5.2% chance. You can do it
Luckily there's no limit on the amount of codes you can redeem in one game, so if you have ~$200 to spare, get 19 tickets (though I'm unsure if you can receive the same Arceus twice or not)
Anyone want to sponsor? : D;__;
I assume the codes last for a while? I'll need to double check.
Hopefully I can farm the VGC Pokemon in May and pay for the codes that way. Although I was hoping to use those to barter for the 6 random legendaries, but Shiny Arceus...
Tickets available with the code until July 17th. Codes redeemable until August 31st
Be warned. There's already a crapload of hacked ones going around, especially on Wonder Trade, which obviously isn't possible with legit ones due to the Wishing Ribbon it holds.
Yeah they can. There's no limits on Primal ReversionI've been playing Pokémon almost none stop since X and Y was release. Even with that there's still a couple of things I'm not sure.
The only Mega evolution I like and bothered with is Lucario's. After some Website banned it, alot of people I wanted to play with didn't want to bother with me because I used him so I stopped bothering with mega evolution.
Last light my team went up against a legendary team that had 2 Arceus, Groundon, Kyorge, Rayquaza,and a Darkrai. Here's what I'm not sure of..
He sent out his Kyorge and ot automatically Primal evolve before I could choose an action for my Milotic. He quickly recalled the Kyorge and sent out Groundon which Primal evolved before my toxic even launched that same turn.
after I took out his Primal Groundon he rage quit.
Can people legit Primal evolve Two Pokémon in the same battle?
Last light my team went up against a legendary team that had 2 Arceus, Groundon, Kyorge, Rayquaza,and a Darkrai.
Was the Trainers name Tobias?
EDIT:Welp, Mega Metagross avoided a ban from OU by a measly 2.7%. The OU Showdown chat is in flames.
Was the Trainers name Tobias?
EDIT:Welp, Mega Metagross avoided a ban from OU by a measly 2.7%. The OU Showdown chat is in flames.
Okay, so. Legendary Hunting questions. I have a couple. Will spoiler tag in case anyone actually cares:
- I only have Alpha Sapphire, and I know that some legendaries are version exclusive. I know you need sets of legendaries to get the third legendary from a generation (a la needing Palkia and Dialga to get Giratina), so will using the Pokebank to bring over a legendary from an older game work? (Like my Ho-oh from SoulSilver, just as an example.)
- The only legendary I do not have is Groudon (and Shaymin, sob). Is there any non-painful way to get it without buying a copy of Omega Ruby? The GTS is ridiculous as fuck, as always.
Okay, so. Legendary Hunting questions. I have a couple. Will spoiler tag in case anyone actually cares:
- I only have Alpha Sapphire, and I know that some legendaries are version exclusive. I know you need sets of legendaries to get the third legendary from a generation (a la needing Palkia and Dialga to get Giratina), so will using the Pokebank to bring over a legendary from an older game work? (Like my Ho-oh from SoulSilver, just as an example.)
- The only legendary I do not have is Groudon (and Shaymin, sob). Is there any non-painful way to get it without buying a copy of Omega Ruby? The GTS is ridiculous as fuck, as always.
Transferred mons are OK, but you will need ORAS Regis to unlock Regigigas.
- Breed some 5IV popular Pokemon, put them up on the GTS and ask for a Groudon. Some people really don't care about cover legendaries and will easily trade them away for competitive Pokemon. I got my Yveltal and Kyogre that way.
Doesn't work like that.
When you enter the code, you have a random chance of receiving each Arceus. This is set and there's an equal chance between each of the 19 Arceus (18 normal, 1 Shiny). If you get any of the 18 normal ones, they'll never be shiny.
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Should I be happy? I only just started using it XD
Was the Trainers name Tobias?
EDIT:Welp, Mega Metagross avoided a ban from OU by a measly 2.7%. The OU Showdown chat is in flames.
Need to get a MM, never tried it before besides the campaign, but that was a joke.
Smogon sucks.
Could they just wait for a second let things play themselves out at least? It's not even been a year.
I don't use Smogon tiers nor do I follow their silly "bans". (Oh noes Swagger is too OP with Play Rough omg plsnerf)
I don't put Double Team on my pokemon because it's a dick move, not because a website told me not to. Swagger is meant to force switches.
Then again I prefer Doubles and just find it annoying when passerbys I challenge in Singles quit because I used Horn Drill like once for the lulz. Nobody plays fun sets these days, it's all just whatever Smogon says "is best". Back in generation 4 I had a Giga Impacting Delcatty which almost never worked out but it took some people by surprise hahaha
The main issue with Smogon is their obsession with stall. They absolutely love it on there and it's why Mega Metagross was put up for suspect testing, since with it's high attack, immunity to toxic and resistance to stealth rocks, it can get around stall. Wait, you thought MegaM was put up for suspect testing because people thought it was OP? LOL! It had nothing to do with that, many of the bans, outside of the obvious legendary bans, have nothing to do with a Pokemon being too OP, it's usually because they can get around stall. It's been like that for years.
If you ever see a Smogon player using phrases like "This Pokemon makes the meta unhealthy" or "This Pokemon makes the meta stale", that's usually another way of them saying, "I can't run full stall like I used to". Every time Gamefreak makes something that makes stall unviable, they try to ban it to protect their unnatural playstyle, a playstyle that really shouldn't exist, and this is coming from me, a Smogon player![]()
Enter the Dragon Type Online Competition is beckoning.Smogon tiers are fine when you're using their simulation. However, it does annoy me when people try to translate them to cartridge and don't want to battle with me for fun just because I'm using Talonflame or other banned Pokemon. My Poor Mega Rayquaza will always remain in it's box never to be used![]()
I also like to look at PGL although it can be inaccurate for unpopular Pokemon (as in unskilled players only use these so movesets might not be up to par, you might also see ideas you never thought of or harsh realities like the most reliable KOing move for Seaking being Horn Drill). It also allows you to filter by format which is a key thing as sets can be completely different. One thing I was ignorant about was Kangaskarn for example, it runs Earthquake all the time in singles but never in doubles.I refer to Smogon every once in awhile usually when I need an idea for a general Poke build and I don't know much about that site nor do I care to learn about it.
Someone on Twitter bought 20 tickets.
You'd think they'd get them all, right? Turns out you can get the same one multiple times after all. He got:
Meadow Plate * 3
Zap Plate * 3
Fist Plate * 2
Pixie Plate * 2
Icicle Plate * 2
Stone Plate * 2
Silk Scarf
Draco Plate
Spooky Plate
Toxic Plate
Sky Plate
He's a bit sad by it. No shiny.
See, that's the kind of luck I'd have. Though I'm not surprised you don't get one of everything. GF wants to make sure you have a ton of those ones you don't want. I guess at least he has trade ait?
If I were to use a Corocoro Eon ticket code and then transfer the ticket to my US AS, that game an continue to pass it, right? It's not just whoever claimed the ticket initially, is that correct?
The Eon Ticket spreads, so you should be OK. Just make sure you have the Eon Ticket on all your game files before wiping any files : )
Hey guys. I just bought my copy last night and i think i figured out the team i wana run through the game with. As usual...most of them cant be gotten until after the E4.
Im looking for these pokes:
Dragon dance bagon
Hidden ability torchic
Shadow sneak aegislah (first form)
Hidden ability abra.
I know im essentially asking for freebies but as the game has been out for quite some time i figured this wouldnt be a big deal. Advantegous natures and iv are always nice but its more of an ocd thing than a competitive battling thing. I just like a nice powerful squad.
My final in game team will look something like this:
I dont have the fc or anytbing yet but if you could set them aside, i can always pm you my details later.
Edit: how soon can i start trading in game anyway? After the firdt badge?
Yeah, I don't think any of my battles will get crazier than this. I should stop playing for a while because there's no way I can top this. I was literally sweating at the end because it was so tense:
Smogon tiers are fine when you're using their simulation. However, it does annoy me when people try to translate them to cartridge and don't want to battle with me for fun just because I'm using Talonflame or other banned Pokemon. My Poor Mega Rayquaza will always remain in it's box never to be used![]()
Daemul is correct for the most part. The ones who make policy decisions on Smogon have been biased towards stall for a long time.Smogon doesn't have a bias for stall. Most of them seem to hate facing it, and strong stall mons (like Chansey) are downplayed whenever possible to discourage people.
But they usually ban anything that threatens a certain play style. Greninja was banned because it wrecks hyper offense teams for example.
Just went and got my Pokebank HA starters, and wow. Could my poor Meganium get much worse?
2 - 3 / 15 / 6 - 7 / 8 - 9 / 2 - 3 / 10 - 11
Just went and got my Pokebank HA starters, and wow. Could my poor Meganium get much worse?
2 - 3 / 15 / 6 - 7 / 8 - 9 / 2 - 3 / 10 - 11
I don't mind if people agree to play Smogon rules amongst themselves, but that should not affect Battle Spot, which it what it does.
Yeah, I don't think any of my battles will get crazier than this. I should stop playing for a while because there's no way I can top this. I was literally sweating at the end because it was so tense:
Just went and got my Pokebank HA starters, and wow. Could my poor Meganium get much worse?
2 - 3 / 15 / 6 - 7 / 8 - 9 / 2 - 3 / 10 - 11
Late reply but WG can be used consecutively. Think it's the only protection move that cantales from the battle maison part 2
cpu used wide guard 4 times in a row...what ever happened to that whole fails if used in succession talk? lol
If you still need them I can help with most of thoseHey guys. I just bought my copy last night and i think i figured out the team i wana run through the game with. As usual...most of them cant be gotten until after the E4.
Im looking for these pokes:
Dragon dance bagon
Hidden ability torchic
Shadow sneak aegislah (first form)
Hidden ability abra.
I know im essentially asking for freebies but as the game has been out for quite some time i figured this wouldnt be a big deal. Advantegous natures and iv are always nice but its more of an ocd thing than a competitive battling thing. I just like a nice powerful squad.
My final in game team will look something like this:
I dont have the fc or anytbing yet but if you could set them aside, i can always pm you my details later.
Edit: how soon can i start trading in game anyway? After the firdt badge?
Edit2: i just read up on magnezones hidden ability. Anybody got an analytic magnemite?
Whoops. Freak critical on Deoxys. He comes back, right?
Beat the Elite 4 to make it respawn.Anyone? Did I just lose my chance at Deoxys?
Have you checked GTS? If not, try checking there. If there is no reasonable trade there, Just post when you become available for trading.Does anyone here have a Ghastly/Haunter they'd be willing to trade to my ORAS game? It can just be one caught in the wild, I don't mind. I didn't realize they weren't in the game.
Late reply but WG can be used consecutively. Think it's the only protection move that can
If you still need them I can help with most of those
Hey guys. I just bought my copy last night and i think i figured out the team i wana run through the game with. As usual...most of them cant be gotten until after the E4.
Im looking for these pokes:
Dragon dance bagon
Hidden ability torchic
Shadow sneak aegislah (first form)
Hidden ability abra.
I know im essentially asking for freebies but as the game has been out for quite some time i figured this wouldnt be a big deal. Advantegous natures and iv are always nice but its more of an ocd thing than a competitive battling thing. I just like a nice powerful squad.
My final in game team will look something like this:
I dont have the fc or anytbing yet but if you could set them aside, i can always pm you my details later.
Edit: how soon can i start trading in game anyway? After the firdt badge?
Edit2: i just read up on magnezones hidden ability. Anybody got an analytic magnemite?