See, I don't even get that either. Doesn't take much to carry your 3DS with you. I think idea is that it's daunting. The US is huge, so how likely would they get one? And seems most folks don't even carry it around for StreetPasses.I'm going to miss that about here.
Thing that works here though are the trains. In States its all by car for most part if you live in a city. (If you live in a city and take bus, you could be prepared to ride for hours to get to work. Been there, done that.) So while you train hop you can get some. Guess for cars it's your destination that has to matter. I guess StreetPasses just don't matter for folks as much for them or if it's another reason. I doubt I'll carry it much when I get back, because no one else really does.
I lie. Because I have Eon Ticket I'll probably try to bring it with me where I can.
I complained about the Streetpass thing but thats because I'm in Australia, if you think the US lacks opportunities for Streetpassing, you ain't been to Australia. We have 8 Capital Cities that are hundreds of kilometres apart and most of our population is within about 200 KM of one of the 3 that capitals that are on the East Coast. They half-assed the initial distribution too, we only got 5 initial distribution points , and one of those wasn't in a capital city for some reason (coincidentally the one in my state). In fairness there were unlimited distributions at those areas for a day. These things are a terrible idea unless you have a fairly mobile population and a continuously high population density, people won't carry their 3DSs if they never get streetpasses , which just reinforces the problem.
Your only real chance of getting an Eon Ticket here is if you go to a gaming con, if I didn't have HomePass setup I probably wouldn't get an Eon Ticket until PAX this year (or Supanova if that's earlier this year).