Perfect! Anything works! Why 0 speed though? I know it's done for a reason, just don't know why.
Minimum speed is for Aegislash to always move last and remain in shield form as long as possible before switching staces and attacking.
Perfect! Anything works! Why 0 speed though? I know it's done for a reason, just don't know why.
The conventional wizdom is why Azuran says.Perfect! Anything works! Why 0 speed though? I know it's done for a reason, just don't know why.
Joe comes forth with more events!
Serial Code is: SERENA01. Japan only
It also has a high Cute Contest stat
What EV spread are you guys doing for Sheer Force Feraligtr?
Max Attack, Max Special Attack, and rest to defense?
Whats the "7 Spot System"?So, the method to get the new shiny Rayquaza is a bit ridiculous:
I'd probably go for a pure physical Dragon Dance set. Put EVS into Attack and Speed and whatever is left into HP.
The Nido's don't have a physical movepool that's compatible with sheer force so they tend to be run as Special Attackers (even though their raw stats favour Attack).
Feralgator's got a lot less problems there, since he's got a decent physical secondary effect pool, but mixed might make sense for coverage, I'm to lazy to check how his type coverage stacks up in terms of Sheer Force Physical.
Whats the "7 Spot System"?
Not out yet. Will probably released later today.But I can't find the Eon ticket code on
So, the method to get the new shiny Rayquaza is a bit ridiculous:
Hi everyone. How often do you think that QR cheat is going to be used. I love playing competitive pokemon but with all this steroid use I almost feel is not worth it anymore.
Hi everyone. How often do you think that QR cheat is going to be used. I love playing competitive pokemon but with all this steroid use I almost feel is not worth it anymore.
Unfortunately it and Power Saves have somewhat ruined the competitive environment by making people cheat to get the Pokémon, but really in the end the results would be the same. It sucks that they cheat to get this way, but don't let it deter you. That way, when you win, you win with honour.
As said, browser injection and QR Code injection will likely be patched out soon, but Power Saves will annoyingly always be an issue. Unless the player publically announces that they do it, it's hard to trace and punish those players.
Do you think the cheats are widely used in official tournaments?
Guys do you care about your Trainer ID?
I keep soft resetting to get a simple and clean Trainer ID. Not joking. Am I alone with that problem..?
Well ideally I'd get 5343811 but that's too long![]()
Are you serious? What's the meaning of that number?
My post is serious by the way. Pokemon triggers my perfectionism at the highest ridiculous level.
Those numbers are the ones that look most like the letters that make up SEREBII![]()
Oh. I didn't notice that. That's cool. You are the admin of Serebii?
Yep, that's me![]()
Hi everyone. How often do you think that QR cheat is going to be used. I love playing competitive pokemon but with all this steroid use I almost feel is not worth it anymore.
I'll be honest with you. If I finally got a Trainer ID I am fine with. I'm going to add certain pokemons through hacking. I want to play the story with my favorite six. And you don't get those early the legal way. And those aren't legendaries.
Genning is already available anyway.
Most of these genned mons are designed to be competition legal anyway.
I personally have no problem it as long as the stats and movesets are legal, although I don't it myself.
Pokemon has a lot of time taxes for the competitive game, and although GF has made the game a bit more streamlined in Gen VI, genning is still faster than breeding.
Why don't you breed an egg on another game and trade it over so it hatches with the OT/ID if they're not legendaries
It is completely against the rules though
Do you think the cheats are widely used in official tournaments?
Too badNorth American Eon Ticket code: 2015LATIOSLATIAS
European Eon Ticket code: POKEMON380381
Hi all,
I really wanna pick up ORAS as it's the only Pokemon game I've not played. (I lied, I haven'y played B/W either...but it doesn't make for as good a story). However, I've heard that much like X/Y it's really easy and there's little depth to the game if you aren't competitive or trying to fill out a Pokedex. So! While I don't really care to enter tournaments or anything, I am interested in perhaps building up a team that can play competitively (enough) online. So, I wonder if you folks might be willing to help out with some basic questions?
Just how much of an investment is this time-wise? It seems I'd need to review lots of pairings and move sets and even get into breeding as the default folks are a little sparse, but how much of a time commitment are we talking here? Cause I don't wanna have to read a tome just to get decent at the game. And is ORAS the standard for the community right now, or is X/Y still getting a lot of the attention?
Hope this makes sense. Any other advice you might offer would help tremendously.