you can save before you battle them and reset if they don't give you a Destiny Knot. I don't know of any way to force them to battle you again though.
Congrats : )Finally got to the elite four, and recently beat episode Delta, now it's time to build my dream team.With the Eon Flute I no longer need to HM slave anymore.![]()
I already got my DexNav'd Joltik as my main.
This is from the Global Link website, where you sync your game.How do you guys take screen shots in ORAS?
First Battle Competition!!
Region: International (except Japan and Korea)
Registration Period: January 15th 2015 - January 22nd 2015
Battle Period: January 23rd 2015 - January 25th 2014
Battle Type: Single Battle
Battle Limits: 10 Battles per day
Pokémon Restrictions: Hoenn Pokédex
Banned Pokémon: Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Pokémon not captured or hatched in X, Y, Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, Pokémon not in Hoenn Pokédex
This competition is the first for Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire and as such focuses on the new regional Pokédex. This competition has got no entry gift.
I would go with Riolu or Charmander. IIRC kids tend to love those two.My nephew (9) is getting one of these games for Christmas. I was thinking of breeding him a cool, strong Pokemon with good egg moves to give him later that day, after he's made a little progress during the long ride to our holiday get together.
I can't count on him EV training the thing (and in fact, I know he won't!), and I'd like to give it at a fairly low level. Not sure if I'll do any EV training for him. It depends on how much time I have.
So, does anyone have any suggestions for a good Pokemon to give? I'm thinking, something that's not obtainable in the main game, something that looks cool, and would be easy to point out which moves not to overwrite.
Edit: This would be bred in X.
I really hope we'll get another competition that allows everything soon. A team consisting of Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre and Mega Rayquaza would be great.But probably not very efficient considering their abilities...
Does super training max-out at 252 EV automatically or does it go up to 255 ?
All I want is a friend ball sceptile. Is this really so much to ask!?Pokeballs really shouldn't bother me nearly as much as they do.
maaan , @#$$ Deoxys
i didn't expect to meet him so soon , and i can't save
i killed him several times
and i had to restart from rayquaza
i caught rayquaza using luxury ball
but Deoxys , i spent hour trying to catch that pokemon
i think this is the hardest pokemon i tried to catch it , more harder then mewtwo in pokemon red and blue
i had to use master ball
If you kill it it'll reappear at the top of Sky Pillar after you beat the E4 againmaaan , @#$$ Deoxys
i didn't expect to meet him so soon , and i can't save
i killed him several times
and i had to restart from rayquaza
i caught rayquaza using luxury ball
but Deoxys , i spent hour trying to catch that pokemon
i think this is the hardest pokemon i tried to catch it , more harder then mewtwo in pokemon red and blue
i had to use master ball
In my experience those who used all legendary teams were scrubs, but that doesn't make beating them any less satisfying.I had someone try to pull that one on me in doubles the other night, I laughed all the way to the winner's circle.
You could have just KO'd it and caught it later.
If you kill it it'll reappear at the top of Sky Pillar after you beat the E4 again
My nephew (9) is getting one of these games for Christmas. I was thinking of breeding him a cool, strong Pokemon with good egg moves to give him later that day, after he's made a little progress during the long ride to our holiday get together.
I can't count on him EV training the thing (and in fact, I know he won't!), and I'd like to give it at a fairly low level. Not sure if I'll do any EV training for him. It depends on how much time I have.
So, does anyone have any suggestions for a good Pokemon to give? I'm thinking, something that's not obtainable in the main game, something that looks cool, and would be easy to point out which moves not to overwrite.
Edit: This would be bred in X.
In my experience those who used all legendary teams were scrubs, but that doesn't make beating them any less satisfying.
There's a tourney?
I have like 2 Pokemon on my possible tourney team. Team building is hard when you want to play around with new stuff.
Well the tourney is only limited to XY/ORAS guys and no legendaries right? That's not too bad.
I think I have one, but let me check firstI asked a couple pages back but I'll ask again
does anyone have a HA Chimchar???
I can give some rejected Rotom (Calm), Bagon (Timid I think), or Kangaskhan (Adamant) in return, or a 5IV Weedle(adamant), Ralts(Jolly/Modest), or Buneary(Jolly)!
If it's following VGC 2015 rules the whole national dex should be able to be used
I asked a couple pages back but I'll ask again
does anyone have a HA Chimchar???
I can give some rejected Rotom (Calm), Bagon (Timid I think), or Kangaskhan (Adamant) in return, or a 5IV Weedle(adamant), Ralts(Jolly/Modest), or Buneary(Jolly)!
If it's following VGC 2015 rules the whole national dex should be able to be used
I asked a couple pages back but I'll ask again
does anyone have a HA Chimchar???
I can give some rejected Rotom (Calm), Bagon (Timid I think), or Kangaskhan (Adamant) in return, or a 5IV Weedle(adamant), Ralts(Jolly/Modest), or Buneary(Jolly)!
If it's following VGC 2015 rules the whole national dex should be able to be used
It looks like so long as you obtained or bred whatever you're using in ORAS/XY you'll be fine, minus the short banlist.
I think I have one, but let me check first
Edit: yup, need to breed one first though
I could breed one from my infernape but I probably wouldn't be able to get it to ya until after the holidays.