North American Eon Ticket code: 2015LATIOSLATIAS
European Eon Ticket code: POKEMON380381
Thanks, Joe. I'll post it on my thread.
North American Eon Ticket code: 2015LATIOSLATIAS
European Eon Ticket code: POKEMON380381
Hi all,
I really wanna pick up ORAS as it's the only Pokemon game I've not played. (I lied, I haven'y played B/W either...but it doesn't make for as good a story). However, I've heard that much like X/Y it's really easy and there's little depth to the game if you aren't competitive or trying to fill out a Pokedex. So! While I don't really care to enter tournaments or anything, I am interested in perhaps building up a team that can play competitively (enough) online. So, I wonder if you folks might be willing to help out with some basic questions?
Just how much of an investment is this time-wise? It seems I'd need to review lots of pairings and move sets and even get into breeding as the default folks are a little sparse, but how much of a time commitment are we talking here? Cause I don't wanna have to read a tome just to get decent at the game. And is ORAS the standard for the community right now, or is X/Y still getting a lot of the attention?
Hope this makes sense. Any other advice you might offer would help tremendously.
Welp. I was giving one of the initial tickets and I still haven't gone to the island because I never want to catch legendaries in case I need to reset for it later =[ IVs ruined the legendary/event experience. I have so many unused wondercards in my old games.
Its actually not that time consuming once you get the hang of it. Its slow at first, but once you know how to breed and train, you can easily build a competitive team in 3 or 4 days if you only play for a couple of hours a day.
What takes time is getting to know and keeping up with the ever changing metagame if you plan on playing for the long run.
Hey guys, I've just finished playing Black 1 and Black 2, and they were brilliant, the best story and the best postgame in the series consecutively. I'm interested in picking up a new 3DS for Pokemon X & Y and Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, but I wanted to know if they're worth buying?
I've heard really bad things about the story and postgame in X & Y, and whilst the bad story part doesn't bother me since the stories in the Pokemon games are usually rubbish, with Black and White 1 being the exception, the lack of a good post game worries me. Whilst Black 1 had a rubbish post game but made up for it with a good story and Black 2 had, imo, a below average story but made up for it with a phenomenal postgame (Pokemon World Tournament FTW!), X & Y seems to lack both. Would I be better off waiting for the inevitable 3rd version?
I haven't heard much about the story and postgame of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, so I wanted to know if the games were good enough to tide me over until version Z is released? Also, if they are worth playing, there's the matter of the water routes in Hoenn, please tell me they toned them down? I remember my first experience of Ruby and it's water routes all those years ago, there was much suffering lol. Never again I said lol
To go off the trail quickly, how is the competitive scene this days? I haven't taken part since the days of DPP, where the constant sight of the same exact small group of pokemon, in nearly every team I faced, made things stale and boring, and eventually caused me to just say fuck it, and retire from the competitve scene. Has that situtation improved in the subsequent two generations, or is everyone still copy/pasting smogon teams and movesets?
Anyway, thanks for reading and I look forward to your replies![]()
Hey guys, I've just finished playing Black 1 and Black 2, and they were brilliant, the best story and the best postgame in the series consecutively. I'm interested in picking up a new 3DS for Pokemon X & Y and Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, but I wanted to know if they're worth buying?
I've heard really bad things about the story and postgame in X & Y, and whilst the bad story part doesn't bother me since the stories in the Pokemon games are usually rubbish, with Black and White 1 being the exception, the lack of a good post game worries me. Whilst Black 1 had a rubbish post game but made up for it with a good story and Black 2 had, imo, a below average story but made up for it with a phenomenal postgame (Pokemon World Tournament FTW!), X & Y seems to lack both. Would I be better off waiting for the inevitable 3rd version?
I haven't heard much about the story and postgame of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, so I wanted to know if the games were good enough to tide me over until version Z is released? Also, if they are worth playing, there's the matter of the water routes in Hoenn, please tell me they toned them down? I remember my first experience of Ruby and it's water routes all those years ago, there was much suffering lol. Never again I said lol
To go off the trail quickly, how is the competitive scene this days? I haven't taken part since the days of DPP, where the constant sight of the same exact small group of pokemon, in nearly every team I faced, made things stale and boring, and eventually caused me to just say fuck it, and retire from the competitve scene. Has that situtation improved in the subsequent two generations, or is everyone still copy/pasting smogon teams and movesets?
Anyway, thanks for reading and I look forward to your replies![]()
The single player postgame in both XY and ORAS is terrible. However, getting into competitive play is easier than ever with the new breeding and training mechanics, so it kinda evens out in my eyes. I have gotten more playtime out of Battle Spot this gen than all of the postgames in the previous games combined.
Singles/Smogon is just a broken mess since GF obviously stop trying to balance that metagame a long time ago. VGC Doubles is great right now and with every Pokemon sans OP legendaries being legal, teams tend to be very diverse relative to singles.
How is singles unbalanced?
Most mega evolutions are broken to hell and back and are able to sweep entire teams without much trouble. It's insane how powerful they are. Of course, they always ban them, but that ends up removing variety. I just don't consider that a healthy metagame.
You mean Smogon bans them correct? Because I see megas in Singles Battle Spot.
Anyone here a female Growlithe in a fast ball that they can trade me? You can have some perfect mons in return for helping me out.
Still want one? I don't have one at the moment but can get one on my HeartGold.
Yup, still do. Thanks a lot in advance for taking the trouble to do this![]()
Not pictured are the 4 failed attempts for Cyndaquil. Totodile and Chikorita were first attempts.
Gen V is my favorite by far, but Gen VI is nice. GF again speed up battles. They're the fastest in the series, which was impressive given Gen V was pretty speedy.
If I were you, I'd get ORAS since it was more Mega Evolutions available and Move Tutors. Dex Nav is also better than Friend Safari since no one is really on Pokemon XY these days.
XY does have more obtainable Pokemon, but ORAS has tons of legendary Pokemon to capture.
Breeding mechanics are also better as fathers can pass their Hidden Abilities with a Ditto at times and Destiny Knot know works to transfer IVs from the parents. A huge addition.
I don't battle much online, so I'm not too versed there.
The single player postgame in both XY and ORAS is terrible. However, getting into competitive play is easier than ever with the new breeding and training mechanics, so it kinda evens out in my eyes. I have gotten more playtime out of Battle Spot this gen than all of the postgames in the previous games combined.
Singles/Smogon is just a broken mess since GF obviously stop trying to balance that metagame a long time ago. VGC Doubles is great right now and with every Pokemon sans OP legendaries being legal, teams tend to be very diverse relative to singles. Here's an example of some of the stuff that's viable on VGC right now.
The problem is when they ban pokemon that are not broken. I don't buy that over-centralization talk and, in my opinion, trying to define what's best for a meta-game as complex as pokemon is extremely pretentious.
VGC though is doing pretty well in gen 6, i didn't like it at all but it's my favorite meta now.
Beginners should wonder trade a lot, many players send great rejects on it and they can be very useful for someone who just started.
All right, I have one now. Transferring it up right now. Let me know when you're ready.
TBH I would be afraid of using wonder trade now, with all the QR pokemon, I wouldn't risk getting a defect or a glitched pokemon that could ruin your save.
Wonder Trade is one of my favorite new additions in Gen VI. Can those really ruin your save? :/TBH I would be afraid of using wonder trade now, with all the QR pokemon, I wouldn't risk getting a defect or a glitched pokemon that could ruin your save.
Can defect pokemon even be traded?
Wonder Trade is one of my favorite new additions in Gen VI. Can those really ruin your save? :/
It should be. If you have a Pokemon with a Jolly nature and Synchronize ability such as Ralts, you should be able to get Jolly 100% of the time.Guys I have saved right before I get the Contest Pikachu. I want a jolly one.
I use this IV calculator: http://www.psypokes.com/dex/iv.php
It's the same as the regular Pikachu right?
It should be. If you have a Pokemon with a Jolly nature and Synchronize ability such as Ralts, you should be able to get Jolly 100% of the time.
I don't know, tbh, but I'm willing to be extra cautious regarding it.
I know that if you use the wrong QR it might screw your save, but I don't know if you can trade a defect one. As I said, I stopped gambling with Wonder Trade.
Animal Crossing Wild World hackers still haunt me, so I won't risk again.
Late to the conversation but I do agree with the above about how battle spot singles arent really that fun to me either now that im getting backish into the meta game. Plus doubles feels more flexible in terms of what you can pull off
My guess is that they'll introduce a 3rd wave of Megas in Pokemon Z or whatever they call it.
The Johto, Unova, and Kalos Starters are missing megas.
Although a Mega Greninja would seem very broken lol.
So.. how likely is a Delta Emerald?
It's the mega evolutions. I like them as a concept since they allow GF to give weaker pokemon power ups without needing to create a brand new evolution for them, but they're a slippery slope, because once you give a few pokemon mega evolutions, you need to give other pokemon mega evolutions as well to balance the playing field out.
Inevitably, you'll then have fans of certain pokemon complaining that their favourite pokemon are being unfairly overlooked, so now GF have to them give them mega evolutions as well to avoid accusations of favouritism, and it spirals down from there, until even the already powerful as fuck pokemon, who don't need a mega evolution, get one as well. At that point, all hell breaks loose, and for the first time in history, you have have a pokemon being banned from Ubers.
There was no way the mega evolution mechanic being introduced was ever going to end well for the singles meta lol
Like I said above, I'll probably just stick to the doubles meta once I get my team up and running, if only just to avoid the clusterfuck. Maybe the mega evolution mechanic, like other mechanics in the past, is just a one generation thing, and things will go back to normal in the 7th gen. I'm not holding my breath though lol
Guys is this a good competitve Cosplay Pikachu? I want a jolly one.
That's the best result I got so far.
There is no such a thing as ''competitive'' Pikachu, man... Or do you intend to use one in VGC? Anyway, 31 in Speed and the atacking stats you are going to focus is a must, the other stats are fine from 28 to 31.
I was going to reset for one too, but I decided against it after finding out that Cosplay Pikachu doesn't have Volt Tackle and can't be transferred into Pokebank. I might as well just breed one later if I really want a Pikachu.I intend to play competitve with it yes. I use my favorite pokemons. Though I dropped this one and I am still stuck in the corridor. I need someone who offers me a jolly pokemon with synchronize.
I was going to reset for one too, but I decided against it after finding out that Cosplay Pikachu doesn't have Volt Tackle and can't be transferred into Pokebank. I might as well just breed one later if I really want a Pikachu.
I'm sorry, I fell asleep. Playing while laying in bed is a bad idea >.<
I'll be playing all day so just send me a trade request if you see me. I have you on my friend list already so hopefully I'm still on yours. My IGN is Anto.