Guess Serena's Fennekin only comes in the Hardy variety?
I'm a sick man
Guess Serena's Fennekin only comes in the Hardy variety?
Currently playing though Pokemon XY. I got to the fireworks scene with Shauna, and I was like "Wut?". Then I got given the Protect TM afterwards....
Nintendo pls...I don't wanna go to jail....
Yeah, as far as I know there's no benefit to not Mega Evolving Raquaza outside of having another Mega to use instead?Doesn't Delta Stream already overwrite other weathers? Seems like its just plain better than Air Lock.
Of course, surprise tactics are not very helpful in a Best of 3 and often not even in later Swiss rounds.
Ran into a dude using the whole Arcainine Skill Sweep thing. Shut that shit down real quick with a taunt.
Just looked up what that is. Damn, now I miss playing doubles, always loved Arcanine and seeing him destroy things looked nice.
Arcanine is awesome right now in Doubles. Fire is an amazing defensive type with Hyper Voice Sylveon running around thinking she owns the place. And he also laughs at Landorus with his own Intimidate. He ain't getting OHKO by anything.
I bred one a week ago to use him but I haven't been able to slot him in a team so far. So sad![]()
It's based off a fellow VGCer team.Damn, Cybertron is now using Virizion in his series. Let it be known that I was using it before it was cool.
Arcanine is awesome right now in Doubles. Fire is an amazing defensive type with Hyper Voice Sylveon running around thinking she owns the place. And he also laughs at Landorus with his own Intimidate. He ain't getting OHKO by anything.
I bred one a week ago to use him but I haven't been able to slot him in a team so far. So sad![]()
I thought the game did(Legendary location spoilers.)
I wish it told you when you captured a Pokemon; Uxie is not appearing at the Nameless Cavern, and I could swear it's been 12 hours since I caught Mesprit. Guess I'll go catch Lugia while I wait.
Alright started doing some calcs and I might be jumpin on the Clefairy bandwagon...
Can anyone explain to me about exp share. I just got it yesterday, and looking at it in the items menu I see an option for register and then deselect, no idea what this does?
Does anyone know how long I can wait to renew my PokeBank until my Pokemon get deleted? I haven't played in a bit, so I'm only going to renew when I start playing again and actually need it.
If you register it and press Y you can toggle the EXP Share on and off. You can register up to four key items and then use the Y button and D-Pad to select which on you want to use. It's pretty useful for things like the Bike and Itemfinder. Deselect unregisters it from the Y button.
Around a year from the looks, but we don't have set details
I thought the game didWhen you enter a portal area if a legendary is there a string of text will appear. If you caught Mesprit and just waited at the portal you won't find Uxie because you are still in the Mesprit map if that makes sense. The thing is a savior with the Johto legendaries and their 20 minute windows.
Arizona doesn't observe DST, so no.Did you flip your 3DS time for DST, by chance?
PC New Plushies and Hoopa Hype.
PC New Plushies and Hoopa Hype.
Hi Pokemon GAF. This isn't exactly related to ORAS but I'm selling my art at an anime convention and I'm primarily interested in focusing on Pokemon. If you were to buy Pokemon prints, what would you want the prints to feature? Starters? Villains? Trainers? Eevees? I'd love some suggestions!
Quick question...
Can I SR for a shiny rayquaza if I save right before battling him? I don't want to go thru Zinnia's monologue every time, but I also don't know if rayquaza is shiny-locked.
Thanks for reminding me that Pokemon Hanufuda did indeed happen (that is where the art for the theme is from)Pokémon Hanafuda
Huh? Chespin stopped evolving.
Thanks for reminding me that Pokemon Hanufuda did indeed happen (that is where the art for the theme is from)
Finally picked up Omega Ruby on the weekend - just landed at Slateport! Trying so hard not to be a perfectionist this time and just enjoy the adventure... will see how far that lasts! Is there more post-game content than previous iteration of RSE and X/Y? Was a bit disappointed with the end game in X/Y.
Lucky enough to pick up the Eon ticket already too, bonus of living in a big city i guess!
Rayquaza is shiny locked
That Rayray theme and the Hanafuda theme are pretty awesome. Are there any good Pokemon themes for the US? I haven't looked at themes in forever because... well they were shit the last time I saw.
Looking at those plushies, makes me sad because I see Lugia is there too. I wanted one of those forever while there, but never saw any when I went.
Oh damn. The Pikachu ones are adorable! >_> Might have to get one later today LOL. Slowpoke one is pretty cool too. Did that come out around the time they released that reggae track? Because seeing Slowpoke like that makes me think of that video.
Yep. It even has that track in the background
Hahaha.. OMG, that is so awesome. Though when Ryo said the "Yah" I figured it was. I could see that getting annoying, haha. Oh god that one is so tempting too. These things run about $5 a pop yeah?