After much deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that XY has better music than ORAS.
I want another game in Kalos!
Just for you a one way ticket to Kalos for XY2!After much deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that XY has better music than ORAS.
I want another game in Kalos!
I've been going back to it complete my National Dex and I would agree. I think it ages well.
They did go bonkers with the amount of 'mons and the triple regional dex seems overkill, but they wanted new gamers to be able to catch everything in Gen VI without resorting to older out of print titles.
Just for you a one way ticket to Kalos for XY2!
Im looking forward to reading their reasons for removing soar and the dexnav.
Soar will be gone, and that's an easy one, just say something about Lati@s and Hoenn, end of story.
Dexnav, on the other hand, I want to see the explanation.
"They don't have the 'PokeNav Plus' gizmos in YX2, the technology hasn't been imported to Kalos yet."
I hope dexnav stays. It's so much better than pokeradar and it gives items, eggmoves and 3ivs.
Yeah. I love it.
My only complaint is grinding to level 100. Make the max level 50, GF!
Regardless if they remove DexNav it seems GF wants a way to catch 3 perfect IV pokemon--Friend Safari in XY and getting Hidden Ability Pokemon--Hordes and Friend Safari.
DexNav seems to be way to do both in ORAS.
As long as they have a way to get those, it should be fine. Just please no damn shitty Flash games for getting Hidden Ability pokemon again.
Blissey Bases in Secret Meadow and Shore!
Yeah. I love it.
My only complaint is grinding to level 100. Make the max level 50, GF!
my friend is doing SR for a spiritomb in Sea mauviile
can be shiny in SR ?
But you can breed Spiritomb and with a foreign ditto as the other partner your chances of getting a shiny are something like four (with Shiny Charm 2x vs 8x normal chance) -six times (without 1x vs 6x normal chance) as good as SRing , so SRing seems weird.
Oh Joe, I've figured out what it was that I've seen in double, its special tutor moves like Draco Meteor, you can see it oh Haxorus's page for one.
POKEMON500. Live in Europe
Did PGL/Pokemon add the news or did you just happen to enter the code on your PAL 3DS? : P
You are awesomeMe checking every hour? That would be madness
I ilked Emboar in Pokemon Black.
I used Samurott in White 2.
You get Samurott next week. But Samurott really isn't a pokemon who can make good use of Shell Armor (its HA) since its fragile to start with and it doesn't get any Def / Sp Def boosting moves or even any moves to lower the opponents Attack / Sp. Atk, which means that its Critical Hit immunity doesn't do much. It could potentially protect from a Sniper setup on opposing pokemon but that's reallly situational.
Shiny Rayquaza Giveaway
Also, I have gone through my inventory of Rayquaza and I figure I should give away a Shiny Rayquaza here. WHF15 OT, January 25 (2015) as its' date. I can provide the winner with a WC picture with personalized note in picture as proof, so no worries if you're one of those folks who likes to have it.
I thought about doing something kind of crazy like Aveyn did for the Shaymin giveaway, but I'm just going to go easy. Just send me a PM with the title Shiny Rayquaza, maybe a quick note on why you'd like it, and will add your name to the hat.Going to let this go until end of Jan. 31 Japan time.
Yeah, the Unova starters are pretty weak competitively, even Contrary Serperior is a bit of a let down.
Gen IV has some killers, though.
If anyone is interested in tournament play, the Nugget Bridge Major is open for entry. 728 players registered so far. Largest online Pokemon tournament in history to my knowledge! $800 prize pool. Guaranteed a good number of rounds and the teams you might have made or been working on for the GAF tournament are legal.
Gen 5 had the most shittastic starters ever. Only starters that I ever stuffed in the box and never took out.
At least Contrary Serperior is useable.
Now give me Sheer Force Feraligatr to make Gen 2 starters not terrible.
Gen 5 had the most shittastic starters ever. Only starters that I ever stuffed in the box and never took out.
At least Contrary Serperior is useable.
Now give me Sheer Force Feraligatr to make Gen 2 starters not terrible.
Was HA Feraligatr ever released?
LOL oh man Joe, that had me laughing. The hate for Pokemon stuff is very real. I'm sure you get lots of hate when you show new stuff. Then more hate when it turns out to be real.
soo , the pokeGen for 3DS game is for everyone to use
and there is no limit for one person to do, unlike powersave that limits the edit you do , just like cyber gadget
but this will work on digital and retail cartridges without any tool
Gen II starters are still worse than Gen V. Meganium/Typhlosion/Feraligatr have no redeeming quality whatsoever, they are useless beyond comprehension. A Mega evolution can save them, but only if they boost their useless stats a lot and give an at least average ability.
Until it's patched out.
Which can never be soon enough. Tired of all these devices and stuff.
soo , the pokeGen for 3DS game is for everyone to use
and there is no limit for one person to do, unlike powersave that limits the edit you do , just like cyber gadget
but this will work on digital and retail cartridges without any tool
Sheer Force is a really good ability , the Nidos are statwise physical attackers but because their special pool is full of moves with secondary effects they are usually used as special attackers. Feralgatr is both a physical attacker and has a reasonable physical pool with secondary effects. It's also got a decent special pool with secondary effects.