Jeff Vader
One more pokemon for the shiny hunt.
I just realized the oldest Junior Division Participants are younger than my copy of Pokemon Red. I suddenly want to yell about getting off my lawn.
So I just beat most of this in the past week and I'm surprised how fast I finished it. I've got 80% of the legendaries and I'm just waiting for my friend to finish catching his exclusives so we can trade to finish off the final ones.
Regi quest is so annoying and I'm glad to have it out of the way.
Also contemplating signing up for that tourney. Is that how you get the Tyrunt?
The Tyrunt tourney is over now. I'll probably breed some HA Tyrunts for any thread people who still want one after I've finished up the GAF Tournament Top 8 prizes.
I really hate the battle resort daycare loop. Why? As soon as something hatches you've got to hold a different direction then up, if you keep helping up you'll run into a wall. Plus all the slow sand bits on the path. It is a good thing the only egg move changes in ORAS were Pluse and Minun related as each of them lost a level up move.I have to say that you really should try ORAS for breeding, even if you have to trade over a Ditto and Destiny Knot, the setup is way nicer than X/Y once you're in the post game and setup. Bike Loop with Daycare and IV Checker on it and the changes to the move list in ORAS are pretty much all positive (less duplicate moves, and generally more compressed).
Anyone want to breed me a HA Tyrunt?
Still looking for an HA Chespin and Squirtle as well.
I think I should have time to breed the two outstanding Tournament Prizes and breed some HA Tyrunts tomorrow, if you're willing to wait that long.
If you can't get any around here, just ask for it on GTS, you should get it fast enough.Just bought a 2DS with Omega Ruby... I would really appreciate if someone could send me a charmander from another game![]()
i literally got a charmander out of nowhere from wonder trade
Side note: why is everyone going with thunderous and landorus all the time in doubles. Just dealt with an annoying ass stall team using the 2
Thundurus is a great disruptive Pokemon that's able to easily mess with an opponent's team if he's allowed to run wild. Access to priority T-Waves, Taunt, and Swagger is annoying as hell. He's also an excellent counter to Suicune who's pretty popular these days due to Tailwind.
Landorus is just pure power at it's finest. It's also popular since he gains access to Intimidate which is always an awesome ability to have as long as you don't run into Bisharp or Milotic.
Anyone else want a HA Tyrunt ? Going to do some breeding now.
Was Hoopa or any other event legendary released recently?
I haven't been keeping track. I see passers-by requesting Hoopa in their little message bar.
Yeah, there's no rush. Thanks!
throw one my way breh
Sure, I got plenty. At work now, can trade later tonight (in about 5-6 hours)Does anyone have an Enigma berry they'd be willing to trade ?
Sure, I got plenty. At work now, can trade later tonight (in about 5-6 hours)
I am fine. Only missing thing item-wise is some BP-only stuff.Are you looking for anything in particular in return ? I've got a spare HA Tyrunt if you want one.
I'll get online now, Elaugafaufein. You still on?
No one with an HA Chespin or Squirtle?
If you're still around getting on now. I have a Chespin and Squirtle, might be able to breed some tomorrow night ?
Does anyone have an Enigma berry they'd be willing to trade ?
Got a HA Tyrunt ready for you. Let me know a good time for you since we should already have each others FCs.
Got your HA Tyrunt ready too. Let me know your FC and a good time to trade (I'm UTC +10), my FC is in my profile.
I'll be "on" for a few hours (well im on the computer but the ds is right next to me) so whenever your cool my FC is: 1435 6354 7666
Ugh, been resetting close to two hours by now and that stupid island containing the Flash Cannon TM refuses to show up. Looks like this game doesn't want me using Heatran.
Yes, I know I can teach it to him in XY, but that's besides the point!
I have a couple of 5 IV HA Torchic and Froakie (breeding rejects) that I would like to get rid of. Is anyone interested? If not, I might just send them off through Wonder Trade later tonight.
I'll probably be on at around 11PM Eastern tonight. PM me.I'd take one of each.
What timezone are you in?
anyone got the message to extends the poke bank ?
its 15 days and still no message