Blue Ninja
Those are mythicals, so you don't need them to fill up the National Dex, right?
Those are mythicals, so you don't need them to fill up the National Dex, right?
I have 709 Pokemon now, and I have one of each one still (so I have a Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur and so on), which makes me loathe to trade away the ones I have :lol
I need
I'm never going to fill it up, am I?
Yeah, assuming you have Phione, I think you're all set.
If you just want mythicals for collection purposes, I'm about to do some legal but not legit generation for my collection from past gens. It'll probably be a few months though (I need to finish X, Y & AS before I start) but if you still want specific ones when I'm at that point I'll happilly send them to you (though I do ask that you don't use them competitively or trade them with anyone who doesn't know that they aren't legit).
Changing the time stops all time-based events from happening for a certain timeChanging the time on your 3DS doesn't work for encountering Mirage Legendaries? That sucks, I wanted to get the three Lake guardians.
Right, I won't be soft-resetting for a shiny Dialga, just takes waaaay too long. I'm gonna try and get one with some awesome IV's, though that might take me a while too.
The one I have now is 8,9/31/31/31/31/16,17. Damn.![]()
Pikachu's base stats changed a bit in XY. You're probably checking it against the old values.So, I have some questions regarding IVs. Maybe it's just these Minatomirai Pikachu? They're the only ones I'm having this issue with so far. I'm getting told by IV calculators, Serebii and others, that they're impossible stats to have on these Pikachu. (Serebii at least tells me what the range should be other than telling me impossible.)
The ?'s are where it states there is an impossible number in there. Shown below are the IV values. All are Modest.
24, 29 / 20-29 / ? / 10-19 / 20-29 / 20-29
10-19 / 1-9 / 20-28 / 23, 28 / ? / 10-19
10-19 / 20-29 / ? / 20-29 / ? / 24, 29
10-19 / 10-19 / ? / 10-19 / ? / 0
20-29 / 0 / ? / 24, 29 / ? / 10-19
10-19 / 10-19 / ? / 10-19 / 30-31 / 10-19
Are there some events with slightly better stats than normal or is something else going on here?
It's interesting because on パシフィコ, the IV checker tells me its' best stat is Defense.
If you just want mythicals for collection purposes, I'm about to do some legal but not legit generation for my collection from past gens. It'll probably be a few months though (I need to finish X, Y & AS before I start) but if you still want specific ones when I'm at that point I'll happilly send them to you (though I do ask that you don't use them competitively or trade them with anyone who doesn't know that they aren't legit).
I can get you mythicals, with the same conditions, of stuff that have been released in Japan, this gen, if you want to PM me to sort out what has been released and what you want.
If you have any spare mythicals once you've finished your process, could you please keep me in mind?
I need everything Freewheelin' needs minus Jirachi (I'm at 710) and had given up on getting them at this stage
I too just want them to fill the collection and nothing more.
Yeah, of course. I'll likely have spare stuff from B/W/B2/W2 since thats really easy to do.
If you just want mythicals for collection purposes, I'm about to do some legal but not legit generation for my collection from past gens. It'll probably be a few months though (I need to finish X, Y & AS before I start) but if you still want specific ones when I'm at that point I'll happilly send them to you (though I do ask that you don't use them competitively or trade them with anyone who doesn't know that they aren't legit).
I can get you mythicals, with the same conditions, of stuff that have been released in Japan, this gen, if you want to PM me to sort out what has been released and what you want.
Could I get mythicals too? I want them to complete my dex too, especially Jirachi, since having a missing slot between Rayquaza and Deoxys is driving me mad.
Another thing: could anyone temporarily trade me Groudon? I want it to complete the Hoenn dex, I'll give it back inmediately.
If anyone needs it, I can trade Kyogre, but I want it back soon after.
I actually did a Kyogre/Groudon trade via GTS. Legendaries are always in demand. I simply put the Groudon back for another Kyogre and got another one back lol.
Obviously, if you soft reseted for a great IVs/Nature/Shiny, you can't do that. But if you just want to get you Dex full and don't battle competitively, you can do that.
People on GTS are always looking to trade mascot cover legends since you only get on per game.
I would help you, but I have Kyogre again lol.
My Kyogre doesn't have amazing stats, I just like training pokeymen I capture. But you're right, I probably should just trade for Groudon in the GTS.
What I'd really like right now though is if someone could lend me a level 100 Pokemon so I can go after Zekrom.
Zekrom isn't too bad. Just get a bulky Pokemon. Chip away at its health with not very effective moves. Spam ultra balls and then spam timer balls. And you'll catch it.
i still have 34 days for the pokemon bank
when the message to re pay for the new year appears ?
Two weeks or so
is there any other way to extend it before that ?
For the first time ever, I am just a few pokemon away from catching them all. I have 700+ pokemon ordered (manually since there's no easy auto sort button in the pokebox) by dex number in my box with just a few evos to go. Anyone willing to trade me sun and moon stones? I need to evolve a Petilil and a Munna.
Also, I wish Nintendo wasn't so stingy about the event pokemon. Other than Celebi (and Phione) I don't have any of them either. Also LOL at all of the people on the GTS trying to trade for legendaries. No, I will most assuredly not trade you my Darkrai for your Bidoof.
Someone on the GTS traded me a Level 100 shiny Milotic with Pokerus for NO APPARENT REASON. Whoa.
For the first time ever, I am just a few pokemon away from catching them all. I have 700+ pokemon ordered (manually since there's no easy auto sort button in the pokebox) by dex number in my box with just a few evos to go. Anyone willing to trade me sun and moon stones? I need to evolve a Petilil and a Munna.
Also, I wish Nintendo wasn't so stingy about the event pokemon. Other than Celebi (and Phione) I don't have any of them either. Also LOL at all of the people on the GTS trying to trade for legendaries. No, I will most assuredly not trade you my Darkrai for your Bidoof.
Sometimes they try to emotionally extort you into trading them event legendaries. A few days ago I saw someone asking for a Keldeo saying that he had cancer and needed one to survive. He almost got me, but he did make me question the meaning of life.
He needs a level 100 Pokemon to get the rift in the sky to appear. I don't have a spare atm unfortunately (my only level 100 is a Ditto who basically permanently lives at the Daycare for *reasons*)
Edit - To all: If you're looking for mythicals , just for collection, then yeah I'll happily do Gen V / VI legal mythicals for you. I'll do Gen IV stuff thats obtainable before post game as well. Probably not going to reset platinum and play through it a bunch of times for legal Shaymins though and the limit on transferring from Gen III to Gen IV means I probably won't do that either , but there's only 1 pokemon in that category anyway (Mew). But as I said it'll be a while before I'm setup for that. I need to finish up the current gen games and then work my way through Emerald / Platinum / etc.
Pikachu's base stats changed a bit in XY. You're probably checking it against the old values.
Sometimes they try to emotionally extort you into trading them event legendaries. A few days ago I saw someone asking for a Keldeo saying that he had cancer and needed one to survive. He almost got me, but he did make me question the meaning of life.
Anyways, I can help you with the moon stone. I have a few laying around in my bag that will get never used.
That would be great, what do you want in return?
That moment you get a Timid Shaymin that looks promising (hell getting a Timid to show at all is a feat in of itself)... and while putting the stats in the IV calc you look at that SpAtk and go "Oh god please don't be that bad.."
27 - 31 / 27 - 31 / 27 - 31 / 0 - 6 / 31 / 27 - 31
514 encounters later...shiny eon ticket Latios! Yaaaay.
Just checked its stats...
Nature: Timid
HP: 27-29
Attack: 17-19
Defence: 31
Special Attack: 20-23
Special Defence: 31
Speed: 31
Next up - Giratina! (Hopefully)
Also, congrats Hegarol!
D: Damn.