Secret Power is a TM; you'll get it at the same time you're introduced to bases.
Ok, cool. Thanks!
Secret Power is a TM; you'll get it at the same time you're introduced to bases.
I already have an Anticipation Eevee ( I obviously haven't proofed my spreadsheet properly) but I'm definitely interested in the Froakie, is there anything you want in return ?
Cool, I'll send you a PM with my FC!
Hmmm...may I please have a Dratini with Multiscale?
Certainly. Will you be around for a while ? I have to trade it up to OR and then breed and make sure the off spring has Wonder Scale. My setups still a bit messy, sorry.
m/ thanks bro
I'm looking to get a complete set of legit Hidden Ability pokemon ( I have a fairly decent collection of HA pokemon myself from Gen V/VI): Checklist - Filled.xlsx?dl=0
I'm looking for legit (non-clone) HA Pokemon that I'm missing and will trade bred legit HA possessing Pokemon that I have in exchange.
The pokemon on the sheet marked B/B2 are from Black/Black 2 Dream World or Dream Radar mainly so some of them have Dream World exclusive moves, I don't have a list of those moves but if there's something specific you're interested in I can look and see if I've got it.
I do have legendaries on that sheet but that's for my record keeping, I'm not willing to trade those, nor do I expect anyone to offer me HA Legendaries though I am interested in Legit (non-clone) Unnerve Mewtwo and can offer legit (non-clone) Dream Radar Legendaries (including the ones requiring Gen IV cartridges) in exchange (via using Dream Radar and White 2 and resetting both) if anyone has a spare.
I'm willing to offer Dream Radar legendaries in exchange for particularly rare legit non-clone HA pokemon too (like the Japanese event ones).
so are you just looking for any hidden ability pokemon that isn't one of those?
I'd love to get a few hidden ability mons that you have.
Yep, I'm interested in getting any legit Hidden Ability pokemon that I don't have access too.
(Honestly , I'm a complete soft touch so if you have nothing useful to me but really want a HA pokemon I have I'd breed one for you anyway).
Yep, I'm interested in getting any legit Hidden Ability pokemon that I don't have access too.
(Honestly , I'm a complete soft touch so if you have nothing useful to me but really want a HA pokemon I have I'd breed one for you anyway).
Thanks again for running the contest, Aveyn Knight!It's incredibly generous of you.
Would a Damp Mudkip for a Storm Drain Lileep work for you? I assume you'd want a female if so.
That's fine. I'm okay with a Male Damp Mudkip though since you can pass on males/genderless HA via Ditto breeding now. Will you be around a bit ? I'm polishing off getting my Platinum Flag now and then I need to trade the Lileep over and breed and confirm HA
Do you specifically want a female Storm Drain Lileep ? I can do that but it might take a bit longer.
I would prefer a female so I can breed one with the right nature without having to breed with ditto first, but if it's too much trouble I'm fine with a male. I'll be around for a while yeah.
Starting the breeding process now, I can get you a female easy (I just checked and the Dream World move it has is part of its ORAS level up set so I can give you my original female if I get a Storm Drain male from the egg and just breed a female for myself).
Man finally got back in the metagame and see some hilarious changes.
Mega Rayquaza is so damn broken smogon banned him from ubers and made a new tier? lmao
Primal Groudon seems to be really good too, poor Kyogre gets countered hard by the big guy.
ok, i have a mudkip for you when you're ready. my fc is in my profile
IGN is zach
I'm having a bit of trouble connecting to the internet on my 3ds, I'll let you know when I'm readyAdded you and added my FC to my profile. IGN should be Tim
Anyone have a Gale wings talonflame line for breeding? Only reagent I'm missing for my vgc team
I'm having a bit of trouble connecting to the internet on my 3ds, I'll let you know when I'm ready
edit: requesting trade
I can give you a fletchling
Yeah, thanks a lot for the Lileep. I can finally try out this assault vest Cradily in gameEverything worked now. If you're interested in anything else I've got, I wouldn't mind a Gale Wings Talonflame-line myself btw.
Yeah, thanks a lot for the Lileep. I can finally try out this assault vest Cradily in game
oh you don't have one? I thought i saw it on the list.
I'll check and see if there's anything else I want, but I can just give you one regardless. I just have to breed a couple.
Anyone have a Gale wings talonflame line for breeding? Only reagent I'm missing for my vgc team
Yeah, thanks a lot for the Lileep. I can finally try out this assault vest Cradily in game
oh you don't have one? I thought i saw it on the list.
I'll check and see if there's anything else I want, but I can just give you one regardless. I just have to breed a couple.
I can quickly breed you a 5IV reject you can use. No Quick Guard on it thought since I was lazy when breeding mine.
Don't need it anyway. I'd be super grateful. I can't remember if I have your FC, but mine is in my Profile.
As is yours, got it.
What would you like in return?
Carvanha's a good addition since Sharpedo is amazing to surf and dive withI'm hitting a crisis of not finding any Pokemon to add to my party. My party is a sole Ralts right now and he's barely hanging in there, poor guy.
No, there are no Gym Leader rematches too.Is there gum leaders rematches in this game ?
I got one, so nooh my goodness
is it impossible to get a 31/31/31/31/31/0 Honedge :/
oh my goodness
is it impossible to get a 31/31/31/31/31/0 Honedge :/
oh my goodness
is it impossible to get a 31/31/31/31/31/0 Honedge :/
So, it's impossible to put my Kyogre in the GTS? I'm never going to use it and need a Groudon for my Pokedex :-\
So is there any reason why it never rains on the roof of Lilycove's department store?
Even if Kyogre is trying to drown everything in water?
Now try breeding for an entire Trick Room team. You will come to hate the RNG like crazy.
You need to delete Origin Pulse first since it's an ORAS only move.
I got one, so noIt's all up to luck though. The parents only pass down 5 IVS so the 6th is completely random. You have to be lucky to get the one you want. It's the same for a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Pokemon
Does it have Wide Guard as an egg move?I actually got an extra one while attempting to get a 31/0/31/31/31/31/0 one. Do you want it? It's Quiet nature.
Now try breeding for an entire Trick Room team. You will come to hate the RNG like crazy.
it took me forever to get my 6 IV Froakie lol. I guess I knew that going into it though.
Does it have Wide Guard as an egg move?
Oh boy I didn't even think of that haha. I did want to try a trick room team at some point too. I guess having a Ditto with 0 speed IVs would help with that.
I tried to trade someone who have shiny vivillon with kyogre from soul silver , but it says it's special Pokemon,can't be trad itYou need to delete Origin Pulse first since it's an ORAS only move.
I got one, so noIt's all up to luck though. The parents only pass down 5 IVS so the 6th is completely random. You have to be lucky to get the one you want. It's the same for a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Pokemon