The metagame is Mega Rayquaza.
Holy crap balls. I never really paid attention to Mega Rayquaza, but just checked it out. Wow.
Are there any counters? Sheesh.
The metagame is Mega Rayquaza.
Holy crap balls. I never really paid attention to Mega Rayquaza, but just checked it out. Wow.
Are there any counters? Sheesh.
The metagame is Mega Rayquaza.
Thanks, and yeah I can hook you up. If you want one asap it'll be modest. The other natures aren't ready yet.
Thanks! Yeah, not fail proof... I'll try to think about something else here.
Wasting a slot, but Sashed Wobbuffet with Destiny Bond?
Same as before: it would work assuming the Rayquaza doesn't have DD. If it does, Wobbuffet turns into set up fodder. Do bear in mind you need the sash to be intact
Plus, if you use a sash, you might as well use counter and get rid of him right off the bat =p
I'm already taking my hairs out to get a good shiny Beldum (from Steven, the event), I imagine how long I'll take to get a good shiny Rayquaza. FFS, GF.
All right, thanks. I only understood the DD thing now, sorry.
In Gens 3-4? Not that hard, in gen 3 I nailed it down.
I have like 7 at the moment from gen 3 alone.![]()
Ow, should had made it clearer =p
If the pokémon has a non-damaging move, it can play around Destiny Bond until you run out of PP. I said DD cuz it's the most likely non-damaging move a Rayquaza will carry (I think). On top of that, with 1 DD MRayquaza can outrun MGengar.
Come to think of it, Klefki should be able to put a stop of Rayquaza. It has priority Thunder-wave, is immune to Dragon and resists Extreme Speed. It should be able to paralyze him without much difficulty.
Yeah but EU Regionals is in two days and we'll definitely have one or two before Nationals. I'm assuming it's just a test because I know they wanted to run more this year. The metagame will change by Nationals.That's a bit weird.
Could be used for practice for other people than just the US Regional players though. With Nationals coming up globally in the next few months, it's good for players to get an early start on testing in the current metagame.
In Gens 3-4? Not that hard, in gen 3 I nailed it down.
I have like 7 at the moment from gen 3 alone.![]()
What's this promotion I heard about with claiming some pokemon from the website?
MRay is always going to have Dragon Ascent, and it's always going to have Fire Blast (or some variant) and/or Earthquake because otherwise it gets walled by steel types like Klefki.Swag Play Klefik beats M-Rayquaza that only has Extreme Speed + Dragon Move. You should have one in your team as it beats pretty much anything not named Chansey or any wall with low ATK.
I don't know shit about the double meta so I don't know how effective it is though.
Which website would you be referring to?
Edit: lupinko: Ah, what are the kids you teach? But yeah, you're right about Yokai being elementry. I just somehow figured you taught younger kids.![]()
Wait, it wasn't pokemon, but something to get berries, one of which was exclusive.
But the Kalos pentagon, though... That's the problem.
Which website would you be referring to?
Edit: lupinko: Ah, what are the kids you teach? But yeah, you're right about Yokai being elementry. I just somehow figured you taught younger kids.![]()
Resetting in front of delivery girl from a World Hobby Fair WC isn't hard, just patience. Oh right thank you source!
Grades 1-9, special needs kids included.
Resetting in front of delivery girl from a World Hobby Fair WC isn't hard, just patience. Oh right thank you source!
Grades 1-9, special needs kids included.
In Japan do you get so many Streetpasses and Pokebases that your 3DS burns?
I noticed for online passerbys, GTS, and Wondertrade I am seeing a lot of Japanese people. Kinda annoying at times when I get a Pokemon with a name in Japanese and can't do anything about it tbh.
Yeah but EU Regionals is in two days and we'll definitely have one or two before Nationals. I'm assuming it's just a test because I know they wanted to run more this year. The metagame will change by Nationals.
Would have been nice to get some games in with the correct time limit before Regionals though.
In Japan do you get so many Streetpasses and Pokebases that your 3DS burns?
I noticed for online passerbys, GTS, and Wondertrade I am seeing a lot of Japanese people. Kinda annoying at times when I get a Pokemon with a name in Japanese and can't do anything about it tbh.
Also, is your avatar a girl doing Resident Evil cosplay?
Hey guys joined the Omega Ruby train last week and I'm having a blast so far. Currently at 6 badges and getting side tracked with breeding pokemon again. But I accidentally released a pokemon holding my everstone you find in Granite cave. Anybody knows where I can get a spare one from?
So giving out HA Gen 2 Starters via Pokebank from Feb 27th. That means we're down to just Amaura in terms of breedable HAs missing. If they keep going at this rate it'll be out by March.
So giving out HA Gen 2 Starters via Pokebank from Feb 27th. That means we're down to just Amaura in terms of breedable HAs missing. If they keep going at this rate it'll be out by March.
Nah they're not irrelevant. They're coordinated by the same person who plans out the real life circuit after all and all count towards the same goal (the IC, not the GS Cup one). Last season they wanted to do more than just May and June but had troubles. The season before we had four (at least... might have been five).This feels more like an extra thing though.
Last year, we only had two International Challenges. One in May, the other in June. Now, we likely will have more, starting with this one to test things out.
Regionals are irrelevant to this.
Yes, especially if you go to a Pokemon Center.
I concur with what Muku said too. Let me put it this way, my Canadian 3ds took from North American launch all those years ago to now (iirc 1000 roughly), and that is between Vancouver, Seattle, Los Angeles, Tokyo and Sendai.
My Japanese 3ds is only a year old and it's like at 750 or 800.
Prior to moving to Japan last year I was fortunate enough to go to at least three or four big conventions in said places on the other side of the pacific.
And maaaaaaaybe.
What is the best thing to use your Master Ball on? In the ORAS remakes particularly.
Aside from Magikarp/Zubat of course.
Wake up, it's Mewtwo's birthday today.
Congrats M2. You're even legal now.
But it still won't breed.
Got a legit Gen VI Level 100 Master ball caught Kyogre via Wonder trade lol.
Anyone have one of those 6IV Ditto's? Also, caught my first shiny every. A shiny lil Sandshrew :3
Awww, congrats! You'll always remember your first one.I never came across a shiny until this generation. Hatched my first ever. (Baby Fennekin) First wild one was a bit disappointing but I'll remember it. (Flabebe)
Ah Flabebe! The pokemon me and my daughter love to hate :3 (Just because we ran into so many of them in X and Y, our first pokemon game together.
Hey all, I have a quick question. Not really about Pokemon, just the 3DS in general. But Pokemon is what I'm playing.
My friend let me borrow his DS. But he bought the DS off craigslist. Obviously that guy had made a Nintendo ID and attached it to the 3DS.
Now I need to update Pokemon (AS) in order to go online and battle and all that good stuff. But we don't have access to the password for the Nintendo account, therefore no update.
We can't wipe the DS and start over because the Nintendo Account has Fire Emblem attached to the account and that's why he bought the 3DS.
Is there anyway to attach the 3DS to a new ID without losing Fire Emblem? I've read about formatting the system memory abut it's all very unclear to me. Obviously I don't want to do anything without knowing for sure Fire Emblem will be safe.
So the wifi on my 3DSXL is dead. If Nintendo cant salvage my saves by replacing the wifi so I can system transfer, Im going to lose a shit ton of pokemon, unless someone knows a hacky way to back up/restore save data for digital 3DS pokemon releases.![]()
Damn, just before the new 3DS hits too. That really sucks, I hope they can do ok for you.
Wait, why would you loose the pokemon? The saves are on the carts, not the system and the Pokemon Bank store everything on their servers, not your 3DS.
Unless he went digital, but there is a save back up utility.