Ok, just got back to play some more.
I'm a wreck right now, should've slept more. Don't even know if I'll be able to go to the party that I need to go today.
If you're worried about false swipe (or hold back* if you're using the gifted Beldum) being a wasted move slot (it both weak and can't KO) you might like to consider a Pokémon which learns super fang instead (which does 50% of opponents current HP as damage)...there are none in Hounen which learn it sadly.What's so good about false swipe?
You know I normally hate that most flying types learn steel wing as both a TM and egg move (I get breedjects wasting an egg slot on it so have to go to the move deleter) but in situations like this I can see the appeal.> Catch lvl 13 Taillow with Jolly nature and knows Steel Wing before the first gym
I want to know this too.Does anyone have an idea of what causes a gold crown to appear and what causes a bronze crown to appear in DexNav? Is it just the pentagon?
I just noticed I got a female Torchic. That's nice I guess.
Does anyone know when Rayquaza learns Dragon Ascent? The first Shiny Rayquaza I'm bringing up is already level 100.
It's a post-Delta Episode tutor move.
I said White isnt working in my DS or 3DS.
I transfered Pokemon Pearl pokemon to Battle Revolution.
I have pokemon from GBA to White because thats how long I have been moving pokemon through the Generations.
If you're worried about false swipe (or hold back* if you're using the gifted Beldum) being a wasted move slot (it both weak and can't KO) you might like to consider a Pokémon which learns super fang instead (which does 50% of opponents current HP as damage)...there are none in Hounen which learn it sadly.
Also in terms of capturing Pokemon having a rough idea of how the in-game forumlas work can help (it avoids overkill of you working to make success >100%). Full health compared to ~0 health is a factor 3 difference to success, paralyze a factor 1.5, sleep a factor 2.5 (in other words putting a Pokémon to sleep alone is almost as effective as getting it to 1 hp). Quick balls thrown on turn 1 always succeed for Pokemon with a catch rate of >200 and are ~52% success for catch rates of 100. That is why quick balls tend to late game and fairly expensive. Get a feel for the numbers using an online calcultor. Also consider those chances a lower bound as I don't think critical capture is factored into those numbers.
The catching o-power also helps (if it like the Gen V versions it is * 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 for levels 1, 2 and 3 respectively).
*-This is basically a promo version of that move, it was previously seen on the Pokébank Celebi
You know I normally hate that most flying types learn steel wing as both a TM and egg move (I get breedjects wasting an egg slot on it so have to go to the move deleter) but in situations like this I can see the appeal.
I died when I saw that. Was hard to avoid laughing in Serebi tried nicknaming his pokemon and then he found Regigigas
better get to nicknaming friends
I'm still hoping Serebii finds the Battle Frontier. I know it's futile but I can't stop hoping..
Whenever, it's a Pokemon Link thing.Still haven't started yet (still a few more hours...), but can the demo items only be transferred at the beginning?
Or can we do it whenever we want?
I'm still hoping Serebii finds the Battle Frontier. I know it's futile but I can't stop hoping..
lol no problem. I just remembered I need to level them up thanks to Backlot sending me O-Powers. Didn't send you Attack Power just in case you were trying to catch a Pokemon or something and then possibly KO it due to Attack Power lol.
Shit.People have gone through the data. There's nothing to be found. The dream is dead.
No..People have gone through the data. There's nothing to be found. The dream is dead.
Did they just turn Granite Cave into a straight line?
After your first content (win or lose doesn't matter, Serebii won and I saw a livestream lose)So when do you get Cosplay Pikachu?
Is there any way to get Volt Tackle on her?
Masuda: I turned Unova into a straight line as too many kids couldn't finish Sinoh (maybe Sinoh needing 3 HM slaves to get around was the problem it had...). I decided to make Lumoise city into a fucking maze. (the former part was in an interview, the latter is showing how stupid it is)someone needs to tell Nintendo kids arent as stupid as they think they are
my niece is quite smart(and mischievious) for her age
I never nickname my Serebi tried nicknaming his pokemon and then he found Regigigas
better get to nicknaming friends
Does anyone have an idea of what causes a gold crown to appear and what causes a bronze crown to appear in DexNav? Is it just the pentagon?
I just noticed I got a female Torchic. That's nice I guess.
I never nickname my Pokemon...
Yeah, just got there.Did they just turn Granite Cave into a straight line?
Is the frame rate any better than x/y? It was really bad in that and I'm just not sure how much I want to deal with that in ruby if it's the same.
The method to get Regigigas. Yikes...
I would also like to know this. Plus how much end game content does this game have? XY seemed to have very little.
I would also like to know this. Plus how much end game content does this game have? XY seemed to have very little.